The Kavanaugh hearings are an opportunity

Many people are upset – incensed, really – about the entire Kavanaugh Senate "approval" process.  The rudeness.  The thoughtlessness.  The willingness to make what should be a sober discussion into something else entirely.  Something grotesque.

I share those feelings.

But there is a potential "good" here.  There truly is – if (big if) we as a nation are willing to see it.  For this charade is what our government has become.  Its being done for the cameras reveals what those running the cameras have become.

There is no sobriety.  Just grandstanders grandstanding.

There are no values being argued over.  Just arguments, like those represented in a bad fifties TV marriage – but not nearly as funny...and with no way to turn them off.

What we now have is a clear choice – not one of "left" versus "right," not of "liberal versus conservative," but of sobriety over a form of drunkenness.  There are those drunk on power; those drunk on what was once seen as notoriety; those who confuse winning for a superior idea – one that empowers our nation, its values, and its people – with winning for their "side," no matter the cost to that nation, those values, or that people.

See them for what they are: Feinstein, Schumer, Booker, and all the rest.  See the parading celebrities and their shallow opinions – yes, and those who repeat them.  Those who come out of the woodwork like cockroaches.  The media types.  The commentators.  The noise-makers.

Are any of them serious enough to deserve our attention?

Are any such sharing ideas that move anything forward beyond their own shallow selves?

And then we have Kavanaugh himself.  View him.  Listen to his words.  His seriousness.  His sobriety.

It will never be clearer, this choice that we have before us.

There are two futures: one cheap and sleazy, the other to be truly great (again).

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