American Thinker Blog
May 31, 2019
Democrats want to impeach Trump? Go ahead — make my dayMay 31, 2019
What people who have lived under socialism, good and hard, will tell you about itMay 31, 2019
Politico beclowns itself trying to psychoanalyze TrumpMay 31, 2019
Did the Democrats really want Mueller to speak?May 31, 2019
Meryl Streep warns of 'toxic feminity'May 31, 2019
Professor Lichtman's circular logic about who gets elected in 2020May 31, 2019
Facebook massive class-action privacy suit moves to discoveryMay 31, 2019
Millennials aren't bothering to save money because of climate changeMay 31, 2019
US Marines invaded China 119 years ago todayMay 31, 2019
Is balance of trade a real problem?May 31, 2019
How to show whether or not Trump was 'obstructing'May 31, 2019
A statue, but no halo, pleaseMay 30, 2019
AT cartoonist Mike Harris suspended by Facebook over pro-life cartoonMay 30, 2019
Venezuela looking for a U.S. taxpayer-paid IMF bailout?May 30, 2019
Funny how no one wants to look into that report that Omar married her brother...May 30, 2019
Heavy-hitter lefty actor warns what they have in mind for us when they win powerMay 30, 2019
Teachers and carpenters: Who has it worse?May 30, 2019
Bernie comes back for more punishment from the DemocratsMay 30, 2019
The miracle of life, from the world's smallest surviving babyMay 30, 2019
Mueller’s shameful exaggeration of Russia’s election ‘interference’May 30, 2019
China unleashes saber-rattling video responding to US tariff pressureMay 30, 2019
We lost a couple of good guys this weekMay 30, 2019
Inverted Treasury Yield Curve Spooks Wall StreetMay 30, 2019
Handling ‘Fake News’ as AmericansMay 30, 2019
45% of California Roads are Rated in 'Poor Condition'May 29, 2019
Obama gets a $600,000 payday for a single speech in ColombiaMay 29, 2019
Mueller offers sly impeachment baitMay 29, 2019
Democrats' nightmare: Trump so confident he's already campaigning to their baseMay 29, 2019
Biden proves yet again he's an idiot, this time on ChinaMay 29, 2019
Tom Perez braces for criticism from Democrats for cutting the size of the clown car at the debatesMay 29, 2019
Kamala Harris proposes a new 'Voting Rights Act' to force anti-abortion states under DoJ supervisionMay 29, 2019
What do Washington, Churchill, and Trump have in common?May 29, 2019
World's biggest computer show reveals China trade war risksMay 29, 2019
Guess whom Cuba blames for its food shortages!May 29, 2019
Beto O'Rourke's confession: Sometimes he's been a 'giant a------'May 29, 2019
When it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood, there's no such thing as a 'moderate'May 29, 2019
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Dead Man’s RuleMay 29, 2019
What an honest commencement speech would sound likeMay 29, 2019
Turkish weapons supply to the Syrian opposition is an obstacle to the political settlement of the conflictMay 28, 2019
Joe DiGenova blows the lid off the real scandal: The Russia hoax was a cover-up effort for Obama's political spying since 2012May 28, 2019
NBC polling data shows Bernie Sanders with a lock on 'low information voters'May 28, 2019
When Barack Obama declared war on Donald TrumpMay 28, 2019
Trump, America's eagle, soars aloneMay 28, 2019
Old white Joe tees up strike three for the presidencyMay 28, 2019
With Jussie off scot-free, out come the Smollett copycatsMay 28, 2019
Tokyo crowd chants 'we love Trump' as motorcade passesMay 28, 2019
With talks on and military force still out, Venezuela's democrats are turning on each otherMay 28, 2019
What's worse than being a 'caged' child? Being in the 'care' of an open borders advocate's migrant centerMay 28, 2019
Justin Amash, a threat to Trump 2020?May 28, 2019
Freezing in July?May 28, 2019
Loretta Lynch doubles down on cover-upMay 28, 2019
Chick-fil-A wins againMay 28, 2019
Simply honor them the way they would have honored youMay 28, 2019
The good, the bad, and the ugly of the oil business in VenezuelaMay 27, 2019
The left now has a MeToo problem with Martin Luther King. Jr.May 27, 2019
