1,500 and counting: California's DMV registers noncitizens to vote

Following its admission a month ago that it screwed up 23,000 voter registrations, California's Department of Motor Vehicles has admitted another one: registering 1,500 foreigners to vote in U.S. elections.

That's some record they've got, and anyone who thinks there isn't more coming is more than naïve.

The Los Angeles Times report, once again, suggested there was nothing to worry about; they've got it all fixed:

"We have worked quickly with the Department of Technology to correct these errors and have also updated the programming and added additional safeguards to improve this process," DMV Director Jean Shiomoto said in a written statement.

...adding that the errantly registered foreigners were all de-registered, although their mail-in ballots, ahem, did go out.  They claim to have fixed the bar codes to ensure that anyone mailing the votes back will not be counted.

Yeah, sure.

At the bottom of its piece, the LAT wheels out the money question every reader is wondering: whether illegals were registered to vote.  Once again, it says there's no problem:

Though [Canadian voter and DMV-registered U.S. voter] Marquis is not a U.S. citizen, he is legally allowed to live and work in the country.  DMV officials have said that those who are not – and who can be issued a special California driver'a [sic] license as a result – are treated uniquely by the department's computer system and have not been registered to vote in error.

The whole thing raises the question of whether the DMV really is capable of handling automotive registrations for both legal and illegal residents as well as voter registrations that include mail-in ballots.

We are seeing a repeated pattern of blunders on the part of the staff and have valid reason to question whether those were the only errors, or just the ones they can't get out of admitting to.

What's more, none of this includes illegally registered voters who lied on their applications and claimed to be U.S. citizens eligible to vote.  The DMV, after all, operates on an "honor system" and doesn't actually check.  Those illegally registered voters may well number in the high thousands, given the voter registration efforts of open borders groups in illegal-alien enclaves of Los Angeles County, as well as the helpful efforts of the Mexican consulates to get their...nationals? the people they are charged to serve?...all registered to vote in the U.S. elections.

The secretary of state, Alex Padilla, says he is calling for an independent audit, which is the least he can do (actually, I am surprised he did, given the sense that Democrats rather like having foreign voters on the rolls), which suggests a serious situation that may mean that the DMV is underreporting its problems.  Or it may mean he's got someone not all that independent in mind to sweep the matter under the rug for him.

There are real issues here, not the least of which is an agency issuing both drivers licenses and voter registrations and failing miserably at that.  Secondarily, as the registrations head for the office of the secretary of state, there's the compounded problem of mail-in ballots, which are convenient for illegal voters in that they involve no possibility of intercept by the Migra in the way illegally showing up at the voting booth might.  Great vote if you can get it.

What's more, the L.A. Times didn't explain much about why this could have happened, which suggests that the DMV likely didn't tell the paper, and therefore there's some information the agency doesn't want the Times to know.  The 23,000 error earlier was explained as an error of DMV employees not clearing their registration screens.  The 1,500 foreigners registered to vote in California got no explanation at all, just that it happened and they claim to have fixed it, despite all those mail-in ballots going out.

Is there more to this?  It sounds as though there's more to this.  Perhaps we will have to wait for the supposedly independent audit.

But what's most likely is that Trump Will Have Been Right Again about California's compromised voter registration system.  If this isn't a call to clean up this dirty system and restore the DMV to its original mission, what is?

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