American Thinker Blog
December 31, 2018
Google pulls a fast one for political correctness in sponsored New York Times postDecember 31, 2018
The coming Democratic implosionDecember 31, 2018
Roaming mob of 'urban youth' terrorized Chicago's 'Magnificent Mile' in below-freezing weather, sent Asian bystander to the hospitalDecember 31, 2018
Mr. Chief Justice: What are you doing about the fraud on the FISA Court you supervise?December 31, 2018
Can the Washington Post's lefty journalists give these points of bias a whirl?December 31, 2018
Jerry Brown gives rural Californians the middle fingerDecember 31, 2018
Walter Russell Meade: The year's biggest loser...December 31, 2018
New California pet store law looks to end 'puppy mills'December 31, 2018
Is Beto now a 'beta'? New York Times has decided that Kamala Harris shall be the Dem nomineeDecember 31, 2018
The International Criminal Court appoints a Palestinian official who overlooked torture in Palestinian jailsDecember 31, 2018
Where in the world is Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D)?December 31, 2018
When the federal prosecutors target an innocent man…December 31, 2018
California: Land of 1,000 new lawsDecember 31, 2018
China and the Paris AccordDecember 30, 2018
Big Jesse Jackson lie busted by scrappy Chicago neighborhood websiteDecember 30, 2018
Ice isn’t melting in the Arctic and Antarctic, yet big insurance rate hikes on coastal properties loom for purported sea level riseDecember 30, 2018
Sore loser of the year: Michigan Dem legislator stops representing her district after losing August primaryDecember 30, 2018
Leftists eat their own in San Francisco's Mission DistrictDecember 30, 2018
Mexican apprehension about becoming a caravan pit stop has one answerDecember 30, 2018
Cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal may get another court hearingDecember 30, 2018
Foreign cyberattack hits distribution networks of major newspapersDecember 30, 2018
Democrats say, with no evidence, that walls don't workDecember 30, 2018
Sanctuary legislator Kevin de Leon cries big crocodile tears for dead cop killed by illegal immigrantDecember 30, 2018
Public employees fighting to keep their identities secret in abortion body parts caseDecember 30, 2018
A Washington Post writer is shocked that fraudulent reporting continuesDecember 30, 2018
Brit trade minister warns ’50-50 chance’ Brexit won’t happen if PM May’s terrible deal is voted down in ParliamentDecember 30, 2018
Cuban baseball before it became another tool of the stateDecember 30, 2018
The Weekly Standard: Like a really good TV showDecember 29, 2018
Conservative journalist Bre Payton's shock H1N1 death shows just how little the local press is reportingDecember 29, 2018
Democrats: A plague on the nationDecember 29, 2018
Thanks, Schumer! Get ready for a newer and bigger Central American migrant caravanDecember 29, 2018
Retiring Dem senator: When you talk 'Medicare for All,' you 'start losing people in my state'December 29, 2018
Women's March canceled because participants 'overwhelmingly white'December 29, 2018
Chuck Schumer speaks with forked tongue on illegal immigrationDecember 29, 2018
Merkel: 'Nation-states must be prepared to give up their sovereignty'December 29, 2018
Trump's China trade strategy is #winningDecember 29, 2018
You may say I'm a cynic, but I'm not the only oneDecember 29, 2018
Ladders for criminalsDecember 29, 2018
The DOJ's entertainment industry blitzDecember 29, 2018
John Kasich vetoes Ohio's heartbeat billDecember 29, 2018
Immigration: America as an 'attractive nuisance'December 29, 2018
House socialists' new drug plan: Straight from Atlas ShruggedDecember 29, 2018
Cuba singing the '60th anniversary' bluesDecember 28, 2018
They Shall Not Grow Old a box office blowout – for good reasonDecember 28, 2018
Hispanic support for GOP remains steadyDecember 28, 2018
Thanks, Trump! Hospitals now to post pricesDecember 28, 2018
Now Kenya gets to pay the China piperDecember 28, 2018
NY Times claims ‘Trump imperils planet’ with carbon emissions, but still plans own private jet useDecember 28, 2018
America's oldest living veteran dies at 112December 28, 2018
Despite climate change predictions of worsening storms, no major tornadoes in US this yearDecember 28, 2018
California faces a pension showdownDecember 28, 2018