Robert Mueller: Dishonest, deceptive and diabolicalMay 27, 2019
Trump triumphs in TokyoMay 27, 2019
A global Trump revolution in Europe?May 27, 2019
Liz Cheney says Strzok-Page texts 'whole lot like a coup ... could well be treason'May 27, 2019
Contrary to Greenie narrative, not every oil spill is man-made...May 27, 2019
The Joe Bidenest of all the Joe BidensMay 27, 2019
Former top MI6 spy reveals Huawei 99% owned by China communist unionMay 27, 2019
Pitfalls along the road to socialismMay 27, 2019
Remember children of the fallen on Memorial DayMay 27, 2019
Explaining Memorial Day to friends in MexicoMay 27, 2019
The Cromwell wayMay 26, 2019
Another Democrat posts a transparently phony photo, gets hilariously bustedMay 26, 2019
Sunday Schadenfreude: Listen as prominent prog author realizes the book that she is promoting on live radio broadcast is wrongMay 26, 2019
The Democrats and the SquandererMay 26, 2019
Omar blames America first on migrant illegal border crossing deathsMay 26, 2019
Trump Derangement Syndrome claims another victimMay 26, 2019
Italy's port shut-off decreases migrant sea deaths significantlyMay 26, 2019
Pope Francis finally gets something rightMay 26, 2019
Looks like India's Modi getting same fake-news treatment Trump gets on minoritiesMay 26, 2019
Grenell schools Germans about wearing the Jewish kippaMay 26, 2019
How the Left can win with words aloneMay 26, 2019
Time for CNN to turn to food shows?May 26, 2019
'Human rights lawyer' for Palestinians imprisoned for six months in UK after spitting in the face of an Air India crew member during racist tiradeMay 26, 2019
The road to impeachmentMay 26, 2019
Bringing sanity to psychiatryMay 25, 2019
Federal judge's ruling to halt wall points to a judicial system out of control and in need of curbsMay 25, 2019
Things the NeverTrumpers must believe (in no particular order)May 25, 2019
An insider at the San Francisco psychiatrist association convention gives us a whiff of why they're called 'shrinks'May 25, 2019
What to do about Venezuela? Some optionsMay 25, 2019
Theresa May: Good riddanceMay 25, 2019
Liberals' privilege and power are slipping, and they can't stand itMay 25, 2019
The abortion debate: Ultrasound technology changed everythingMay 25, 2019
Hating the president just for funMay 25, 2019
Is political bias ruining science?May 25, 2019
The Left's weaponization of everythingMay 25, 2019
Boomers: Stop pining for the '90sMay 25, 2019
The Mexican economy throws AMLOMay 25, 2019
Studies prove it: People are getting dumberMay 25, 2019
A MAGA Party? Whatever worksMay 25, 2019
Got an embarrassing itch, MSM? Could be Avenatti-itisMay 24, 2019
Joe Biden is about to be embarrassed again as Trump enforces his law on migrant welfare useMay 24, 2019
Russia hoax origins to be exposed as Trump authorizes AG Barr to declassify Russia probe documentsMay 24, 2019
Something making Michelle Obama's ex-chief of staff Tina Tchen nervous about that Smollett case?May 24, 2019
Planned move of offices out of DC driving Ag Dept resignationsMay 24, 2019
Nancy Pelosi treats Kellyanne Conway like 'the help'May 24, 2019
Doomsday elections in Europe?May 24, 2019
Why feminists threw a fit about the finale to Game of ThronesMay 24, 2019
The Problem with Mueller's Russian Interference ArgumentMay 24, 2019
Why Pennsylvania is in playMay 24, 2019
After shocking election results, maybe Australia's insane environmentalist kick is finally overMay 24, 2019
82% of off-shored US manufacturers in China report tariff painMay 24, 2019
Those objective journalists at Reuters report the smashing victory of India’s PM ModiMay 24, 2019
Didn't China sign the Paris Climate Accords?May 24, 2019
Another faded entertainer insults the military because Donald J. Trump is presidentMay 24, 2019
The catchphrase politics of the media and other DemocratsMay 23, 2019
Continuing plunge of CNN, MSNBC ratings reveals that fake news is a bad business strategyMay 23, 2019
Obsessive Democrats like Nadler and Schiff are a plague upon this nationMay 23, 2019
