How to beat the mob and win the midterms

Faced with the growing and increasingly violent mob tactics employed and justified by the Democrats and their supporters, how best are Republicans – and all non-insane concerned citizens – to respond?  In a word, vigorously, but also in a measured and fact-based manner.

While it is tempting to advocate an all-out "fight fire with fire" approach à la our combative president (it certainly seems to work for him), the more effective course of action for the rest of us is to use the four weeks leading up to the midterm elections calmly but relentlessly highlighting the real danger the current behavior of the left poses to our country (as opposed to the faux threat of Donald Trump).

What should this advocacy look like?

First, continue to (accurately) characterize Democrats' threatening harassment of political opponents as the actions of a mob, financed by George Soros and other malign foreign interests.  This drives Democrats and their enablers in the dominant media even crazier than they already are and will continue to lead them to make political mistakes. 

Next, the Republican National Committee and associated political action groups should flood the airwaves in states and House districts with advertising campaigns that drive home the (again, accurate) message that "Today's Democrats are Dangerous to American Values, Dangerous to Americans' Safety!"  These ads would simply feature unaltered clips of the violent rhetoric and behavior of various Democrat-sponsored or supported groups, as well as recent statements by elected members of Congress (Waters, Gillibrand, Hirono), openly socialist candidates, and Hillary Clinton – see her latest pronouncement on the conditions for restoring civility within our political discourse.  Tag the images with a closing voiceover: "Today's Democrats: Too extreme and dangerous to American values – and safety!"

Finally, Republicans in Congress should announce that they are busy at work on several legislative measures to robustly combat the spread of lawlessness and threats to public safety encouraged by prominent Democrats in Congress, as well as many at the state and local levels.  Among the potential focus areas are:

  • Statutes that authorize withholding of federal funds to cities and states and potentially the federal prosecution of officials who attempt to nullify federal laws by proclaiming "sanctuary" status for illegal aliens – including violent felons.
  • Authorization for federal law enforcement agencies to intervene and take command when local police forces in cities like Portland are told to stand down in the face of mob riots; intimidation of innocent bystanders; and imposition of severe obstruction of public places (e.g., blockading roads, bridges, etc.).  President Trump may also want to consider directing the Justice Department to convene a task force to study and make recommendations to address violent anarchist groups and activities that are openly supported by the left, to include federal actions when state and local authorities abdicate their responsibilities.
  • Expansion of statutes that increase penalties for harassment of people in public spaces like restaurants, as well as defining such assaults as a denial of civil rights and domestic terrorism.
  • Expand support for valid self-defense actions taken by individuals who are accosted and threatened by groups such as Antifa.

Republicans should stress that sensible measures like these, aimed at strengthening protections for American citizens, will come to a screeching halt if Democrats take over either house of Congress.  Meanwhile, those not in Congress who belong to the non-insane portion of our citizenry need to persistently voice support for such measures and persuade our friends, families, and neighbors to do so as well, particularly at the ballot box. 

As many have observed, the cynical and desperate attempt to block the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh was a watershed event in the unmasking of the vicious, nihilistic nature of the modern left.  Only time will tell if Republican leaders in Washington and, more importantly, an energized right-leaning electorate will rise to the challenge between now and November 6 of defeating this real menace to liberty, tolerance, and the American way of life.

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