House Democrats pass yet another laughable measure

It's pretty clear that the Democratic caucus that runs the House of Representatives has a low opinion of the intelligence of the American public, but a measure passed Tuesday takes the cake when it comes to wasting the taxpayers' time, attention span, and money.  At least the media have done them the favor of largely ignoring it.

Intoxicated with the idea of investigating President Trump right out of office, until yesterday, they were able to cling to some pretense of plausibility, even if making ridiculous (and financially ruinous) demands on anyone associated with President Trump, including his children.  Those constraints no longer apply.  On a voice vote, making it impossible to hold any solon responsible for the idiocy:

[L]awmakers approved the Vladimir Putin Transparency Act, a bipartisan [which Republican or Republicans?] bill that accuses Putin of undermining democratic reforms in Russia.

"It is the sense of Congress that the United States should do more to expose the corruption of Vladimir Putin, whose ill-gotten wealth is perhaps the most powerful global symbol of his dishonesty and his persistent efforts to undermine the rule of law and democracy in the Russian Federation," the bill said.

Are they going to subpoena Putin's tax returns?

Or will they demand that Vlad appear before a committee for grilling on his wealth?

Do they expect him to fall into a perjury trap?

No doubt, they want to score points against President Trump, on the absurd theory, now nearing death from lack of evidence, that Trump and Putin are in league against Truth, Justice, and the American Way.  (Never mind Trump tanking Russia's economy with massive oil production and consequent low prices, and vastly expanding American natural gas exports to Europe, countering Russia's strategic and economic strategy.  And the evidence that Putin is going for broke with a doomsday bomb.)

Hat tip: Lauri Regan

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