Avenatti blames Trump for his legal morass, and casts himself as 'Icarus'May 23, 2019
President Trump leads the way in VenezuelaMay 23, 2019
Climate and the fate of cornMay 23, 2019
Vicious late-term abortionist in New York Times: 'Abortion saves lives'May 23, 2019
The man who could topple BibiMay 23, 2019
Rethinking restitution: A case for Jewish dignityMay 23, 2019
A somewhat desperate suggestion to fix corruption in our law enforcement agenciesMay 23, 2019
Beto without TedMay 23, 2019
Gen Z Christian youth leading conservative win in EU electionsMay 23, 2019
Understanding how intersectionality works to crush WhiteyMay 23, 2019
Tesla is at risk of bankruptcy if the stock falls by 20%May 23, 2019
Time to Make Australia Great AgainMay 23, 2019
John Guandolo: A champion of freedomMay 22, 2019
Why did Trump hold a rally in this small Pennsylvania town?May 22, 2019
Pay to play, the Democrat way. Now it's Elijah CummingsMay 22, 2019
Leaked internal document reveals Facebook wanted special scrutiny of Candace Owens's background, ideology, looking for reasons to ban herMay 22, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's socialist cauliflower for brainsMay 22, 2019
As Venezuelans starve, and Chavista elites buy yachts with their food aid, Omar and Ocasio-Cortez say the problem is U.S. sanctionsMay 22, 2019
Trump's Pennsylvania rally drove victory for GOP in House seatMay 22, 2019
Who is Joe Biden? It depends on what day it is and what he has to say to get votesMay 22, 2019
Trump is the most law-abiding president ever!May 22, 2019
Two Scandinavian journalists expose the West's demise from 'weak Christianity'May 22, 2019
Illegal aliens are not 'fine' or 'great' peopleMay 22, 2019
Washington Post fails History 101May 22, 2019
Trump trade war makes $89-billion profitMay 22, 2019
And now Joe 'de-Hydes'?May 21, 2019
Information slowly emerging about pipe-wielding mob of Somali 'youths' who attacked people waiting for light rail train in Minneapolis last FridayMay 21, 2019
A federal judge's 'tell' in his order forcing Trump to turn over financial records to House committeeMay 21, 2019
One mystery in the Mueller report still needs solvingMay 21, 2019
Impeachment is now the only play the Left hasMay 21, 2019
Maduro proposes 'elections'...for his opponentsMay 21, 2019
Funny how Elizabeth Warren always gets awkward when she tries to come off as humanMay 21, 2019
New study reveals Trump Derangement Syndrome even weirderMay 21, 2019
Donald Trump's desperately needed immigration wake-up callMay 21, 2019
'Mayor Pete' is Gramsci's perfect socialist vehicle for cultural destructionMay 21, 2019
Photos: Socialism = WarMay 21, 2019
China foolishly threatens rare earth elements banMay 21, 2019
European voters by 2 to 1 believe EU going in wrong directionMay 21, 2019
Mark Levin's Unfreedom of the Press available todayMay 21, 2019
Democrats, Muslims, and anti-SemitismMay 21, 2019
Out of touch Democrats need to look down underMay 20, 2019
Trey Gowdy reveals 'game changer' FBI transcript existsMay 20, 2019
As the tables turn on Russian collusion...May 20, 2019
Eric Swalwell's shocking financial disclosureMay 20, 2019
What's Mitt Romney's problem?May 20, 2019
The recipe for far-right terrorMay 20, 2019
Jim Carrey: If only we could have murdered Kay Ivey when she was just a babyMay 20, 2019
Sanctuary state of Oregon releases illegal alien who raped a dog to death after serving only 60 days in jailMay 20, 2019
Borrowed kids: DNA testing shows a third of those migrant 'families' aren't relatedMay 20, 2019
What's behind Justin Amash's call for impeaching President Trump?May 20, 2019
With open borders, Cuba goes back into the drug-dealing businessMay 20, 2019
Uprooting the EPA's climate fraudMay 20, 2019
AFL-CIO gone MarxistMay 20, 2019
Joe can't move to the middle and keep the baseMay 19, 2019
Can someone ask Elizabeth Warren for her take on the college admissions scandal with all those rich whites claiming to be Indians?May 19, 2019
