Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez out to primary Chuck Schumer?

Well, well, well, what a pretty picture we have with Democrats these days, with radical Democrats now looking at primary fights with utterly crazy socialist ones.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be planning to primary her fellow New York Democrats for a Senate seat, getting ready to target Sen. Chuck Schumer or Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. 

That's what Mike Allen at Axios is reporting, citing what's apparently an upcoming Axios on HBO segment, citing "top Democrats," who "buzz." He writes:

Top Democrats tell "Axios on HBO" they expect Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may eventually primary one of the two New York senators — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in 2022, or Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in 2024.

Why it matters: AOC has instantly become one of the party's most coveted endorsers (up there with Clintons and Obamas) — and has recently made common cause with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a pairing that could take off.

A note of caution, though is in order first: Allen's piece quotes only a spokesweasel, and that person seems to be playing down the idea. Maybe the whole thing is a weather balloon or a bite-back bid from Ocasio-Cortez against Democrats who've whispered 'primary' at her for her seat. But who knows what the HBO segment will yield? Allen's a smart swamp thing, and presumably knows what he's talking about.

But if he's right, what a picture this would be. Schumer is the loyalest standard-bearer the Democrats have, the man who acts as Your Father to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's mom. (Remember this?) As Senate minority leader, he's presumably powerful. But recall that Ocasio-Cortez took out Pelosi's right-hand man, Joseph Crowley, when she knocked him out in a 2018 primary, propelling her "unexpected" rise to the House. She's since been considered the real leader of the Democratic Party and House Speaker Pelosi stands at her beck and call on most things. Based on that history, she could easily take Chuck out - and certainly could knock out the lightweight Gillibrand just by breathing on her.

That would be a convenient for Ocasio-Cortez, given that other Democrats are already planning to primary her in her home district, and there is also talk of eliminating her House district seat (maybe due to lack of people as New Yorkers flee? Ocasio-Cortez's signature achievement for his district, remember, was driving Amazon's jobs out). After all, there are few things a socialist apparachik does better than fail upward. Out of the frying pan and into the Senate? 

Here's the other lunacy: Allen notes that Ocasio-Cortez is popular in her outer-borough Bronx-Queens hipster district, and also popular nationally, but statewide, which is where she goes for a Senate seat, not so much. President Trump is actually more popular in New York than she is.

So what we are seeing her is Democrats turning on each other in a quest for who gets the most power over the deplorables. When you stand for basically nothing and your only ideas are about how to get more power for the government, well then, the real contest becomes who gets their hands on the levers of all this power. Good luck with Ocasio-Cortez, Chuck. Republicans can remind themselves once again how lucky they are to have Trump.



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