American Thinker Blog
April 30, 2019
Omar is 'shocked, shocked' that President Trump could think infanticide could be going on in late term abortionApril 30, 2019
Is it finally coming down? Venezuela's Guaido makes a bold new push for military uprisingApril 30, 2019
Even after synagogue shooting, mass shooting is still a black thingApril 30, 2019
Biden's first campaign rally raises doubts more than enthusiasmApril 30, 2019
With the walls closing in on Obama, Ben Rhodes weaves a sticky narrative webApril 30, 2019
California wildfire prevention: Unplugging Grandma's ventilatorApril 30, 2019
Report from last night's rally outside the New York Times against its cartoon jihadApril 30, 2019
What if conservatives had done it?April 30, 2019
Rep. Dan Crenshaw should become the GOP House public point man on urgent reform of asylum lawApril 30, 2019
How can Democrat presidential candidates bow so deeply to Al Sharpton?April 30, 2019
For leftists, the only goal is to winApril 30, 2019
What's all this about 'Jesus the Palestinian'?April 30, 2019
A PC/woke review of Avengers EndgameApril 30, 2019
How do we know that Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein is a conservative?April 30, 2019
Is Spygate a recycled 1970s plot?April 29, 2019
Judge Nap, the mendacious magistrateApril 29, 2019
Poor Joe Biden: Out to 'rebuild' the middle class Trump has already rebuiltApril 29, 2019
Now we know for sure that Trump is the better manApril 29, 2019
The Notre Dame fire: Conclusions enforced before the evidence was examinedApril 29, 2019
Kamala Harris calls for a federal ban on right-to-work lawsApril 29, 2019
Spain goes left — and probably off the railsApril 29, 2019
Crook politics: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez holds deceptively marketed political fundraiserApril 29, 2019
Gillibrand not making the cut for Dem presidential debatesApril 29, 2019
After Poway rabbi thanks Trump, can we now dispense with the canard that Trump is anti-Semitic?April 29, 2019
Trump's 3.2% economic growth puts Bush and Obama to shameApril 29, 2019
A fake apology from fake news New York TimesApril 29, 2019
Impeachment ain't goin' nowhereApril 29, 2019
CAIR Philadelphia and anti-SemitismApril 29, 2019
Will organized labor blow it again?April 28, 2019
How bad was that White House Correspondents Dinner Trump refused to attend?April 28, 2019
Baltimore a den of thieves?April 28, 2019
Another 'victory' for socialism - Venezuela soars to the top of the world's 2019 misery indexApril 28, 2019
Poway synagogue attack so very, very, vileApril 28, 2019
Universities now requiring loyalty oaths taken to ‘diversity’April 28, 2019
Canada’s version of Medicare for All executes thousands of patients a yearApril 28, 2019
Pope gets political, doling out $500,000 for caravansApril 28, 2019
By its own standards, the New York Times deserves blame for the Poway synagogue shootingApril 28, 2019
New York Times can't bring itself to apologize for its anti-Semitic cartoonApril 28, 2019
On illegals, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez whines about Trump not doing what's actually her jobApril 28, 2019
NYT’s anti-Semitic cartoon was carefully crafted to pander to prejudices of Muslims and neo-NazisApril 28, 2019
All the fake news that's not fit to printApril 28, 2019
The world encouraged Joe Biden to run for president?April 27, 2019
Did Mueller jump or was he pushed?April 27, 2019
California spends $178 million per fish to bring back salmonApril 27, 2019
No scandals? Biden repeats an old Obama whopperApril 27, 2019
Fighting back against the indoctrination that has replaced educationApril 27, 2019
Black principal of Houston inner-city school lays down the dress code...on parentsApril 27, 2019
Prince Charles blamed Mideast conflict on ‘foreign Jews’April 27, 2019
Those filthy TeslasApril 27, 2019
Code Pink upset no one wants to join its pro-Maduro Venezuela sit-inApril 27, 2019
Remember President John Glenn?April 27, 2019
Both China's Xi and Trump signal trade deal agreement is nearApril 27, 2019
Poor Joe BidenApril 27, 2019
A veteran AT reader and comment-writer critiques the Vuukle comment systemApril 27, 2019