Pete Buttigieg takes aim at ... Thomas JeffersonMay 19, 2019
Critical Race Theory is destroying our countryMay 19, 2019
California half-fast ‘hi speed rail’ plan now pondering old fashioned diesel trains to salvage something from failed projectMay 19, 2019
Billion dollar China deals, cocaine pipes, Joe Biden's son Hunter always has this way of skatingMay 19, 2019
Australian left shocked as anti-global warming policies cost it a national electionMay 19, 2019
Smackdown: Mickey Kaus makes NYT drive-by Maggie Haberman look like a twitMay 19, 2019
Has Joe Biden already wrapped up the 2020 Democrat primary?May 19, 2019
Dem Congresswoman wants most blacks out of her partyMay 19, 2019
Al Sharpton says Buttigieg’s real problem is that blacks are ‘homophobic’May 19, 2019
Anti-gun radicals are on a misguided missionMay 19, 2019
What does a naked model have to do with aborting babies?May 18, 2019
Saturday Schadenfreude: Al Gore inserts himself into Australia's election — and Aussie voters run the other wayMay 18, 2019
Hey Greenies: Check out the global revolt against your green agenda...May 18, 2019
Venezuela's socialist regime triggers a collapse worse than any nation not at war -NYTMay 18, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets even more unpopular in her home districtMay 18, 2019
House Dems unanimously vote to add transgenders to Civil Rights Act of 1964 protectionsMay 18, 2019
A problematic Venezuelan general turns up dead in a Caracas hotelMay 18, 2019
Kirsten Gillibrand turns theologian, lecturing Christians about the 'Christian'-ness of abortionMay 18, 2019
A Democrat in Louisiana breaks on abortionMay 18, 2019
A new and growing strain of anti-SemitismMay 18, 2019
Which party is more extreme?May 18, 2019
Give life a chanceMay 18, 2019
Rules for white peopleMay 18, 2019
WaPo leaves out crucial facts to make Israel look badMay 17, 2019
Huge new string of criminalities surround California's failed 'motor-voter' systemMay 17, 2019
Trump raises more money from women than all his Democratic women challengers ... put togetherMay 17, 2019
Nikki Haley smacks down cowardly Comrade Ocasio-Cortez over VenezuelaMay 17, 2019
Leftist student lies herself into the pokeyMay 17, 2019
Telling the awful truth about the new SAT ‘adversity’ scoreMay 17, 2019
Side by side, Venezuela and Chile, compared in videoMay 17, 2019
Pelosi’s disgraceful weaseling on merit-based immigrationMay 17, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez embraces paranoid conspiracy theoryMay 17, 2019
Income equality: Don't fight the other guy's fightMay 17, 2019
Didn't the media say Trump is using his office to enrich himself?May 17, 2019
Let's not lose our sense of humorMay 17, 2019
Should the West stop trading with bad actor nations?May 17, 2019
The other road to socialismMay 17, 2019
Two more and we have a major league rosterMay 17, 2019
Trump Blacklists Huawei from 60% of 5G MarketMay 16, 2019
Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing reveal Brennan was the mastermind of the Russia hoaxMay 16, 2019
A huge Supreme Court decision you never heard ofMay 16, 2019
Alyssa Milano's epic fail on sex strike for abortion driving her nutsMay 16, 2019
Liberal stupidity on sex flares up again in abortion argumentsMay 16, 2019
Will Republicans finally be adults in the room with two new immigration reforms on offer?May 16, 2019
Nevada Democrats double down on death, shooting for 'abortion free-for-all' statusMay 16, 2019
The next stage in tech overlords' censorship: De-platforming un-PC blogsMay 16, 2019
Winter is coming for Silicon Valley monopolistsMay 16, 2019
Illegals surge, Trump builds, and House tries to shut down border wall construction behind himMay 16, 2019
Why apologize? The danger of driving anti-Semitism undergroundMay 16, 2019
Germany's Energiewende on the ropesMay 16, 2019
Dem presidential candidates still want to cancel Trump's tax cutsMay 16, 2019
Sandy O: Pseudo-heroMay 16, 2019
Should workers' comp for teachers cover PTSD?May 16, 2019
Real gay-bashing in CubaMay 15, 2019
