Democrat goes all Darth Vader on a school bus

In my last article I quoted a post from a Democrat, “We have the money, real estate, education and the best jobs. When we think about you we think you are a dying breed which you are thankfully.”

No doubt this guy believes it because he’s so elite, which he is thankfully.

Follow this link to see another elite Democrat flaunt her money, real estate, and education while doing her very best at work -- she is an aide on a school bus and the little boy is wearing a MAGA hat.

You can tell that she loves “The Children” as all Democrats claim to; she’s probably taken time off from her high-powered and well paying full-time job to assist the village in raising this little boy. 

An elite and expensive education is the source of her smooth and polished vocal technique. 

One of my old bosses in education told me, and I change the adjective because this is a family friendly publication, “If it walks like a bumpkin and talks like a bumpkin, it is a bumpkin.”

Liberals like to pretend that Trump supporters sound like her, but we don’t.  Quite the opposite, most Democrats sound exactly like her.  Okay, she may have just one ounce more class than most Democrats I meet, but when at such truncated levels class is hard to distinguish let alone quantify.

But she is definitely a ground-level Democrat.  All of the 20th floor 5th Avenue faux erudition oozing daily from each posture at CNN or MSNBC or the New York Times slides downhill three octaves into this genus of effluent loudmouthed bullying from everyday Democrats.  On the local school bus, at our favorite restaurant, maybe the Lincoln Memorial.

Call it trickle down histrionics.

I don’t want her fired; my life’s too short for that.

I just want her to get over the big-picture themes like global warming, racism in America, or Injustice to gay and transgender television stars.   I want her to start caring more about the little boys and girls who ride her bus every day.   She should be nice to all of them and send each and every one into their day with a smile and a warm thought regardless of what they are wearing or thinking.

She can’t imagine how wonderful and thoughtful they will be in return.

If she could manage that one little change in her behavior our world might become a healthier village in which to raise children.

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