The passion excuse

Democratic Party enthusiasts’ years ago wore white hoods and gathered to scare, harass, and sometimes murder people of backgrounds different from their own.

One must suppose these awful people were passionate.  Murder is, after all, most often a crime born of passion.

Of course, passion is no excuse for terrible behavior. 

Yet many Democrats use this excuse as common prescriptive.  Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, for example, is labeled “passionate” as an excuse for making stupid assertions about the world ending in twelve years unless we get rid of cows.   Another example is Ilhan Omar.  Her anti-Semitic proclamations are glossed over as “passion” for the Palestine issue.

Passion is not a virtue.  Passion is an emotion.

People who live soaked in emotion open themselves up to a balance sheet of overwhelming red ink.

Love is in the black.  Empathy is in the black.  Joy is in the black.

Passion is in the red.  Stress is in the red.  Taking offense is in the red.  A constant requirement for “safe spaces” is in the red.  Anger is in the red.  Jealousy is in the red.  Rage is in the red.

And once a person decides to live essentially in the red they unwittingly create an inner susceptibility to hate.

Hate is the final destination of all unchecked emotions. 

It is the presence of  “passion” unwed to careful “thought” that creates a climate ripe for the pseudo-moralistic attitudes of Twitter mobs, the legacy media, and even our own Congress.

Passion is the basis, not the excuse, for slander and bias and hate against just about anybody.

That’s not new; it’s old as human nature.  The irony lies in the entire “woke” pretense.   Are these folks “woke” enough to recognize their own behavior as mimicking the actions of historical movements that led to tyranny?

Democratic Party enthusiasts’ today wear masks and gather to scare, harass, and sometimes attack people of persuasions different from their own.

I guess we are almost back where we started.

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