The real abortion extremists are on the Left, not in AlabamaMay 15, 2019
What are the odds that the Durham investigation is for real and will bring the bad actors to justice?May 15, 2019
Among Millennials, Trump soars — and Bernie Sanders cratersMay 15, 2019
SpyGate coup to remove Trump is worse than WatergateMay 15, 2019
PBS cartoon Arthur pushes homosexuality, redefines marriage for 8-year-oldsMay 15, 2019
Theater is dead: 27-year-old gay propaganda musical revived (again)May 15, 2019
California monster El Niño storm to bring up to three feet of snowMay 15, 2019
Fraudsters Hall of Fame adds new fellowMay 15, 2019
The Left's love of hateMay 15, 2019
Cory Booker gets serious about BSMay 15, 2019
Here's an example of the illegal aliens Trump is trying to deportMay 15, 2019
Democratic Party and Progressive activism empower anti-SemitismMay 15, 2019
Back to the gold standard?May 15, 2019
Trade war pushes China into current account deficitMay 15, 2019
The country needs this investigationMay 14, 2019
Comrade de Blasio gets a rude reception from 'the people'May 14, 2019
So journalists now care about the Constitution and abuses of power?May 14, 2019
US losing control of its border in New Mexico...and cartels are happyMay 14, 2019
The truth comes out: Rod Rosenstein tells us what he really thinks of James ComeyMay 14, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez goes full MarxMay 14, 2019
AG Barr appoints 'bulldog' federal corruption-fighter John Durham to probe origins of Russia hoax investigationMay 14, 2019
Bernie Sanders promises higher taxes to pay for 'Medicare for all'May 14, 2019
Hey, Liz Warren! Remember when MySpace was an internet Goliath?May 14, 2019
Sri Lanka riots target Muslims in vengeance over Easter bombings of ChristiansMay 14, 2019
Venezuelans throw a street party to watch Code Pink get booted from the VZ embassyMay 14, 2019
The trade war mathMay 14, 2019
Trump accelerates directed-energy weapons developmentMay 14, 2019
Where are the Democratic moderates?May 14, 2019
Supreme Court decision opens Apple to antitrust lawsuitsMay 13, 2019
California descending to Third World status with planned electricity blackouts for up to a weekMay 13, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez realizes she said something stupid and reacts badlyMay 13, 2019
Democrats' clown car for president may cost them any hopes of retaking SenateMay 13, 2019
Schadenfreude alert: Robert Francis O'Rourke ponders 'reintroduction' of his failing presidential campaignMay 13, 2019
PetSmart retail chain sues PETA alleging spyingMay 13, 2019
Twitter going after the scientists in conflict with transgender activist orthodoxy nowMay 13, 2019
Kamala Harris tap-dances around her reckless statements in CNN interviewMay 13, 2019
Why isn't the Senate investigating Joe Biden's son Hunter over China, Ukraine dealings?May 13, 2019
'Transgender woman' stripped of victory in powerlifting competitionMay 13, 2019
Journalism vs. human natureMay 13, 2019
Jew-hatred given a pass by Democratic CongressMay 13, 2019
Mike Pence, Pete Buttigieg, and the war on ChristianityMay 13, 2019
Non-intervention in Venezuela is an option, but should it be the only option?May 13, 2019
Keep those baby hearts beating!May 12, 2019
Potemkin Prep: Kamala Harris does an Elizabeth Warren in the kitchenMay 12, 2019
Comey’s top FBI lawyer James Baker admits he’s ’nervous,’ opens some distance between himself and the conspiratorsMay 12, 2019
Double standard? What's Maxine Waters doing on any congressional committee seat with that slate-mailer op run by her daughter?May 12, 2019
Lefty CJR finds that Google slants news for just 20 mainstream media outletsMay 12, 2019
Brexit seems to be rising as a second U.K. tidal waveMay 12, 2019
The endgame for reparationsMay 12, 2019
Harvard surrenders to the #MeToo mob: black dean to leave prestigious postMay 12, 2019
Pompeo’s Mission to Moscow could pave the way for Maduro to exit VenezuelaMay 12, 2019
Who are the Uighurs and why should we care about them?May 12, 2019