Stand by for a wave of male prison inmates claiming to be transgender femalesDecember 28, 2018
The Japan-America bond tightensDecember 28, 2018
Dems spent $385 million more than GOP in midtermsDecember 28, 2018
A cold wind for the globalistsDecember 28, 2018
American Jewry at the crossroadsDecember 28, 2018
Vlad over CaracasDecember 27, 2018
With identical tweets, Schumer and Pelosi reveal themselves as mouthpieces for the same propaganda puppet masterDecember 27, 2018
Brit Hume delivers devastating slap-down to Trump-hating lefty Soledad O’BrienDecember 27, 2018
Another strikeout for the open borders lobby: Deceased migrant child's father refused him medical careDecember 27, 2018
Liberalism and zealotryDecember 27, 2018
Venezuela gets the Russian bear hugDecember 27, 2018
EMP: Not if, but whenDecember 27, 2018
Chicago chapter of Women's March cancels 2019 rallyDecember 27, 2018
Reid Hoffman apologizes for funding anti-GOP effort in AL Senate raceDecember 27, 2018
The Washington Free Beacon's 'Worst of MSNBC in 2018'December 27, 2018
Google approves app to report incidents of Islamic blasphemyDecember 27, 2018
Apple kills app for politely suggesting alternatives to homosexualityDecember 27, 2018
NeverTrumps: Soulless, disgraces, fraudsDecember 27, 2018
'Alexa, get me an aspirin'December 27, 2018
Saltbush Solar Activity Watch establishedDecember 27, 2018
So the Democrats now object to the Knights of Columbus?December 26, 2018
Tom Friedman is having a bad old time 'getting' TrumpDecember 26, 2018
Pope's 'can't we all just get along' Christmas message falls flat on VenezuelaDecember 26, 2018
A wonderful unexpected Christmas giftDecember 26, 2018
Mexican Arkancide?December 26, 2018
Barf alert: CNN's Brooke Baldwin embarrasses herself with Ruth Bader Ginsburg idolatryDecember 26, 2018
Syrian women want their men back from the countries to which they fledDecember 26, 2018
Democratic activists playing 'wait and see' in Iowa and New HampshireDecember 26, 2018
Israeli Syria strike targeted Hezb'allah officialsDecember 26, 2018
US air strikes in Syria continue in support of KurdsDecember 26, 2018
'Me too' on the verge of making a mockery of itselfDecember 26, 2018
Oleg Atbashian's Hotel USSRDecember 25, 2018
No Merry Christmas for Iranian ChristiansDecember 25, 2018
China cuts tariffs on 700 more itemsDecember 25, 2018
Photos: Iran's truck drivers launch a fifth round of strikesDecember 25, 2018
Dem senators flirting with a religious test for judicial nomineesDecember 25, 2018
Trump's epic Christmas Eve tweetstorm targets his enemiesDecember 25, 2018
Tiny Ecuador demonstrates world's stupidest idea: Dumping America to become China's running dogDecember 25, 2018
Cash-rich Schumer gets caught exploiting the internsDecember 25, 2018
TSA will now employ floppy-eared dogs because pointy-ear dogs 'scare children'December 25, 2018
George Soros, Person of the Year?December 25, 2018
Who is Jesus?December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas to the military familiesDecember 24, 2018
Sure enough, caravan migrants turn on their organizersDecember 24, 2018
Chief Justice Roberts stays court order in mystery grand jury probeDecember 24, 2018
Schadenfreude of the year: Der SpiegelDecember 24, 2018
'License to kill' in Brazil. What could go wrong?December 24, 2018
California's new early primary makes money, not retail politics, the key to picking a presidential nomineeDecember 24, 2018
Mnuchin to convene 'Plunge Protection Team' after call to top bankersDecember 24, 2018
The unspoken fear of Democrats about moving the California primary to MarchDecember 24, 2018
Ballot-harvesting California muscles to the front of 2020 presidential primariesDecember 24, 2018
California spends $100 million to maximize Census cash jackpotDecember 24, 2018
President Lopez-Obrador and the wallDecember 24, 2018
Christmas wonder is something wholly otherDecember 24, 2018
Albania expels Iranian terror diplomatsDecember 23, 2018
When the fractional shutdown of the federal government morphs into let’s-make-a-deal, look at what Trump can offer SchumerDecember 23, 2018
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has lung cancerDecember 23, 2018
Hollywood golden boy Benicio del Toro smacked down for praising Che while calling Trump 'a monster'December 23, 2018
