Two years later, I'm happily – and not anonymously – still deplorable

Two years ago yesterday, on September 9, 2016, while running for president of the U.S. (remember those bad old days?) on the Democratic ticket, Hillary Rodham Clinton disparagingly labeled certain people "deplorable."

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.  Right?" Clinton said.  "The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic – you name it.  And unfortunately, there are people like that.  And he has lifted them up."

I, along with many others, proudly accepted her characterization of me then.

Let's look at the present situation. 

Racist.  I believe in merit – Harvard University and many other so-called elite institutions do not.  Thinking they have too many Asians – and not enough others for diversity or something – Harvard has limited the number of qualified Asians – it has long been known for its Jewish quota – while admitting less qualified "others."  So I guess they can't find qualified others?

Sexist.  In the past two years, we have seen the #MeToo movement of women claiming sexual exploitation by men, some of the most prominent being – and oh, what not a surprise – Democrats.  The entertainment and media industry, dominated by Democrats, is being hit with one lawsuit after another of sexism by mostly prominent Democrats.

And then there was Hillary's husband, Bill Clinton, who raped and harassed many women, but apparently that was okay because, well, the victims were all deplorable because they lived in trailers.

Homophobic.  Hey there, Kevin Spacey.

Xenophobic.  The Democrats have mercilessly mocked successful immigrants such as oh, say, Melania Trump, while President Donald Trump (R) married two immigrants.  Not at the same time, of course.

Islamophobic.  Two days before the anniversary of September 11, 2001, Hillary was upset about mythical phobias against Muslims, not the victims of the attacks, which were done in the name of Islam, against those who were not Muslim.

And he has lifted them up.  Unemployment is down; wages are up.  Yes, Trump has lifted them up by making people independent, not dependent on the kindness of others, their so-called betters, running the welfare state.

Meanwhile, Hillary flails, while Trump is discarding old, failed policies and successfully breaking new ground internationally and in this country, Making America Even Greater!

Happy Anniversary to my millions of happy deplorable contemporaries.

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