Mean girls and stupid bureaucrats. What could go wrong?

Do the Seneca Valley School District's abundant educational bureaucrats know anything at all about teenage girls?

A parent lawsuit put at them, which they are very likely to lose, is about to show just how incompetent and malevolent they really are as they allowed a pack of teenage "mean girls" to accuse, toss into the court system, and detain a teenage boy that the big one among them "didn't like to look at."

Here is what the parents say happened to him:

The 26-page lawsuit alleges that a former Seneca Valley High School student, referred to only as T.F., "was forced to endure multiple court appearances, detention in a juvenile facility, detention at home, the loss of his liberty and other damages until several of the girls reluctantly admitted that their accusations were false."

Here are the awful details of how it happened, according to the Belleville Intelligencer:

Michael J. and Alecia Flood of Zelienople brought the suit on behalf of their son, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is reporting.

The suit alleges that the five girls – called "Mean Girls" in the suit after the 2004 Lindsay Lohan comedy – "conspired in person and via electronic communication devices to falsely accuse T.F. of sexual assault on two occasions."

The description of what went down and how fake it was is oh, so recognizable as teenage "mean girl" behavior:

But in a tape-recorded interview with school officials in 2017, the suit claims K.S. [said] the sex assault was fabricated.

"I just don't like him," K.S. told officials.  "I just don't like to hear him talk. ... I don't like to look at him."

The interview was obtained by the boy's lawyer, Craig Fishman.  Other highlights:

— Told pals she "would do anything to get T.F. expelled."

— He was eventually charged in juvie court with indecent assault and two counts of harassment.

— In March, another girl known as C.S. told a guidance counsellor T.F. had walked into her home [and] sexually assaulted her.  Allegations were supported by two other girls.

— In April, T.F. was charged with indecent assault, criminal trespass, and simple assault.

— At school, a student put masking tape on his back with the word, "PREDATOR."

That's a lot of damage on a kid over popularity issues, and incredibly, the school did nothing even after the kid was thrown in jail and the story was found to be made up.  What's more, it failed to punish the teenage girls for the false charges once they were found out, and the district attorney went limp, too.  Nobody got punished but the innocent guy.

While the teenage girls do need the book thrown at them, the reality is, they are teenage girls.  They're immature, irresponsible, and perfectly capable of going Lord of the Flies on anyone.  There's a reason they're forced to go to school and forced to learn hard lessons to grow up.

But the bureaucrats' behavior is not understandable or excusable.  Where was their skepticism, their knowledge of teenage wiles, for starters?  Their failure to question them, and to ferret out the truth of their claims, seeking the inconsistencies and shifting narratives among the group, would have been task one, not calling the lawmen.  They are adults, after all, who claim they're best suited to educate children because they know all about them.  They take inflated salaries for that, maintain bloated staff, and get big pensions.

And here they were, allowing the teens to make boobs of them as they sat there and believed their phony stories, blinded by their own political correctness, calling in the lawmen to show everyone how "serious" they were.  The teens, who have a positively feral sense of how to best manipulate adults to achieve their ends, saw the open invitation they extended through their political correctness programs and just went for it.

The result?  The warden educrats let the lunatics run the asylum, and a tipping point was reached. 

Here's the nonsense they've put out in their own defense:

The number-one priority of the Seneca Valley School District is the safety and well-being of our students, staff, parents and volunteers who enter our buildings.  We have policies and procedures in place to protect individuals, and we communicate to all employees on these policies and work hard every day to provide a safe and caring learning environment for all.

Umm, no, it's not.  And as for the suit:

In a four-paragraph statement released by the Butler County district, school officials defended their actions and said they believe "the lawsuit is without merit."

"We have followed all applicable laws, and we will vigorously defend ourselves throughout the process," the district said in response to repeated requests by the Tribune-Review to respond to the lawsuit.

With that kind of obtuseness, keister-covering, and lie, one can only hope that a jury of their peers, which should include a lot of parents of teenage boys, can give them the teachable moment they need through a payout that will get their attention.  With #MeToo filtering down into the high schools, it can't come soon enough.

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