A failure to assimilate
Donald Trump is going after black racism head-on. After Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) attacked Trump over comments about the Squad, Trump fired back with tweets about Baltimore being a rodent-infested mess that its congressman Cummings himself, should invest his time on improving rather than poking his nose into other people's business around the country.
Of course, the Leftiverse lost its mind, and now shouts of racism fill the airwaves. That nothing Trump said touched on race in any way is irrelevant. He trampled all over the Sacredness of Anything Black and must pay the penalty.
At long last, we have someone in a position of power who isn't afraid to utter the truth in public. Indeed, Trump relishes this sort of fight and is good at it. Decent Americans of all colors have silently watched out-of-control black criminals destroy city after city because raising any questions, doubts, or objections bring down storms of career-destroying, job-ending accusations of white racism or Uncle Tomism.
This is the race conversation America has needed for so long, a conversation where black destructiveness and visceral hatred of anything not black gets called out and held to account rather than excused and let go. For decades in the inner-city, thugs have murdered, raped, and destroyed with impunity as beleaguered police come under attack for doing their jobs.
We get the distinct impression that black "leaders" like Elijah Cummings deliberately keep things roiling and boiling so they can siphon off a share of the billions of federal dollars that have gone to cities across America without the promised improvement.
What we have here is failure to assimilate. The black inner city doesn't accept anything about America, and it's time to do something about it. Donald Trump is leading the way. Godspeed, Mr. President.