Roe v. Wade has aborted decency in the Democratic Party

How desperate are U.S. Senate Democrats to please their crazy base?  Very desperate, I guess.

I am sure there is a decent Democrat out there who must be asking if saving Roe v. Wade is worth destroying the dignity and decency of the party.

This week, we witness a new low in the effort to pander to the base.  Senator Feinstein, who until recently had been a moderate voice in the party, dropped a little bomb about Judge Kavanaugh's high school days.  We learned that Mr. Kavanaugh was a teenager and fond of a few pranks.

In Kavanaugh's story, the girl did not drown, with the driver going into hiding for hours.  She did not "service" her boss in his office.

Instead, the big reveal was an act of Democrat desperation, as Kathleen Parker wrote:

After several days of showboating and judicial hazing, Democrats pulled out their biggest weapon against Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh: a letter from an anonymous woman claiming sexual misconduct in high school.

There are no words – except, perhaps, desperate, scurrilous and embarrassing to anyone with a conscience and a grown-up brain.

Our friend Mr. Anonymous is back.

First, he leaks like crazy during the last 18 months of the Trump presidency.

Second, he writes an op-ed piece over at The New York Times.

And now, apparently a she is behind a story about something that happened back in high school.

Yes, it's a new low even for the Democrats.

What happens if future Justice Kavanaugh is the vote that overturns Roe v. Wade?  It just means that state legislatures or an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will guarantee the right to an abortion.

So why are Democrats so stuck to Roe v. Wade?  Maybe they don't think they can win in the public arena or in state legislatures.

In the meantime, decency is wanted over at the Democrats' office.

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