The Schumer & Pelosi showDecember 23, 2018
GoFundMe campaign for Wall hits $15 millionDecember 23, 2018
Mount Holyoke College thinks 'Venus' symbol is 'offensive'December 23, 2018
Left yells 'wolf' about Brazil's Bolsonaro as threat to press just as socialist Nicaragua actually shuts it downDecember 23, 2018
Start the new year off right! Attend the White Privilege Conference!December 23, 2018
Austria flips the 'narrative' on migrant asylum, turning fire to human smugglersDecember 23, 2018
Trump reportedly made a deal with Erdogan to pull out of Syria during a telephone call on Dec. 14December 23, 2018
Flu Season Tracking Just Below Epidemic LevelDecember 23, 2018
The 2018 Word of the YearDecember 23, 2018
The $500-million climate carnival concludesDecember 23, 2018
Our ghost of Christmas future is spending the season in SwedenDecember 22, 2018
Can Trump fire Fed chairman Powell?December 22, 2018
So Hollywood has a lot 'stars' who make their companies lose money?December 22, 2018
Rand Paul issues 'Festivus Edition' of The Waste ReportDecember 22, 2018
A quarter of a million foreign thugs deported – thanks, Trump!December 22, 2018
GOP- and Trump-supporter Robert Mercer to cut back on funding Republican candidatesDecember 22, 2018
Trump's Syria withdrawal causes prominent critics to do a 180 on troops in SyriaDecember 22, 2018
Bienvenidos a Mexico: California's ballot-harvesting, sure enough, is borrowed from MexicoDecember 22, 2018
Medicare kills people, and Democrats want to force everyone on itDecember 22, 2018
Look who's stepping up in the wake of planned US withdrawal from SyriaDecember 22, 2018
Trump warned that a Democrat win would crash the marketDecember 22, 2018
Farewell to SyriaDecember 22, 2018
The place of chivalryDecember 22, 2018
Democrats keep being wrong and keep demanding we believe themDecember 22, 2018
Apollo 8: Where did 50 years go?December 21, 2018
If Trump fails to get border funding, may God help himDecember 21, 2018
Mattis was no goodDecember 21, 2018
Michelle Obama's horrifying $4,000 Balenciaga bootsDecember 21, 2018
The left thumps the Bible to promote illegal immigrationDecember 21, 2018
Texas city featured in Al Gore film lost millions in green energy investmentsDecember 21, 2018
Trump has 3 border wall trump cardsDecember 21, 2018
Will the Supreme Court tackle transgenderism in Masterpiece Cakeshop Part 2?December 21, 2018
Did Trump really lose?December 21, 2018
Trump and the pocket vetoDecember 21, 2018
The war on Christmas, and Thanksgiving, and Columbus Day, and...December 21, 2018
Google and the Red DragonDecember 21, 2018
Let's get this straight: All totalitarianism is leftistDecember 21, 2018
When is a girl a boy?December 21, 2018
Al Roker: It's a sin not to fight climate changeDecember 20, 2018
GoFundMe page for building the border wall soars past $3 million and shames the GOP pols who betrayed their mandateDecember 20, 2018
California takes props as least-educated state, and yes, Democrats like it that wayDecember 20, 2018
Americans snub boycott efforts of same-sex marriage advocates, push Chick-fil-A toward fast food crownDecember 20, 2018
Murdered caravan migrant 'teens' were reportedly soliciting a Tijuana hookerDecember 20, 2018
South Carolina mulls canceling 2020 primary to protect TrumpDecember 20, 2018
Fired Der Spiegel star reporter took 'fake news' to 11December 20, 2018
Faced with minority status, House conservatives revolt against funding billDecember 20, 2018
Is the US really one of the most 'dangerous countries' for journalists?December 20, 2018
Marching to the leftist drummerDecember 20, 2018
Black, white, red, and other color sensitivityDecember 20, 2018
If you want a border wall, it's time to light up Capitol Hill switchboards todayDecember 20, 2018
The Russians have to be punished until they learn that Democrats are entitled to the black voteDecember 20, 2018
Trump's troop pullout from Syria is a terrible ideaDecember 20, 2018
Say it ain't so, Mr. CommissionerDecember 19, 2018
Sweet revenge on the McCains: Martha McSally to take the old man's Senate seatDecember 19, 2018
Gaming the system: Two congress members escort favored illegals into the U.S.December 19, 2018
Hall of shame: Advertisers sign up for boycott of Tucker Carlson for telling the truth on illegal immigrationDecember 19, 2018
