Lefty cop haters celebrate murder of young female Sacramento rookie cop

Apparently, the blood hadn't even dried on the pavement when the cop-haters turned up to celebrate the murder of a Sacramento rookie female police officer, killed by a domestic-violence lunatic in the line of duty.

Daily Caller has the appalling story about how these people, undoubtedly all leftists because nobody on the right supports this kind of behavior, sprang into action:

Several bystanders taunted Sacramento police officers Wednesday as they worked near the scene of a line-of-duty shooting that took the life of a female rookie.

Jay McDonald, Vice President of the National Fraternal Order of Police, issued a statement about the incident Friday:

“While her family and her brother and sister officers were just learning of Officer Tara O’Sullivan’s tragic death, police haters in Sacramento made numerous comments celebrating Officer O’Sullivan’s murder and disparaging police,” it read in part.

Someone died trying to resolve a domestic violence dispute, acting as a peacemaker in a dangerous circumstance, and there are creeps who cheer?

It's unbelievable. 

The Daily Caller links to an actual video of the protestors taunting and heckling the police officers who were trying to mop up after the horrific incident. The mental anguish they endured - first from the death of someone they knew - and then in the ugly rants of the barbarians whose paths they had no choice but to cross, must have been awful. It certainly explains why a press release had to go out.



It rather resembles the acts of people who shoot at firefighters trying to douse flames in infernos.

There actually ought to be a law against this kind of hideous behavior, but it's perhaps useful that there isn't. Cops from now on will know the character of those who are out there.

This case was cut and dried - the cop who was killed was a hero, and the criminal who murdered her deserves nothing less than the maximum penalty. Nobody decent disputes that.

But with people like this, so easily triggered and so organized to be so quick to spring into action, one can only wonder with apprehension about what happens when the lines are not so easily drawn, when some "unarmed teen" gets killed in some kind of confrontation, which may or may not be an example of police misbehavior. With people like this around, we all know what the response will be. And the merit of the case won't matter.

The message being sent to Sacramento's cops, as a result, will be that they're out there and they're waiting. How likely are these cops to take chances or stick their necks out, given that there's a cheering section awaiting their deaths or ready to hold them guilty no matter what they do? It's as if Sacramento is undergoing a Stocktonization now, under the governorship of Gavin Newsom. That doesn't bode well for that city. 

Image credit: Matthew Keys Twitter screen shot


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