Cancel the New York Yankees!April 27, 2019
Leftist judges cry about gerrymandering in Michigan because it doesn't benefit DemocratsApril 26, 2019
Ignorant press 'surprised' by 3.2% blowout GDP numberApril 26, 2019
Trump speaks of 'attempted coup' and previews coming storm headed toward the plottersApril 26, 2019
So much for those economic 'experts'April 26, 2019
Spurning their famous shindig, Trump forces journalists to spend the night looking at each otherApril 26, 2019
Sanders campaign trying (unsuccessfully) to explain away his 1970s attack on the immorality of senators being millionairesApril 26, 2019
Cook County judge reams Kim Foxx's office for double standard on Jussie SmollettApril 26, 2019
Is Michelle Obama the Democratic stealth nominee?April 26, 2019
Concealed carry permit–holder tells Chicago cops he shot and killed a carjackerApril 26, 2019
Massachusetts judge busted for playing 'coyote' to a deportable illegalApril 26, 2019
Newly released Strzok-Page text messages suggest FBI attempt to recruit spies within the incoming Trump administrationApril 26, 2019
The Chicago Sun-Times wishes you a peasant morningApril 26, 2019
Has the NBA finally turned off voters?April 26, 2019
How the Left is saving me moneyApril 26, 2019
Dorian Gray enters the race for presidentApril 26, 2019
Obstructionist Dems are like zombiesApril 25, 2019
In poop-covered San Francisco, the super-rich prey on the Left's merely wealthyApril 25, 2019
Sri Lanka's very own Bill Ayers imitatorsApril 25, 2019
Caravan stopped in Mexico?April 25, 2019
NSA reportedly recommend abandoning surveillance program for all telephone calls and text messagesApril 25, 2019
Bernie Sanders discovered yesterday that a white male nominee is a problem for a huge chunk of the Democrats’ baseApril 25, 2019
Politics has taken the fun out of sportsApril 25, 2019
Pelosi: Trump is an 'existential threat to our democracy'April 25, 2019
Biden makes it officialApril 25, 2019
The Mueller report, at best, shows how the sausage gets madeApril 25, 2019
If Kate Smith's statue goes, so should Muhammad Ali's Liberty MedalApril 25, 2019
US Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOsApril 25, 2019
Government vs. ransomware attacksApril 25, 2019
Two long yearsApril 25, 2019
China's pension crisisApril 25, 2019
The Influencer-in-ChiefApril 24, 2019
The walls are closing in on ObamaApril 24, 2019
Even CNN is noticing Kamala Harris is an empty pantsuitApril 24, 2019
Is Kim Foxx panicking?April 24, 2019
Memo to Democrats: Mr. Trumka is not showing the loveApril 24, 2019
Trump's army of 'the uncovered'April 24, 2019
Sri Lanka's cardinal calls terrorists 'animals' and says 'punish them mercilessly'April 24, 2019
A new accommodation for illegals — on the census?April 24, 2019
New commenting system on ATApril 24, 2019
NY's global warming hypocrisy, from the lowly random student to the mayor himselfApril 24, 2019
UN Human Rights Council member beheads 37April 24, 2019
Whose past is more racist: Kate Smith's or the New York Yankees'?April 24, 2019
Public policy and TwitterApril 24, 2019
Pete Buttigieg's appealApril 24, 2019
Pelosi can't control the majority she did not createApril 24, 2019
Changing hearts and minds on nuclear powerApril 23, 2019
Joe di Genova explains where the Russia Hoax is headedApril 23, 2019
Democrats demanding unredacted Mueller report get a lesson in ‘be careful what you wish-for’April 23, 2019
Why Barr must confront the deep stateApril 23, 2019
A Democrat disaster looms with their nominating conventionApril 23, 2019
Omar calls US Black Hawk troops who tried to deliver aid to her own Somali clan 'Satan'April 23, 2019
It has started: Nasty, irrelevant, media smear campaign against Stephen MooreApril 23, 2019
The anti-Trump left and the incredible uniformity of groupthinkApril 23, 2019
Amy Klobuchar's 'please clap' momentApril 23, 2019
Squatting takes on a new meaning in San FranciscoApril 23, 2019
Beto needs some gender-bendingApril 23, 2019
The Economist jumps on the global warming hysteria bandwagonApril 23, 2019
Tesla celebrates Earth Day with stock crashApril 23, 2019
Narrow minds try to erase history in Oak Park, IllinoisApril 23, 2019
