Two funerals and the ghost of Paul Wellstone

There is nothing like a funeral to get the American left to reveal their wholesale lack of character on every level.  The one trait that characterizes the left these days is their blatant, shallow, callow ideological conformity.  Not one of them, those denizens of the DC beltway, can put death before their partisan politics, their hatred of Trump and his supporters. 

They used John McCain's and Aretha Franklin's funerals to put their ideology-above-all sentiments on display.  They did this very thing after Paul Wellstone died and it offended millions of Americans.  They never learn.   They see the deaths of famous people as political opportunities.  They feel nothing for the people who have passed beyond their usefulness in death.
Long-time race hustler Michael Eric Dyson was the worst offender.  He used Aretha's death as his chance to disparage President Trump in the most crude fashion.  Obama, Bush and even Meghan McCain used their chance to speak to laud McCain as their lead-in, but then to malign the President. 

They hate the man who has  rebooted the economy, brought unemployment to an all-time low for all groups, got us out of the stupid punish-America Paris Climate Deal, out of the catastrophic Iran deal, rid the nation of economy-suppressing regulations on business, and re-invigorated the military.  That is the short list of his accomplishments in under two years.   

The left cannot abide Trump because he is succeeding in every endeavor at which they have failed.  They failed intentionally.  They do not want the middle class to have a voice.  They do not want to have to listen to anyone, the deplorables, who inhabit the world outside of their elitist, insulated bubble of wealth and privilege.  That these people like Dyson are so  vitriolic by nature that they used their opportunities to speak at funerals to attack the President should make it clear to all Americans exactly who and what these people are; they are depraved anti-Americans. 

That holds true for Meghan McCain as well.  She, of all people, should have known better.  Americans who respect her father's service will never see her in a good light again.  And Sarah Palin not invited to attend?  Sad to say, the McCain family pettiness appears to be heritable.  The two funerals were a sad commentary on the American left.  Classless.  Class and grace are values of the past for the left.

photo croppped from YouTube

The always spiteful Ana Navarro delighted in the cruelty:



Navarro is the poster girl for who and what today's left is, hateful and vicious.   Like all the anchors on CNN and MSNBC, etc., they are proud of themselves, of their verbal ruthlessness. 

Who raised these people?  Were none of them taught the basics of civility, of compassion, of basic manners?  Apparently not.  They delight in their chance to vent their venom in public.  They care not one bit about the truth.  The left has never, ever been about the truth or facts.  They are all about power, the power to control the rest of us.  That is why they loathe the Constitution.  It is about freedom and natural rights.  The left is anti-freedom; they are about control, absolute control over the rest of us.  There are no natural rights for the left except abortion.  That is the only "natural right" they revere.

The two funerals that occurred over these past few days should be a huge wake-up call for all freedom-loving Americans.  And indeed they may have been.  So egregious, so obvious is the left's appropriation of the opportunity presented by the deaths of famous people, be it Aretha Franklin who brought nothing but joy to her fans, or McCain who was a war hero but a thorn in the side of his party for decades.  McCain put his antipathy for Trump over his own campaign promise to overturn Obamacare; he was not a man who, once a senator, put country before his personal politics and power.

These people disgraced themselves, these people who used the funerals of Franklin and McCain as forums for their own political rancor.  They should be ashamed of themselves but they are not.  The rest of us however should know, once and for all time, that this is who and what the American left is today.  Truly vile.  If any  journalists or self-appointed spokespersons of the left were shocked by the partisan politics that they saw and heard at these two funerals, they have yet to speak or write of the shame of it.

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