The unraveling begins

Senator majority leader Mitch McConnell has promised a full Senate vote by the end of the week on the confirmation of Brett Kavanagh to the Supreme Court.  The circumstances leading up to a full Senate vote are a convoluted parody, fraught with unsubstantiated allegations of sexual assault dating back 36 years, lacking any shred of evidence or even one eyewitnesses to support Dr. Christine Ford's claims.

A lack of details of the alleged assault in Ford's original written allegation, coupled with conflicting answers she gave willingly to the sex crimes prosecutor from Arizona – numerous people have taken up the task to actually investigate and do some much needed background research on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.  It should come as no surprise that her entire online biography has been deleted at her employer's website.  Then there's the infamous second door, which prompted Dr. Ford's innermost fears about Brett Kavanagh's nomination, or so she said.  Turns out she has her dates mixed up as to when her repressed door fears surfaced and the actual year she and her husband had the second door installed, during a home renovation – around five years after the fact, but who's counting?

Despite the internet Gestapo's best efforts to keep Christine Blasey Ford's Holton-Arms high school yearbooks hidden from public view, pages from the yearbooks are popping up all over the web.  It's a "whack-a-mole" effort at this point in the game.  If Senator Sheldon Whitehouse was appalled at what he saw and read in Judge Kavanagh's Georgetown Prep High School yearbook, he ought to be sickened and horrified at the contents of the Holton-Arms yearbooks!  The highlights?  There are pages in Ford's yearbooks dedicated to debauchery, promiscuous and frequent sex with minors, and alcohol-fueled parties at the beach.  Numerous girls brag about the number of their sexual conquests.

I've asked questions, and it's certainly worth investigating.  Who was the adult in charge of editing the contents of Holton-Arms yearbooks before publication?  Did any Holton-Arms parent ever look at his daughter's yearbook?

Another significant but less noticed inconsistency involves Christine Blasey Ford's decision to attend college in North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a state school and not quite up to the same caliber or elite status as the private high school she attended.  She could have easily chosen to attend college at any one of the prestigious Ivy League schools in the U.S. northeast.  Instead, she fled a life of privilege in Maryland, leaving behind a sordid high school career, memorialized in her yearbook.  In an oddly worded Washington Post article, a four-person collaborative essay attempted to explain Ford's history, from popular high school party girl to a quiet, cloistered undergraduate in N.C.  Ford then made a 3,000-mile trek across the country to attend postgraduate schools in California.  Ford stated years later than she felt derailed in college, unable to cope with the trauma from high school.  And while trauma can certainly be attributed to changes in behavior and personality, I'm left wondering if the trauma she couldn't get far enough away from has anything at all do with Brett Kavanagh...or is there someone else involved? 

Let the unraveling continue...

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