The Times confesses: Most taxpayers got a tax cut under TrumpApril 23, 2019
Pete is white (but he has a 'husband'!)April 22, 2019
Former IBD editorial writers return to print with a new websiteApril 22, 2019
Kellyanne Conway: 'We didn't need WikiLeaks' to win. 'We had Wisconsin'April 22, 2019
'Easter worshippers'?April 22, 2019
US will not renew sanctions waivers for allies buying Iranian oilApril 22, 2019
Census: Residents fleeing Baltimore in record numbersApril 22, 2019
Suspicious details in that incident where U.S. soldiers were disarmed by Mexican troops on the U.S. side of the borderApril 22, 2019
Robert Mueller, the consummate DC schemerApril 22, 2019
The Mueller report has become the left's Da Vinci codeApril 22, 2019
Is 'Easter' a dirty word to Earth Day–touting Google?April 22, 2019
Must-see TV: Joe Biden lavishing praise on William Barr during 1991 confirmation hearing as AGApril 22, 2019
Earth Day: Then and nowApril 22, 2019
US sets world record natural gas production as prices plungeApril 22, 2019
Beto wasn't specific in 2018, eitherApril 22, 2019
Capernaum: A film reviewApril 21, 2019
NYT raises questions about safety of Boeing’s 787 DreamlinerApril 21, 2019
Central American migrants wearing out their welcome in several Mexican townsApril 21, 2019
Key Beto O'Rourke aide leaves the campaignApril 21, 2019
Rebuilding, or redesigning, at Notre Dame?April 21, 2019
ObamaCare robs MedicareApril 21, 2019
Why the Easter Sunday terrorist attack on Sri Lanka was so evilApril 21, 2019
Tiny Malta punches above its weight for a free civilization -- againApril 21, 2019
France's yellow vests angered at huge donations to rebuild Notre DameApril 21, 2019
Western civilization on suicide watchApril 21, 2019
Kate Smith should be allowed to keep blessing AmericaApril 21, 2019
And now for the latest episode of 'Identity politics USA'April 20, 2019
A baby-faced Ocasio-Cortez-lookalike skewers the real oneApril 20, 2019
The fallacy that gun background checks prevent mass shootingsApril 20, 2019
Does this ad 'romanticize' slavery?April 20, 2019
The Mueller report is walking around naked as a jaybird, and James Clapper insists he can see its new collusion clothesApril 20, 2019
Yankees, Flyers dump Kate Smith's 'God Bless America' because she was a racist or somethingApril 20, 2019
Mitt is 'sickened'April 20, 2019
More outrageous behavior from Kim Foxx's officeApril 20, 2019
Elizabeth Warren: Hey, Congress, impeach Trump! I need to win the Democrat nominationApril 20, 2019
What Trump is guilty ofApril 20, 2019
Is Maduro another Noriega?April 20, 2019
Iran uses the Red Crescent as a tool for terrorist activitiesApril 20, 2019
We were warned: Leftists making dystopian fiction into realityApril 20, 2019
White people must repent?April 19, 2019
Dems' dilemma: The country wants border security, but their base wants open bordersApril 19, 2019
Illegals now 'Smolletting' conservatives to score visas?April 19, 2019
The Mueller Report becomes a tar baby for the DemocratsApril 19, 2019
In wake of the Mueller Report, Barr stands tallApril 19, 2019
AG Barr's new asylum rules vital for border securityApril 19, 2019
Administration stymied again by federal courts over sanctuary city policiesApril 19, 2019
Buttigieg gains in polls at expense of Biden, SandersApril 19, 2019
New York Times beclowns itself on 'Body of Christ' saved in Notre Dame infernoApril 19, 2019
New York Times beclowns itself on 'Edelweiss' tooApril 19, 2019
...And they say Trump is a jerkApril 19, 2019
Why Crazy Bernie will lose in 2020April 19, 2019
It's time for Schiff to put or shut upApril 19, 2019
Donald Trump as the Count of Monte CristoApril 18, 2019
Another line they cut into: Illegals get free public housing as impoverished Americans waitApril 18, 2019
Why did the media dump Beto for Pete?April 18, 2019
Even Democrats are rejecting Omar's 'Benjamins'April 18, 2019
Some French lefties say Notre Dame rebuild shouldn't be 'overburdened' with Christian meaningApril 18, 2019
Peru's Alan Garcia — the socialist who came to recognize what socialism does to a country: RIPApril 18, 2019