Flynn sentencing hearing devolved into a fiascoDecember 19, 2018
Hackers broke into a sensitive EU communications network and stole thousands of secret cablesDecember 19, 2018
US pledges $10.6 billion in aid for Central America and MexicoDecember 19, 2018
Rep. Dan Crenshaw shows class...againDecember 19, 2018
Ocasio-Cortez garners media rebukeDecember 19, 2018
Once invisible, now exposedDecember 19, 2018
Has Trump caved on border wall funding to keep the government open?December 19, 2018
Iran's ancient Yalda night festival, ravaged by mullah economics and repressionDecember 19, 2018
The Congressional Accountability Act won't solve the problem of sexual harassment in CongressDecember 19, 2018
Trump looking for legal ways to fund the wall is a nice change of paceDecember 19, 2018
Nobel Peace Prize-winner Nadia Murad fights real injustice while #MeToo complainsDecember 19, 2018
El Chapo's wife AWOL from his trialDecember 18, 2018
Is Michael Savage the latest victim of TDS and the left's 'pacification effort'?December 18, 2018
Top congressional corruption miscreants exposed, and guess which party dominatesDecember 18, 2018
Someone please tell Democrats Obamacare is not like car insuranceDecember 18, 2018
Comey ducks question about his memos leaking classified information, turns awayDecember 18, 2018
Google funds another 'junk news' study in what looks like a new bid to stomp out conservative newsDecember 18, 2018
As Democrats eye health care again, keep an eye on these phony 'narratives' they will tellDecember 18, 2018
Trump administration to repeal Obama-era school discipline rulesDecember 18, 2018
Alan Dershowitz agrees: Interview of Flynn was not legitimate FBI operationDecember 18, 2018
Clemson prof wonders, 'Would human extinction be a tragedy?'December 18, 2018
Now released FBI Form 302 of interview with Flynn does not help Mueller's caseDecember 18, 2018
'Attractive nuisance' legal doctrine is why we must build the border wallDecember 18, 2018
Leftists love intolerance when it's their ownDecember 18, 2018
Remember when Congress and the media viciously, rabidly investigated the Trump Foundation?December 18, 2018
Houston mayor praises CAIRDecember 18, 2018
A border war down in South AmericaDecember 17, 2018
Time to investigate the investigators?December 17, 2018
Dems promise quick action on gun control in JanuaryDecember 17, 2018
Miss Universe opts to stay in the beauty contest businessDecember 17, 2018
Do Americans really worry about the non-shutdown 'government shutdown'?December 17, 2018
California moves its primary from June to early MarchDecember 17, 2018
Is the National Rifle Association dying?December 17, 2018
Large protest in Brussels against UN Migration PactDecember 17, 2018
Iran claims Revolutionary Guard general 'accidentally' shot himself in the head and diedDecember 17, 2018
Overpaid public-sector employeesDecember 17, 2018
With Venezuela's inflation hitting a million percent, a Chavista economist gets free-market religionDecember 17, 2018
Obama said illegal alien parents put their children's 'lives at risk'December 17, 2018
Joe Lieberman lobbying for China's ZTEDecember 17, 2018
Can the Democrats nominate two white guys?December 17, 2018
Amazon and tax incentivesDecember 16, 2018
Tough times for online mediaDecember 16, 2018
Leftists jumping up and down about Cloward-Piven's dawn after judge's Obamacare rulingDecember 16, 2018
Deep State strike back: Gets gushy NYT puff piece on Obama holdovers at VOA parentDecember 16, 2018
Gorka's two-word smackdown for a pompous leftist who vowed to leave the U.S. over Obamacare rulingDecember 16, 2018
Clint Eastwood beats the comic-book superheroes...againDecember 16, 2018
Second Brexit referendum looms as talks with EU stallDecember 16, 2018
Trump's 2020 strategy taking shape with government shutdown loomingDecember 16, 2018
Sunday Schadenfreude: Desperate Elizabeth Warren grovels to save presidential hopesDecember 16, 2018
Putin takes on rap music. This won't end well...December 16, 2018
The Green Farce at KatowiceDecember 16, 2018
A crisis in scienceDecember 16, 2018
A rabbi speaks out on Mark Lamont Hill and the rising tide of open anti-SemitismDecember 16, 2018
What a child's death on the border says about our countryDecember 16, 2018
