Jew-hating tweets from two CNN staffers outed

In the space of two days, tweets by two CNN staffers have been brought to light that seem to express horrific sentiments about Jews.  One of the staffers, CNN photo editor Mohammed Elshamy, "resigned" from CNN.  The other, Karim Farid, who appears on CNN's Arabic service, is claiming that his tweets have been taken out of context and is defending himself.  There is no formal indication that he has left the network.

The Washington Examiner writes about Elshamy:

Social media posts from years ago by a CNN photo editor and writer reveal that he called Jews "pigs" and praised their deaths.

In a 2011 tweet, Mohammed Elshamy, 25, wrote, "More than 4 jewish pigs killed in #Jerusalem today by the Palestinian bomb explode. #Israel #Gaza." Elshamy joined CNN in January 2019.

The tweet was an apparent reference to the March 23, 2011 bombing of a crowded Jerusalem bus stop that injured 39 people and killed two, not four. Among them was a 14-year-old girl who remained unconscious in the hospital for six years until her death in 2017.

Even for CNN, that was too much:

The second CNN employee appears on the network in its Arabic language channels and tweeted in that language, making it harder for the brass in Atlanta to spot his bias, though obviously the executives of the Arabic language service who hired him would have been able to see them.  Hannah Bleau of Breitbart covers the story of Arthur Schwartz using Google Translate to unmask the tweets.

Kareem Farid heads up a digital tech show on CNN Arabic.  He began in January 2019, according to his LinkedIn profile.  He is also listed as the "Lead of Storytelling and Video Production at APCO Worldwide."


Matt Dornic, writing from a email address, claims:

Kareem is neither an employee nor a paid contributor of CNN. He appeared as an unpaid guest commenting on technology in some 1-minute videos that appeared on the CNN Arabic website - its not a TV network. And it’s not a TV show

On Friday, tweets surfaced showing Farid writing, "I love you Hitler" and commending the Nazi dictator for "his determination to reach his goal."

Farid claimed that he was taken out of context:

Schwartz responded:

Bleau recounts a now deleted response tweet from Farid:

Again another tweet out of context. The guy was insulting Muslims and I was responding to him using his logic! Read the tweets in raw and you will understand.

— كريم فريد (@KareemFarid) July 26, 2019

To which Schwartz responded:

The exchange continued.  You can read all of it in Bleau's report here.

As Schwartz commented in a later tweet, keep all of this in mind as you watch CNN's coverage of Israel.

Or, as James Earl Jones sonorously intones on CNN's air so often, "this is CNN..."

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