Donald Trump's SOTU: Shooting white-breasted ducks on a pond

Let me preface the following praise by saying I have a tough time listening to our president.  His style of speech and mannerisms tend to drive me up the wall in spite of the fact I am in near total agreement with his political agenda and actions as president.  Tonight, my wife had to call me away repeatedly from this computer to get me to come listen to the State of the Union speech.  After the introduction of the WWII vets, I, reluctantly, and grumbling that I really didn't want to do this, got up and went in to join Miz Poe in watching the speech.

All I can say is that I am ever so glad that I did.  To my absolute amazement, Donald J. Trump gave one helluva State of the Union speech, punching my conservative buttons while putting the Democrats in checkmate by cleverly appropriating every one of their major issues as his own.  It was amazing to watch those Democrats initially sitting on their impolite rear ends, refusing to applaud even major positive accomplishments for their constituencies, like historically low black and Hispanic unemployment.  By the time his speech was completed, Trump had large numbers of those same Democrats standing and applauding – even when he pronounced firmly that this nation will never become a socialist country, earning standing applause from even Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, much to the chagrin of Bernie Sanders and Occasional Cortex.

Look, I understand that Trump was reading a speech written by a professional White House speech-writing team, and to give them credit, they handed the man a zeroed weapon.  Donald Trump took that finely tuned instrument of political warfare and proceeded to shoot down all those white-breasted Democrat ducks with volley after volley that left the blasted birds in a state of shocked confusion, looking around at each other for guidance, trying to determine how to respond.  They absolutely didn't want to support anything this man said, but he repeatedly put them in the dilemma of determining what should be their proper response: sit on their fool butts like the childish churls they had intended to be and look truly silly to the watching country, or perhaps applaud, even stand, when their hated foe is making statesman-like pronouncements that obviously are going to resonate with the American public?

I was laughing at their too evident confusion and indecisiveness.  Ol' Poe had to be but one of tens of millions of Americans witnessing the same befuddled indirection of the extreme leftist partisans who presently constitute the Democratic Party.

I'll wager a lot of you had a similar reaction.

Image: Lip Kee via Flickr.

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