Victor Davis Hanson weighs in on the Notre Dame Cathedral fire…brilliantlyApril 18, 2019
Brexit revolution explodingApril 18, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez's message from the futureApril 18, 2019
It's time to end the 501(c)(3) cover for the LeftApril 18, 2019
Bernie Sanders endorses perinatal homicideApril 18, 2019
21 questions for Bernie SandersApril 18, 2019
Robots no threat to laborApril 18, 2019
MAGA: West Coast imports crash 19% in first quarterApril 18, 2019
Those $1,000 dinner dates for the non-Cuban elitesApril 18, 2019
The symbolism of Notre DameApril 17, 2019
The Left shows up for the Notre Dame inferno, and the junk thought spewsApril 17, 2019
How illegal aliens arrive here as ready-made DemocratsApril 17, 2019
Yuma, AZ mayor declares state of emergency as migrants inundate the cityApril 17, 2019
New DOJ Report: 60,000 criminal illegal aliens are in federal custody at a staggering costApril 17, 2019
Is Michelle Obama trying to run for president with her knock on divorced dads, US cities?April 17, 2019
Trump vetoes resolution that would have ended US involvement in YemenApril 17, 2019
Michelle goes low, lower with 'divorced dad' insultsApril 17, 2019
A pathetic failure to recognize what is priceless about Notre DameApril 17, 2019
Agent Orange and other veteran-cidesApril 17, 2019
More claptrap from the 'party of science'April 17, 2019
Pelosi's Pacific Heights needs refugeesApril 17, 2019
Sanders smarter than PerezApril 17, 2019
No, Sandy, the problem wasn't the Green New Deal's rollout. The problem was the Green New DealApril 16, 2019
So the Russians wanted Bernie Sanders elected president in 2016 all along...April 16, 2019
Huge victory for genuine scientific inquiry on global warmingApril 16, 2019
Glib talk in the wake of the immensely sorrowful Notre Dame infernoApril 16, 2019
Bernie Sanders tells Fox News town hall that he won't pay his 'fair share' in taxes unless he is forced toApril 16, 2019
Trump confronts China with aircraft carrier bristling with F-35BsApril 16, 2019
Funny how all the 'Russia-Russia-Russia' coverage went 'poof' at the Pulitzers after the Mueller reportApril 16, 2019
It didn't take long for the Notre Dame fire conspiracy nuts to crawl out from under their rocksApril 16, 2019
Lots of MeToo stories nominated for the Pulitzer this year — and an accused MeToo miscreant among the judgesApril 16, 2019
Report: US gave Ecuador a 'verbal assurance' Assange would not face the death penalty if extraditedApril 16, 2019
What will it take for journalists and other Democrats to tell the truth to the public?April 16, 2019
It's time to get the federal government out of educationApril 16, 2019
WaPo covers up information to make Israel look badApril 16, 2019
The progressive road mapApril 16, 2019
Flawed souls, flawed choicesApril 16, 2019
When VP Nixon met Fidel CastroApril 15, 2019
60 Minutes gives Nancy Pelosi a softball interview — and exposes a weaklingApril 15, 2019
Five reasons why campaign cash is rolling in for Trump and even Goldman Sachs is forecasting victoryApril 15, 2019
Not in Cher's neighborhoodApril 15, 2019
Little noticed change in visa procedures leads to skyrocketing number of denialsApril 15, 2019
Man's inhumanity to man. The Democrats have mastered it.April 15, 2019
Dallas will no longer prosecute 'petty crimes'April 15, 2019
The European left's 'Extinction Rebellion' is more radical than even the 'Green New Deal'April 15, 2019
Unhinged Hollywood lefties continue to suggest assassination of President TrumpApril 15, 2019
Your Tax Day schadenfreude pick-me-upApril 15, 2019
Senator Graham to introduce long overdue asylum reform billApril 15, 2019
Two largest organizations of America rabbis call on Trump to pressure Netanyahu to abandon his election pledgesApril 15, 2019
In defense of HungaryApril 15, 2019
All he had to do was mind his manners...and Assange couldn't even manage thatApril 15, 2019
NYT editorial board member writes op-ed saying everyone's income taxes should be available to the publicApril 15, 2019
Mexico has made a mess of the caravansApril 14, 2019
Mask off for the left after disgusting string of tweets mocking Rep. Dan Crenshaw's war injuriesApril 14, 2019