Someone explain to Alexandria how rich people get richMay 12, 2019
Illegals' legal blackmail in AmericaMay 12, 2019
Want to shock a college student? Tell him how much tuition cost in the '60sMay 12, 2019
What are the media teaching us about school shootings?May 12, 2019
WaPo jumps to Gaza's defense on missile attack storyMay 12, 2019
Happy Mother's Day!May 11, 2019
In Cuba, socialism's sugar-daddy shortage brings on heavy rationingMay 11, 2019
Uh-oh! The 'reparations study commission' dodge of Dem presidential contenders is in perilMay 11, 2019
Some bad reasons for skepticism about Mueller's reportMay 11, 2019
Marie Harf leaves Fox News for long-shot Dem nomination contenderMay 11, 2019
In homeless-plagued America, why are taxpayers financing second homes for illegals?May 11, 2019
Dems invited hate-mongering imam to open House of Representatives session with prayerMay 11, 2019
Tough love from Donald TrumpMay 11, 2019
Fired CNN contributor raising funds for anti-Israel Palestinian pastor in ChicagoMay 11, 2019
House passes $19-billion disaster aid package over Trump's veto threatMay 11, 2019
I wish Stephen Moore had taken a leaf out of Adlai Stevenson's bookMay 11, 2019
Democratic Party dreck: See how many you can recallMay 11, 2019
Canada downsizes embassy in CubaMay 11, 2019
Diogenes's search is overMay 10, 2019
Two stunning revelations on Russia hoax investigation yesterday from DC super-lawyers Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenovaMay 10, 2019
Comey calls it 'totally normal' to plant an FBI spy in a political campaign?May 10, 2019
Birds of a feather: Why are so many Democrats so reprehensible in exactly the same way?May 10, 2019
The UN is making up claims about extinctionsMay 10, 2019
Can town halls change the Democrats' race?May 10, 2019
So read the thing alreadyMay 10, 2019
Krugman stamps himself into a fit of jealousy over Trump's presidential medal to Tiger WoodsMay 10, 2019
Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez want to deny credit cards to poor people with their demand for price controls on interest ratesMay 10, 2019
With illegals surge, Border Patrol officers are catching the measles and mumps and...May 10, 2019
Trump one of few presidents more popular than at inaugurationMay 10, 2019
We need more immigration enforcement, not more lawyersMay 10, 2019
Schultz has plenty of time to jump inMay 10, 2019
Diversity of thought should trump diversity of skin colorMay 10, 2019
Postmodernism and the Democratic PartyMay 10, 2019
In 2017, CNN applauded harasser of women and teenage girls Brian SimsMay 9, 2019
Joe Biden's fatal weakness if he gets the Dems' nominationMay 9, 2019
The malevolent vengeance of the Democrats and man's inhumanity to manMay 9, 2019
Open borders advocates are getting the open border they wantMay 9, 2019
With Senate Don Jr. subpoena, a Republican dog returns to the Democrats' vomitMay 9, 2019
Joe Biden says that US has an 'obligation' to provide free medical care for illegalsMay 9, 2019
Catholic Church to give 'sanctuary' to Venezuela's fleeing socialist tyrants?May 9, 2019
Back to the Medieval Green worldMay 9, 2019
How can Democrats still miss voter frustration with the liberal elite?May 9, 2019
Hydrocarbons beat biofuels on all countsMay 9, 2019
While Trump tries to save Venezuela, Senate Democrats block his appointmentsMay 9, 2019
Is diversity strength?May 9, 2019
Dems' downfall: People care more about the economy than social-justice wokenessMay 9, 2019
A Pinochet could help VenezuelaMay 9, 2019
American entropyMay 9, 2019
Remember when Romney got grilled for suggesting self-deportation for illegals?May 8, 2019
How much more racist will CNN be?May 8, 2019
Doxxing skinny teenage girls, then smearing them again in his 'apology,' Rep. Brian Sims is some DemocratMay 8, 2019
Feds knew Steele Dossier was politically motivated before it was submitted to FISA Court to permit spying on Trump campaignMay 8, 2019
NY Times pretends it is scandalous Trump reported tax losses during New York's real estate crashMay 8, 2019
