Watch Beto O'Rourke destroy Joe Biden's presidential run

Yesterday, Beto (Robert) O'Rourke announced his candidacy for the presidency.  Only six months ago, he said he would not run.  Increasing the field by another white heterosexual will help dilute the already crowded field.  Hopefully, many more Democrats will choose to run soon.  Maybe the next will be former Vice President Biden.

Here is the benefit of Beto's announcement.

Beto is the new rock star on the left.  He cannot stake a moderate position, as he has already supported the usual extreme positions that most of his opponents have previously enumerated.  But his most ardent followers are younger and highly motivated to change the world.  Already pundits are arguing that he is moderate.  If that is so, which it is not unless his opponent is Bernie Sanders, he is likely to take votes and polling numbers from Biden.

So far, Uncle Joe presents the most reasonable option to fend off Trump's attack on socialism.  But at 76 and clearly without any energy in his last few speeches, he lacks the support of the media, which have chosen Beto.  This will keep Biden from showing enough star power and will likely doom his candidacy as time wears on.  Beto will have to find a way to kill off the rest of the pack.  This is unlikely.  You can ride a skateboard only so far.

Kamala Harris has not gone up after a great start.  She could come with a win in California and the western states.  This may make her a contender or a vice presidential candidate.  But her shameless search for more leftist causes (now including reparations for slavery) does not get her to the head of the class. 

Senator Warren has no chance to lead the party after her false use of Indian heritage.  Senator Gillibrand now has her own sexist scandals to defend.  Soon Georgia's Abrams may join the fracas, but she is hardly likely to gain traction, since she also is running from the left.

This is great for Bernie, as he has a committed crowd that will support him under any circumstances.  This means he will come to the convention with a strong number of delegates.

Bernie may not be your average socialist.  He does not deny that socialism is his aim.  He adds that he is a democratic socialist.  This reminds me of one more thoughtful person, now dead.  Howard Zinn said he was a bit anarchist, part socialist — yes, a democratic socialist.  Thanks to him and his minions at Boston University, we now have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, former Bernie-supporter.

Beto said he was born to run for president.  What an ego — makes Trump wonder.  Women will swoon, and some will vote, but he has already supported the Green New Deal in principle.  He gave a rather forlorn rationale for his campaign, as he sees himself as the last great hope for the planet.  Maybe he can take a weather balloon and float away.  Bye!

Image: Kelly Kline via Flickr.

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