US business its own worst enemy in fighting China hackingApril 14, 2019
Here it comes: Rep. Tlaib blasts Dem leadershipApril 14, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tries to drive another New York business out of the cityApril 14, 2019
Must-see TV: Tucker Carlson’s epic takedown on Dem hypocrisy on sending illegals to sanctuary citiesApril 14, 2019
Releasing Jussie Smollett was the least of Kim Foxx’s sinsApril 14, 2019
Saturday Night Live starts taking on leftists - and gets funny againApril 14, 2019
Maduro calls for a million more militia thugsApril 14, 2019
Germany makes more excuses about not ponying up to 2% of GDP for NATOApril 14, 2019
Trump unleashed: Ready to roll on moving migrant surge to sanctuary citiesApril 14, 2019
Bernie Sanders defends his earning over a million dollars in one yearApril 14, 2019
A Nigerian brother involved in another winning fightApril 14, 2019
Obama’s Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan tells it like it is about the illegal alien crisisApril 14, 2019
Beto and Bernie could pay their 'fair share' right nowApril 13, 2019
Remember Murietta? Dumping unvetted migrants into the cities of political foes was done by Obama firstApril 13, 2019
Academia's rabid left taking new swings at leading intellectuals who don't conform - Paglia, Scruton..April 13, 2019
Some Colorado sheriffs in open rebellion over 'Red Flag' gun lawApril 13, 2019
Omar caught showing her true sympathies, againApril 13, 2019
Hackers access FBI-affiliated websites to post personal info of agents and police officersApril 13, 2019
Terrifying video on antisemitic conference at the University of North CarolinaApril 13, 2019
A sudden cluster of Islamic terror attacks on synagogues, thwartedApril 13, 2019
Ease of documenting MSM's/Democrats' use of word 'spying' about surveillance reveals genuine 'derangement'April 13, 2019
Trump appears to embrace plan to bus illegals being released to sanctuary citiesApril 13, 2019
Trump trolls the Democrats to highlight their hypocrisyApril 13, 2019
Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Americanism exposedApril 13, 2019
God Through Binoculars: A brief reviewApril 13, 2019
MAGA: H&R Block average customer paid 25% less tax in 2018April 13, 2019
LockerGoga ransomware and national securityApril 13, 2019
What happened to the moderates?April 12, 2019
Veterans' Old DealApril 12, 2019
Why is Ben Rhodes hell-bent on defending Ilhan Omar?April 12, 2019
Michael Avenatti indicted on 36 counts, including embezzling millions from a paraplegicApril 12, 2019
White House wanted to release asylum-seekers into sanctuary citiesApril 12, 2019
City of Chicago sues Jussie Smollett for costs associated with investigating his hoax hate crimeApril 12, 2019
Why does USBank have an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lookalike pushing a broom in its ad?April 12, 2019
FBI was still assessing reliability of Steele even after getting FISA warrantApril 12, 2019
Who's howling loudest about Assange's arrest? Try the RussiansApril 12, 2019
When will this nightmare end?April 12, 2019
Mayor Pete Jesus-splains to me?April 12, 2019
Why aren't Democrats supporting policies that lift those at the lower end of the economic scale?April 12, 2019
Ilhan Omar downplays 9-11: The deadly something that some deadly people didApril 12, 2019
Dems and GOP on health care: Different priorities means no agreementApril 12, 2019
Secretary Pompeo making friends in South AmericaApril 11, 2019
Democrats' railings about Barr and spying will end badly for themApril 11, 2019
Sporting cell phones, brand-name clothes — and babies, another 1,000-strong migrant caravan heads for the USApril 11, 2019
GOP wants to put Democrats on the spot again with vote on 'Medicare for all'April 11, 2019
Julian Assange arrested inside of Ecuadorian embassy in LondonApril 11, 2019
Maxine Waters beclowns herself to the big red nose level on student loansApril 11, 2019
All but one Democrat in the House co-sponsors a bill to allow males to compete on female athletic teamsApril 11, 2019
Amazon spying controversy shows that one way or another, free stuff is always going to be paid forApril 11, 2019