90% of Venezuelans want a U.S. Marine invasion?May 8, 2019
Is the migration tide starting to turn? Now even the 9th Circuit is supporting TrumpMay 8, 2019
CNN contributor makes a truly bizarre claim about abortionMay 8, 2019
UN hysteria linking climate change and species extinction mindlessly parroted by mediaMay 8, 2019
Federal Reserve's junk bond warning crashes world marketsMay 8, 2019
Are driverless cars a threat to freedom?May 8, 2019
Putting the Chinese genie back in the bottleMay 8, 2019
Washington Post makes Gaza assault on Israel into Israel's faultMay 8, 2019
South of the border, the killings don't stopMay 7, 2019
Trump administration forces China to sell the Port of Long BeachMay 7, 2019
Judgment Day coming for DemocratsMay 7, 2019
CNN cutting staff by as many as 300 jobsMay 7, 2019
How Trump is turning around the failing efforts to oust MaduroMay 7, 2019
Trump pardons soldiers. Obama pardoned Bradley ManningMay 7, 2019
Google tries to financially strangle leading conservative think-tank and then backs offMay 7, 2019
With Democrats drunkenly denying a border crisis, NYT attempts an interventionMay 7, 2019
Jihad terrorist sentenced in Chicago as media and Obama-appointed judge downplay his attempted slaughter of infidelsMay 7, 2019
When a leftist university terrified of free speech deep-sixed Jordan PetersonMay 7, 2019
Democrats hold heartland disaster areas hostage to more pork for Puerto RicoMay 7, 2019
Yes, America has strategic interests in VenezuelaMay 7, 2019
A closer look at the Church of WokeMay 7, 2019
Journalists forgetting the difference between news and opinion piecesMay 7, 2019
Reckless Democrats preach 'stolen election'May 7, 2019
China defies US oil sanctions on Iran as domestic production flopsMay 6, 2019
Claiming to fear Trump, Nancy Pelosi lets the cat out of the bag about her real fear: Her own partyMay 6, 2019
Peggy Noonan still doesn't get itMay 6, 2019
Blame Israel First: Rashida Tlaib blames Israel for getting attacked by Hamas rocketsMay 6, 2019
CNN: 23 stories on Covington Kids, none on Philadelphia Muslim kids celebrating head-chopping for AllahMay 6, 2019
If media think they are in the clear on the Russia hoax, they need to think againMay 6, 2019
Democrats can't extricate themselves from the impeachment tar babyMay 6, 2019
Trump halts outrageous looting of Medicaid payments to skim money for unionsMay 6, 2019
$2 to hear Hillary and still a ripoffMay 6, 2019
Trump tweets threat to raise tariffs on Chinese exports — stock markets plunge, China hardest hitMay 6, 2019
Is Joe Biden another Hillary Clinton?May 6, 2019
Republicans must pull the trigger nowMay 6, 2019
Clintons and CNN plunging togetherMay 6, 2019
China nuclear triad expansion threatens US trade dealMay 5, 2019
Why Biden won’t get the Dem nominationMay 5, 2019
Code Pink shows Venezuelans their white skin privilegeMay 5, 2019
Asylum-seeking fraudsters bring an entirely new dimension to progressive rhetoricMay 5, 2019
Obama Boulevard? In Los Angeles, the new street name is fittingMay 5, 2019
Dan Crenshaw and Ilhan Omar: a tale of two House freshmenMay 5, 2019
Study sponsored by NOAA finds that poorly-sited air temperature monitoring stations have artificially boosted global warming dataMay 5, 2019
Amid economic shambles, terror: Venezuela's Chavista thugs begin beheading dissidentsMay 5, 2019
Philadelphia Islamic Center schoolkids perform and vow to ‘chop off the heads’ of enemies as the ‘army of Allah’May 5, 2019
Inside Venezuela's scary surveilling and torturing militaryMay 5, 2019
The way 'land for peace' could work in the Middle EastMay 5, 2019
A dose of light and hope when America could really use bothMay 5, 2019
A personal story of Cuba expropriating US investmentsMay 4, 2019
Kamala Harris's glass houseMay 4, 2019
Remember when Obama made fun of Trump's 'magic wand' to fix the economy?May 4, 2019
Godzilla-sized ExxonMobil gets ready to stomp socialist Cuba like a bugMay 4, 2019
Is it time to get it over with in Venezuela?May 4, 2019