Not the Christmas gift the Democrats had hoped forDecember 15, 2018
Is the Flynn guilty plea going to be thrown out?December 15, 2018
CNN's Cuomo says viewers are 'frustrated' because he's 'too balanced'December 15, 2018
Oh, good! Another blow to the nightmare of ObamacareDecember 15, 2018
The Weekly Standard a casualty of Trump Derangement SyndromeDecember 15, 2018
Former Green Beret charged with murder for killing suspected terroristDecember 15, 2018
Cloudflare accused of providing cyber-security to known terrorist groupsDecember 15, 2018
Someone needs to be charged in migrant child's desert death, and it's not the lawmenDecember 15, 2018
Judge rules Obamacare unconstitutionalDecember 15, 2018
Winning: Trump's very smart pick for chief of staffDecember 15, 2018
They are not usDecember 15, 2018
Stopping Elon Musk's money mirageDecember 15, 2018
Jackpot: Democrats win the Justice Department lotteryDecember 15, 2018
Bernie discovers that Congress declares warsDecember 14, 2018
Michael Avenatti: The jackass, dissectedDecember 14, 2018
Far left is raising money on Patreon to 'inspire insurrection'December 14, 2018
Inspector general discovers that Team Mueller scrubbed Strzok and Page text messages during critical post-election periodDecember 14, 2018
FBI defies subpoena for docs on its raid on Uranium One whistleblowerDecember 14, 2018
So Trump was right all along about the criminals in the caravan...December 14, 2018
Ted Lieu is angry that conservatives noticed he said he'd 'love to be able to regulate the content of speech'December 14, 2018
Congress passes bill to make members pay for sexual harassment claimsDecember 14, 2018
Venezuela's dictator looks to a lifeline from the helping hands of the UNDecember 14, 2018
Scientific American: If you like Trump, you suffer from 'antagonism'December 14, 2018
Democrats can't stand the thought of protecting AmericansDecember 14, 2018
Calling their bluffDecember 14, 2018
The Supreme Court bows to Planned ParenthoodDecember 14, 2018
More offensive holiday songsDecember 14, 2018
AMLO does a TrumpDecember 14, 2018
Trump derangement media yawn as president increases opportunities for poor, minoritiesDecember 13, 2018
Judge in Flynn case demands more documents before passing sentenceDecember 13, 2018
Blasey-Ford's scared little girl voice has disappeared in first public statement since her Senate testimonyDecember 13, 2018
Migrant caravan descends into a shakedownDecember 13, 2018
That Oval Office sit-down? Pelosi and Schumer got skunked.December 13, 2018
So the curiously now dead Venezuelan PDVSA oil chief was the CITGO guy and a Washington fixer...December 13, 2018
Incoming NY State AG admits her plan to find a crime by Trump or 'anyone in his orbit'December 13, 2018
DC waiters opposing union in fight against $15 minimum wage for themDecember 13, 2018
Dem Rep. Ted Lieu says that he'd 'love to be able to regulate the content of speech'December 13, 2018
McConnell relents, will bring criminal justice reform bill to the Senate floorDecember 13, 2018
No, Republicans are not the ones who are soft on crimeDecember 13, 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ramps up the teacher's-pet actDecember 13, 2018
The Women's March's poisonous mix of anti-Jewish toxic femininityDecember 13, 2018
The war on Christmas and the government as King HerodDecember 13, 2018
Why is Mexico bringing Cuban doctors?December 13, 2018
A new 'Frenchman'?December 12, 2018
Trump sprang three traps on Pelosi and Schumer yesterdayDecember 12, 2018
'Can't anybody here play this game?': Google skates again.December 12, 2018
Three dead after Christmas market terrorist attack in StrasbourgDecember 12, 2018
Gen. Flynn was set up by FBI, told no lawyer needed when FBI sprang its perjury trapDecember 12, 2018
Hillary, Huma, Kerry all back in fine form dancing with the Indian billionaire setDecember 12, 2018
#MeToo morphing into #GrinchTooDecember 12, 2018
The fallacy of the Black Lives Matter movementDecember 12, 2018
EU: Loyal ally, or last nail in the coffin for the Iran deal?December 12, 2018
Remember when hysterical Dems threatened a gov't shutdown over abortion funding?December 12, 2018
British prime minister May to face 'no confidence' voteDecember 12, 2018
Which country will win the artificial intelligence arms race?December 12, 2018