Nick Sandmann v. Washington Post: The defendant countersuesApril 11, 2019
Egypt withdraws from US-led anti-Iran security pactApril 11, 2019
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange arrested inside London Ecuadorian embassyApril 11, 2019
Medicare for All is terrifyingApril 11, 2019
Pelosi should have known betterApril 11, 2019
California wildfires are burning down public utilitiesApril 11, 2019
Socialists and strongmenApril 10, 2019
AG Barr will investigate origins of counterintelligence operations against Trump campaignApril 10, 2019
Netanyahu wins historic fifth term in Israel, New York Times calls that 'a setback'April 10, 2019
Awash in cash from Silicon Valley's plutocrats, Kamala Harris insists she's really there to help the little guyApril 10, 2019
Candace Owens: The anti-Ocasio-CortezApril 10, 2019
President Trump pulling up the drawbridge on goodies for illegalsApril 10, 2019
When unvaccinated Jewish kids are more dangerous than unvaccinated illegal aliensApril 10, 2019
The implications of Netanyahu's re-electionApril 10, 2019
The demise of media objectivityApril 10, 2019
Pete Buttigieg: Smart man, ignorant theologianApril 10, 2019
Is the Democratic Party possessed?April 10, 2019
Tea Party for TrumpApril 10, 2019
Educrats vs. students: the Milwaukee showdownApril 10, 2019
Trump, tariffs, and the new (old) Republican PartyApril 10, 2019
Beautiful pitch from TrumpApril 10, 2019
Central planning destroys health care innovationApril 9, 2019
Socialist Venezuela now an exploding supernova of spreading infectious diseaseApril 9, 2019
Nunes files $150-million lawsuit against McClatchy alleging conspiracy in Clinton probeApril 9, 2019
...Meanwhile, Trump's approval soars — now hitting 53%April 9, 2019
Man claims NYC officials are abetting neighbor's theft of his propertyApril 9, 2019
Beto O'Rourke wants farmers to hand over their 'fair share' of crops to stop global warmingApril 9, 2019
It's too easy to call someone a racist these daysApril 9, 2019
Activist judge rules to let all unvetted migrant asylum-seekers inApril 9, 2019
US Secret Service director says he wasn't firedApril 9, 2019
Sanders calls for federal ban on right to work lawsApril 9, 2019
Omar calls President Trump's Jewish adviser on illegal immigration a 'white nationalist'April 9, 2019
Rep. Eric Swalwell joins the clown car posse of Democrats running for presidentApril 9, 2019
Reparations are just a way to weaponize guiltApril 9, 2019
If corporate PAC money is so bad, why don't they give it back?April 8, 2019
As Democrats struggle to find 'who can sell this slop' to voters, here comes Stacey AbramsApril 8, 2019
Beto O'Rourke injects himself into Israeli elections, calls Netanyahu a 'racist'April 8, 2019
Rep. Nunes refers 8 people to Justice Department for prosecutionApril 8, 2019
Will Elizabeth Warren be the first to be thrown from the Democrat clown car?April 8, 2019
Kim Foxx whips out the race card to shield herself from her own Smollett decisionApril 8, 2019
US troops pull out of Libya as fallout from Obama-Clinton policies continuesApril 8, 2019
Sorry to see Kirstjen Nielsen goApril 8, 2019
Why amnesty isn't the answerApril 8, 2019
Raw, stinky progressive BS needs a reckoningApril 8, 2019
CNN disgraces itself over Mike PompeoApril 8, 2019
Breaking Australia's backApril 8, 2019
So there's no crisis on the border...April 8, 2019
The EU: 'Pinnacle of well being' for bureaucratic elitesApril 8, 2019
No expectations: Mick Jagger and British health careApril 7, 2019
Obama shatters previous record, mentions himself 467 times in one speech in BerlinApril 7, 2019
So why's Obama slinking around Germany and 'privately' meeting with Angela Merkel?April 7, 2019
Get ready for it: Newsom to blame illegal immigration on global warmingApril 7, 2019
Democrat Diogenes looking for honest members of his partyApril 7, 2019
Democrats so white.... and desperately seeking black votesApril 7, 2019
If the U.S. isn't going to militarily hose out Venezuela, it better start making Russia's Venezuela military intervention expensiveApril 7, 2019
Boris Johnson to finally get his shot as U.K. prime minister?April 7, 2019
