How do you go about voting for the right judge?

Here in Arizona, we vote for judges periodically.  Other times, we vote on whether judges should stay in office.  As voting time nears, the liberals and Dems hide the politics of their judges behind carefully worded "biographies" that tell you everything you never wanted to know but conceal the one thing you did: "Pub or Dem?"

It isn't that Republican judges are solidly behind the Constitution and always rule in ways that make sense.  Sometimes Republican judges rule oddly.  But the alternative, Democrat judges, solidly supports and rules in favor of strangeling politics that erodes public confidence in our institutions and leaves us at the mercy of crooks, criminals, gangs, and people who aren't very well mannered.

So when you vote for a judge, or for a judge's retention, you do like everyone else and try to ferret out ahead of time the judge's politics.  This isn't always easy.  You end up having to use proxies like who nominated x and what year was x nominated.  Then you find the nominator's politics and assume that if he was a Democrat, the candidate is also a Democrat.

If you have any sense, you do not vote for that candidate.

Democrats in Arizona have a reputation for zaniness.  One candidate for political office here is on record as having called Arizona the meth lab of America and saying it is no big deal if somebody wants to join the Taliban.  You want to cut a wide berth around an Arizona Democrat – especially when they want to be judges.

Sometimes it takes real effort to weed out the sneaks, but it's necessary.  It's not much help having Kavanaugh and Gorsuch on the Supreme Court if the lower courts are packed with idiots liberals.

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