Liberals' deadly strategy to wreck the USA: Attack faith and common senseDecember 12, 2018
People who supported putting the Clintons back in the White House have no credibility talking about law and orderDecember 12, 2018
It's 'crazy' rather than cold outsideDecember 11, 2018
France's Macron offers up economic succor from Nicolas Maduro's playbookDecember 11, 2018
Dems offering $1.3 billion for 'border security' but nothing for the wallDecember 11, 2018
Words have meaning, John BrennanDecember 11, 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez goes full Fredo (and beyond)December 11, 2018
Trump scrapping the bad stuff in Obamacare, bit by bitDecember 11, 2018
Supreme Court lets stand lower court decision on Planned Parenthood fundingDecember 11, 2018
Google CEO on the hot seat in congressional testimony today as leaked internal emails seem to contradict prepared testimonyDecember 11, 2018
Are 'deplorables’ reaching the breaking point...again?December 11, 2018
The other SolzhenitsynDecember 11, 2018
Absent smoking gun, media still rushing to implicate Trump via Cohen memosDecember 11, 2018
House-flipping is down, Wall Street Journal fretsDecember 11, 2018
'Baby, It's Cold Outside' should be a feminist anthemDecember 11, 2018
Many people are misleading the public on the economyDecember 11, 2018
Lowering the legal drinking ageDecember 11, 2018
Justin Trudeau runs into his own carbon tax resistanceDecember 10, 2018
Who is QAnon?December 10, 2018
Macron facing a crisis that he created by baiting TrumpDecember 10, 2018
Caravan migrants break up to take work in TijuanaDecember 10, 2018
Workers will take their case to the Supreme Court to recoup dues moneyDecember 10, 2018
Naked partisan: James Comey's mask comes offDecember 10, 2018
As Paris burns, 50,000 in Rome rally in support of populist government defying EU mandarinsDecember 10, 2018
California solar mandate to make housing and electricity even more expensiveDecember 10, 2018
Pence aide Nick Ayers declines Trump's offer of chief of staffDecember 10, 2018
NeverTrump Peter Wehner gleefully announces desire for revenge against Trump-supportersDecember 10, 2018
Russia military buildup along Ukraine border stokes fears of invasionDecember 10, 2018
Macron's man promises 'gestures' to placate France's yellow vest revoltDecember 10, 2018
Desperately seeking perfectionDecember 10, 2018
And now Lopez-Obrador goes after the cartelsDecember 9, 2018
Mother of all white flight to hit NY schools and De Blasio pretends he had nothing to do with itDecember 9, 2018
'Your time is up, white people': South African parliament targets next March for land expropriationDecember 9, 2018
Far from safe, abortion is dirty, dangerous and fatal, but Planned Parenthood would rather you not knowDecember 9, 2018
Whitaker’s DoJ busts Hezb’allah financier after reviving investigation that Obama had stymiedDecember 9, 2018
Heartland Institute and legendary labor union join to criticize climate conferenceDecember 9, 2018
Changing the character of Minneapolis in the name of diversity and equalityDecember 9, 2018
Greenies take a beating on fossil fuel divestment at HarvardDecember 9, 2018
'Yellow vest' riots spread to Belgium and NetherlandsDecember 9, 2018
Obama’s crony earned big bucks while Chicago pension funds lost $54 millionDecember 9, 2018
New Jersey has no plans on how to enforce its high capacity firearm magazine confiscation lawDecember 9, 2018
Comey’s testimony imitated Sgt. Schultz with amnesiaDecember 9, 2018
Can Iran's mullah regime keep ignoring international pressure?December 9, 2018
Climate warming and cooling: unto the generationsDecember 9, 2018
Human bones for sale onlineDecember 9, 2018
Perez blaming the messenger rather than the message?December 8, 2018
No way out for Clinton, Inc. corruption this timeDecember 8, 2018
The left is alarmed about Ted Cruz's good-looking new beardDecember 8, 2018
Another smackdown for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, this time from an economic heavyweightDecember 8, 2018
Trump gives the hook to 'nasty, rotty' school cafeteria foodDecember 8, 2018
Virginia teacher fired for refusing to use new pronouns for transgender studentDecember 8, 2018
Ocasio-Cortez already threatening to abuse her office before even being sworn-inDecember 8, 2018
