MAGA gavel: More Trump judges coming down the pipeline

Just when the Democrats and the left are clutching their pearls over the prospects of the U.S. Supreme Court being without the services of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, they get hit in the gut.  It was announced on February 7, that the Senate Judiciary Committee under Lindsey Graham has approved 44 more judges for confirmation.  Here's the list.

These men and women are all conservatives.  It is expected that they'll be confirmed by the full Senate, as Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in that chamber.  Once confirmed to their lifelong appointments, another long step will have been taken to rein in a judicial system that has so often overstepped its bounds by making up the law instead of interpreting it. 

The ongoing makeover of the judicial system is a historic achievement by President Donald Trump.  He has been in office just two years.  America will be benefiting from the president's touch for years and years to come.  Next up: another Supreme Court appointment.

It is obvious how the left will respond to all this.  But it will be more interesting to see how the NeverTrump crowd — you know, the self-anointed leaders of the conservative movement — try to spin Trump's judicial successes to make him look bad.

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