New York Yankees trade baseball victories for ... the United Nations Climate AgreementApril 7, 2019
Kim Foxx (and Jesse Jackson) face-plant at rally intended to show support for her letting off SmollettApril 7, 2019
Dems and reparations: a few questionsApril 7, 2019
The Tea Party is back!April 7, 2019
Trump hits another one out of the park in naming Herman Cain to Fed boardApril 7, 2019
Venezuelans defecting to the Republican Party?April 7, 2019
Trump meeting his match in Putin?April 6, 2019
ICE raid in North TexasApril 6, 2019
Godspeed, Ron DeSantis!April 6, 2019
The very rich are differentApril 6, 2019
Howie Schultz must be giving the DNC night terrorsApril 6, 2019
Democrat policy: No lives matterApril 6, 2019
How would cutting taxes five to eighteen cents per day reduce income inequality?April 6, 2019
Trump's support from Hispanics has got to be worrying DemsApril 6, 2019
Keeping GOP Senate majority in 2020 could get easierApril 6, 2019
Why aren't Mueller's indictments challenged as unconstitutional?April 6, 2019
Violence and harassment against Trump-supporters and GOP in CaliforniaApril 6, 2019
Did Elliott Abrams just take the US military option for Venezuela off the table?April 6, 2019
Exiting Marine general who leaked documents to undercut Trump should be McCabe'dApril 6, 2019
US will designate Iran's Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organizationApril 6, 2019
Putin has big problems on the Russian home frontApril 6, 2019
Was Revolutionary War hero Casimir Pulaski a woman?April 5, 2019
General Michael Flynn may be the key to uncovering and prosecuting the Deep State attempted coupApril 5, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez attacks black rising star at Fox News — and face-plantsApril 5, 2019
A surefire way to stop Pelosi from getting ahold of Trump's tax returnsApril 5, 2019
2020 Dems bend the knee to Al Sharpton at National Action Network conventionApril 5, 2019
Buried lede: So now we have caravans loading up with migrants from Sri Lanka, Congo, Haiti...?April 5, 2019
Final frontier for campus thought police: Alumni reunionsApril 5, 2019
It's time for Trump to actApril 5, 2019
Why is Ecuador still protecting a scorpion like Assange?April 5, 2019
Pete Buttigieg wants you to know he's very, very, very sorry he used the phrase 'all lives matter'April 5, 2019
Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and other defenders of Venezuela socialism are costing Democrats FloridaApril 5, 2019
Macron comes out swinging against French 'fake news,' blames Trump, BannonApril 5, 2019
Joe Biden's selfie culture apocalypseApril 5, 2019
What goes around...April 5, 2019
The surprising economics of a no-deal BrexitApril 5, 2019
NATO not aging wellApril 4, 2019
Finally! Mitch McConnell shuts down Democrats' obstruction of confirmation of Trump appointeesApril 4, 2019
Algeria ousts its dictator, Cuba experiences a sugar-daddy shortageApril 4, 2019
AZ professors rally to cause of student demonstrators who disrupted CPB event on campusApril 4, 2019
Patagonia decides to pick and choose only the wokest buyers for its famous vestsApril 4, 2019
Prosecutors drop all charges in 2015 Waco biker shootoutApril 4, 2019
'Operation Boot Maduro' for Venezuela is back on trackApril 4, 2019
Mo' Gravy: Desperate Democrats now try to outpander each other for 2020April 4, 2019
Louis Farrakhan insults Christian beliefs (and Jews, of course), claims he is JesusApril 4, 2019
Robert Francis O'Rourke jumps on the 'slavery reparations' bandwagonApril 4, 2019
A partial defense of Tucker Carlson's apology to Joe BidenApril 4, 2019
Tucker Carlson and guest absolve Creepy Uncle Joe BidenApril 4, 2019
It may be time for CNN to change formatsApril 4, 2019
Unplanned, the film: What took Abby so long?April 4, 2019
Don Blankenship, Round 2: Taxpayers to pay $550,000 for MSHA failuresApril 4, 2019
Timing of Chinese spy arrested at Mar-a-LagoApril 3, 2019
Russia's been in Venezuela less than two weeks and already it's threatening to attack ColombiaApril 3, 2019
Ratings for CNN and MSNBC continuing to crash, as viewers migrate to Fox News prime timeApril 3, 2019