Then there's the consequences of that slimy media hit job on Stephen Moore...May 4, 2019
Twitter bans James Woods, and President Trump noticesMay 4, 2019
Omar gets smacked down on Twitter by huge number of Venezuelan 'women of color'May 4, 2019
Lindsey Graham invites Robert Mueller to testify about his phone call with AG BarrMay 4, 2019
Anti-Semitism is nothing new at the New York TimesMay 4, 2019
Why journalists and other Democrats keep pushing phony scandals about TrumpMay 4, 2019
Prohibition: Good idea, bad lawMay 4, 2019
And now for the rest of the Russian novelMay 3, 2019
Spygate gets an irresistible story element: a femme fataleMay 3, 2019
When Obama's ego blew out of his earsMay 3, 2019
Does Joe Biden have any idea about what it is to learn to code?May 3, 2019
WaPo describes Louis Farrakhan as a 'far right leader' in story about Facebook censorshipMay 3, 2019
So the Democrats were pestering the Ukrainians to collude with them to steal the election from Trump...May 3, 2019
Not even a total embargo yet, and Trump already is pounding Castroite Cuba hardMay 3, 2019
The Democrats are worried. They should be.May 3, 2019
California population growth tanks; LA Times tries to explain without mentioning high taxesMay 3, 2019
Stephen Moore bullied into withdrawing from Federal Reserve nomination by gutter journalists at NYT, WaPo, CNNMay 3, 2019
Desperate media and other Dems generating fake hysteria over Barr as reckoning looms over Russia hoaxMay 3, 2019
Mayor Pete and his 'husband': Time's first couple?May 3, 2019
Joaquin said 'no!'May 3, 2019
Global cooling: California snowpack at 188%May 3, 2019
What stupid decisions the Left is making lately!May 2, 2019
Barr laid it on the line with the simple question the Russia Hoaxers can’t answerMay 2, 2019
Barr stuns Sen. Blumenthal during Judiciary Committee hearingMay 2, 2019
Hey, Mazie Hirono! Who Do You Work For?May 2, 2019
Tucker Carlson destroys Eric Swalwell’s latest showboating attemptMay 2, 2019
New York Times now promises ‘Anti-Semitism sensitivity training’ for its staffMay 2, 2019
How many more groups of Americans can Omar anger?May 2, 2019
Buried lede: WaPo reports that Maduro had advance knowledge of Guaido's plans to draw the military back to the side of democracyMay 2, 2019
Trump soars in the polls for his stellar economyMay 2, 2019
The Democrats on the Judiciary Committees are a pack of IagosMay 2, 2019
Blaming America First: Omar claims the US, not socialism, caused Venezuela's 'devastation'May 2, 2019
The victims of the low bail movement that progressives have createdMay 2, 2019
Dem Rep: '‘Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later'May 2, 2019
Communists shoot to killMay 2, 2019
What is the deal with all these social justice warrior Christians?May 2, 2019
Speedy Gonzalez is backMay 1, 2019
Inside the collective snowflake tantrum that tried to get scholar Camille Paglia firedMay 1, 2019
Caravaners clear out after Mexican police raidMay 1, 2019
Trump goes for a twofer: Knocking Cuba's socialist dictatorship out along with Venezuela'sMay 1, 2019
Time to sound the alarm about 5G?May 1, 2019
MSNBC contributor admits a hard truth: In Venezuela, arms ownership mattersMay 1, 2019
Still time to debate any US engagement in VenezuelaMay 1, 2019
Backlash against Jeopardy! winner reveals Democrats hate winners (and number-crunchers)May 1, 2019
Black National Teacher of the Year spewed hatred of America in TEDx talk to high-schoolersMay 1, 2019
Sneaky Mueller trying to sabotage Barr's congressional testimony with leak of letterMay 1, 2019
Biden pulling away from the Democrat fieldMay 1, 2019
Good news for GOP Senate prospects in 2020May 1, 2019
Why is it OK for the IRS to ask people their legal status but not the Commerce Department on the census?May 1, 2019
American Jews are eliminating American JewryMay 1, 2019
Panic over 704 measles cases, silence over 59,500 flu deathsMay 1, 2019
Baltimore's local government worse off than the Orioles
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