Mark Levin's Unfreedom of the Press available today

Mark Levin's new book, Unfreedom of the Press, published today, is a remarkable achievement.  If you often get angry at the press and want to understand how we ended up with a mass media establishment that has betrayed its responsibilities and now functions as an adjunct of the Democrats, this is the book for you.

He weaves a penetrating view of the theory and practice of journalism (and propaganda), with a history of the American press from colonial times on, and a devastating critique of the behavior of the leading institutions of American media.  His treatment of the New York Times, in particular, is devastating to that newspaper, and not merely its behavior in the age of Trump.

It is true that, as Mark explains, partisan media are nothing new.  In the early days of the Republic, the "party-press" operated as open advocates for one of the two political parties of the time, Republicans (ancestors of today's Democrats) and the Federalists.  After a period of pretending to be objective purveyors of fact, we are back again to the "party-press," but with a dishonest pretense of being objective.

Throughout the book, Mark relates the history he discusses to the present-day practices of the media that so infuriate anyone not fully committed to the progressive project of fundamentally transforming America.

What makes Unfreedom of the Press so impressive is the combination of scope, depth, and readability.

I honestly don't know how Mark does it all and does it so well: legal scholar; activist lawyer; talk radio giant; skilled television host; and probing, in-depth interviewer.  Now with his new book, he adds media historian and theorist.  That he does all of these tasks superbly is evident to anyone who cares to read, look, and listen.  If I were not so grateful for his work, I'd be very jealous.

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