'Yellow vest' rioters back on the streets but where's Macron?December 8, 2018
Pathetic Clintons resort to Groupon trying to get people to show up and fill some seats on their stadium tourDecember 8, 2018
Trump’s choice for AG William Barr just may be the right person for the jobDecember 8, 2018
Federal judge orders discovery in Clinton email caseDecember 8, 2018
Biblically dealing with climate change thousands of years agoDecember 8, 2018
In defense of transgenders in sportsDecember 8, 2018
Schumer's dystopiaDecember 8, 2018
Talking sense about the Paris AccordsDecember 8, 2018
New Drone CityDecember 7, 2018
Revealed: Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have been working with FBI and IRS since last yearDecember 7, 2018
Kamala Harris, taking 'I don't recall' to new heightsDecember 7, 2018
'Ballot-harvesting' burns Democrats in North CarolinaDecember 7, 2018
Rep-Elect Ocasio-Cortez proves Mark Twain's quipDecember 7, 2018
Poland trolls the global environmentalists at UN climate meetingDecember 7, 2018
MN Prof: Mary 'did not consent' to God impregnating her with JesusDecember 7, 2018
After DNA test, even Elizabeth Warren's fellow Democrats have got the willies over herDecember 7, 2018
Outrage over Boeing selling top-secret satellite technology to a company financed by ChiComsDecember 7, 2018
Report: Hezb'allah 'tunnel terrorist' trained with Mexican cartels on US borderDecember 7, 2018
Well, this actually explains a lot: Biggest delegations to UN Climate Conference come from poor African nationsDecember 7, 2018
DNC chief Perez complains that voters 'buy' what they hear in churchDecember 7, 2018
China 2018 = Japan 1918December 7, 2018
The CO2 folliesDecember 7, 2018
77 years ago, a date that still lives in infamyDecember 7, 2018
The perils of predicting 23 months before election dayDecember 6, 2018
Ballot-harvesting, not just for California anymore...December 6, 2018
Is the Deep State trying to tank the China trade deal, stock market, and economy before 2020?December 6, 2018
Wisconsin Democrats complain GOP lawmakers thwarting the 'will of the voter'December 6, 2018
Caravan: The first anchor baby arrivesDecember 6, 2018
Dem 2020 race: subtract two, add twoDecember 6, 2018
Attacking SullyDecember 6, 2018
Bush 41's long goodbyeDecember 6, 2018
Thursday schadenfreude: Michael Avenatti gets cleaned out by ex-wifeDecember 6, 2018
Israel accuses Hezb'allah of a 'dangerous destabilization of the region'December 6, 2018
Temple U hides behind Constitution to defend anti-Semitic Marc Lamont HillDecember 6, 2018
Army versus Navy: Football every American can appreciateDecember 6, 2018
TDS-inflamed Joy Behar besmirches George HW Bush's memoryDecember 6, 2018
Don't go away mad, Joe – just go awayDecember 6, 2018
So much for those reforms in CubaDecember 6, 2018
PETA cries 'ee-i-ee-i-o'December 5, 2018
Who's the Mother of All Slumlords over in tumbledown Havana?December 5, 2018
Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein settles civil suit, avoiding explosive testimony by victimsDecember 5, 2018
Bush funeral: Reconciliation and civility Update: Except for HillaryDecember 5, 2018
Is the Clinton stadium tour going to be canceled?December 5, 2018
French retreat on fuel tax increase worries delegates to climate change conferenceDecember 5, 2018
Republicans hacked after hiring the Democrats' cyber-security firm, CrowdstrikeDecember 5, 2018
Flynn sentencing memo reveals the sham that is the Mueller investigationDecember 5, 2018
After California's ballot harvest: What is to be done?December 5, 2018
Administration looking to end subsidies for electric carsDecember 5, 2018
Anti-Trump Weekly Standard reportedly on its last legsDecember 5, 2018
After Paris riots and green tax retreat, warmists at yet another UN Meeting escalate rhetoric, warn of the end of 'civilization'December 5, 2018
Macron cracks, and it's over for him!December 5, 2018
The big flinchDecember 5, 2018
Trump's 'Hire American'December 4, 2018
UC Berkeley must pay $70K and change policies to guarantee free speech for conservative speakersDecember 4, 2018
Could Jerome Corsi's lawsuit destroy the Mueller investigation?December 4, 2018
Illegals scarf up welfare, with new Census data confirming 63% of non-citizens helping themselvesDecember 4, 2018