Jim Acosta doing his best to prove Trump is right about CNN as 'fake news'April 3, 2019
A good night for socialists as Chicago elects first black female mayorApril 3, 2019
Socialism: The elite and the rubesApril 3, 2019
Christiane Amanpour doing her best to prove Trump is right about CNN as 'enemy of the people'April 3, 2019
The 'Medicare for all' nightmareApril 3, 2019
Dems wrong on White House security clearancesApril 3, 2019
The problem with the word 'Islamophobia'April 3, 2019
An assault on reason, brought to you by law dictionariesApril 3, 2019
Israel vs. Hamas: Washington Post reverses cause and effectApril 3, 2019
Democrats doubling down on identity politics for 2020 electionsApril 3, 2019
Venezuela under candlelightApril 3, 2019
Unplanned: A movie Planned Parenthood doesn't want you to seeApril 2, 2019
George Papadopoulos warns the Dems to be careful what they wish forApril 2, 2019
Why do the least-bright people rise to the top?April 2, 2019
The real prime target of Trump’s threat to close the borderApril 2, 2019
Creepy Joe Biden has some creepy Ukrainian problems, tooApril 2, 2019
The roll-out of ‘inappropriate touching’ accusations against Creepy Uncle Joe continuesApril 2, 2019
Filipinos getting wise to China'd-up Duterte, after China bites off a chunk of the PhilippinesApril 2, 2019
The price of avocados: Media ignore border debacle to feed us avocado storiesApril 2, 2019
'All about the Benjamins, Baby': Omar under the gun for using $6,000 in campaign funds to buy stuff for herselfApril 2, 2019
Why we keep losing so many battlesApril 2, 2019
A deep look at the Deep StateApril 2, 2019
Where were the protests during Obama's years?April 2, 2019
Obamacare has a premium problem and a few othersApril 2, 2019
Joe Biden fits the profile of a serial groperApril 2, 2019
'It's not just the economy, stupid'April 1, 2019
General Flynn has been grievously wronged, and Defense Department archives may have the evidenceApril 1, 2019
Did Jussie Smollett rat on his celebrity lawyer?April 1, 2019
Creepy Uncle Joe is toastApril 1, 2019
Pope blames illegal migration to capitalist countries ... on capitalismApril 1, 2019
Washington Post springs to the defense of serial groper Joe BidenApril 1, 2019
Beto's 'native Spanish'April 1, 2019
Pew: Nearly 20% of world's migrant population lives in the USApril 1, 2019
Suddenly, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is against 'blacklists'April 1, 2019
Judge Jeanine is back — and took the high roadApril 1, 2019
Judge Jeanine is back — without a word about her two-week suspensionApril 1, 2019
Brooklyn the latest battlefield between supporters of Palestinians and IsraelisApril 1, 2019
The cost of the Russiagate hoaxApril 1, 2019
Yes, go see UnplannedApril 1, 2019
Will President Trump close the border?
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- There Are EVs And There Are Teslas. They Are Not The Same.
- Trump Didn't Kill the Old World Order -- He Just Pronounced It Dead
- Dems 2025: Stalingrad II or Keystone Kops?
- Go, Canada! Breaking Up Is Not Hard to Do
- Is Australia Set to Become a Security Threat for the United States?
- The Imperial Judiciary Of The United States
- Sanders and AOC: 100 Years of Socialism
Blog Posts
- New report: NYPD officer accused of spying for the Chinese…from the same building as the FBI field office
- Quebec to ban religious symbols in schools?
- Joe Biden can help Republicans
- Low-hanging fruit is not enough
- Trump Makes Coal Great Again
- Israel’s appearance in the JFK files does not connect it to JFK’s death
- Waiting for an investigation of COVID-19 crimes
- Has Women’s History Month served its purpose?
- Democrats and their digging
- Obesity epidemic: Sometimes, the most obvious answer is on the table
- Trump officials ‘inadvertently’ include a reporter in their Yemen chat
- America’s new generation of young women who don’t want marriage or babies
- Black terrorists talk ‘seizing the means of production’ in South Africa
- Eurologic: Danes, other Europeans, vow to fight back against America by ... not buying their arms
- Why are ‘conservative’ influencers promoting welfare spending?