Sebastian Gorka takes down Trump-hating DC virtue-signalersDecember 4, 2018
Obamacare: The mother of miserable failures – IBD/TIPPDecember 4, 2018
The left can't help themselves in bringing the hate for former President BushDecember 4, 2018
Vegan scolds go Orwellian with proposal to eliminate meat metaphorsDecember 4, 2018
Ballot-harvesting and the Democrats' phony 'count all the ballots' mantraDecember 4, 2018
Shocker: Ocasio-Cortez defies greenies, makes a sensible commentDecember 4, 2018
Federal grand jury reportedly investigating Newton, Mass judge who helped an illegal evade deportationDecember 4, 2018
Jihadis, feminists rally against 'Baby, It's Cold Outside'December 4, 2018
Return to civility means surrender to the Democrats and mediaDecember 4, 2018
Is globalism the new feudalism?December 4, 2018
California sustainable povertyDecember 4, 2018
Thank you, George HW BushDecember 3, 2018
Caravan organizers dump migrants, flee responsibilityDecember 3, 2018
Dutch judge rules man cannot legally take 20 years off of his ageDecember 3, 2018
Shouldn't we investigate Obama allowing a terrorist drug-running operation instead of fictional Russian collusion?December 3, 2018
Kamala Harris to decide on 2020 run 'over the holiday'December 3, 2018
Black college student arrested for fake hate crimeDecember 3, 2018
Pelosi, Dems to pass DREAM Act in next congressDecember 3, 2018
Mounds of garbage, squalor and mess: Caravan moves on, leaving Tijuana its detritusDecember 3, 2018
Tickets for Clintons' stadium speaking tour now marked down 90%December 3, 2018
After stadium degenerates into squalor, Tijuana houses caravan army like real armyDecember 3, 2018
Comey reaches deal with House Republicans to testifyDecember 3, 2018
16 Democrat presidential contenders have endorsed CAIRDecember 3, 2018
How to solve the pension crisis in IllinoisDecember 3, 2018
FBI raid on Chicago alderman Burke said to have nothing to do with TrumpDecember 3, 2018
It could turn ugly in Mexico 'muy rapido'December 2, 2018
The stomach-turning 'ballot-harvesting' that enabled Democrats to walk off with CaliforniaDecember 2, 2018
What #MeToo obscures...December 2, 2018
Trump messes bigly with Venezuelan socialist dictator Maduro's headDecember 2, 2018
Venezuela's Maduro booed bad at Mexican President AMLO's inaugurationDecember 2, 2018
Rev. Sharpton sells rights to his autobiography - to his own charityDecember 2, 2018
Iran test fires ballistic missile, violating UN resolutionsDecember 2, 2018
Trump and Xi kick the can 90 days down the road on trade war escalationDecember 2, 2018
French 'Yellow Vest' protests spread from Paris to BelgiumDecember 2, 2018
Dan Bongino vs. Geraldo Rivera on caravans: 'What is your answer?'December 2, 2018
The WaPo buys the anti-Israel propaganda line even in reporting signs of rapprochement between Israel and the ArabsDecember 2, 2018
Brenda Snipes reneges on resignation, will stay as Broward Supervisor of ElectionsDecember 2, 2018
Writing speeches for President Bush 41December 2, 2018
Macron the macaron: The French cookie on climate changeDecember 2, 2018
With jihad, we're betting our future on wishful thinkingDecember 2, 2018
GWHB: A president and a gentlemanDecember 1, 2018
Trump hints at the scandal about to blowDecember 1, 2018
Bush 41’s death reveals the truth of the cliché: the only kind of Republicans the media like is dead onesDecember 1, 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to join Maxine Waters on the House Financial Services Committee?December 1, 2018
DHS chief calls on other federal departments for help with caravansDecember 1, 2018
Finally! Tijuana's mayor wants caravan organizers bustedDecember 1, 2018
Interior sec. Zinke accuses congressman of 'drunken and hostile behavior'December 1, 2018
RIP, President George H.W. BushDecember 1, 2018
Texas AG Paxton sues San Antonio in test of new sanctuary city lawDecember 1, 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez convinced her election was like the Moon landingDecember 1, 2018
Democrats find the secret sauce: No more 'pandering to white people'December 1, 2018
Globalism is deadDecember 1, 2018
How Twitter really worksDecember 1, 2018
As Trump meets Xi in Buenos Aires...December 1, 2018
Obamacare's popularity
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