Nervous about GOP becoming weak-kneed on Kavanaugh

For the past week, I've been in Texas with the Conservative Campaign Committee, working to re-elect Ted Cruz.  At the hotel breakfast buffet, I overheard a couple expressing their frustration over the GOP bending over backwards, making outrageous concessions to Christine Ford.  Without evidence, Ms. Ford accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her 36 years ago.

The Democratic Party and fake news media practically ignored Democrat Ted Kennedy being responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne.  They laughed off the drunken Ted Kennedy-Chris Dodd waitress sandwich sexual assault.  Hillary Clinton led the Bimbo Eruption squad to silence all the women sexually assaulted and raped by serial adulterer and Democrat President Bill Clinton.  Yet Democrats and fake news media are trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for unsubstantiated 36-year-old allegations from high school.

As expected, evil Democrats continue to stack their depraved pile of lies against Kavanaugh higher with a woman claiming Kavanaugh organized a rape train against her. 

Again, without an ounce of evidence.

Back in my Texas hotel room, emails from patriots around the country expressed the same frustration as the couple I overheard at breakfast.  Even though Republicans control Congress and the White House, patriots fear that the GOP will allow Democrats to use their disgusting smear campaign to continue delaying the confirmation of Kavanaugh, which could result in Kavanaugh not being confirmed.

Frustrated and fearful patriots are asking: why doesn't the GOP just say no to the American left's humiliating, evil scheme against this honorable constitutional conservative and move forward with his confirmation?

For several years, leftists have used the Supreme Court to cram their extreme anti-Christian and anti-freedom agenda down our throats.  I remember where I was and how I felt when leftist activist justices on the Supreme Court shockingly twisted the Constitution to make Obamacare and same-sex "marriage" laws of the land.  Their unconstitutional ruling on marriage has led to Christians being thrown into jail for obeying the Bible and mandatory transgender studies as early as pre-K in public schools.

Folks, President Trump having the amazing unexpected opportunity to place a second conservative on the Supreme Court is a remarkable gift from God to America.  Neil Gorsuch was Trump's first nominee to win Senate confirmation for the Supreme Court.  Brett Kavanaugh will be Trump's second.  The GOP simply must not blow this opportunity to staff the Supreme Court with justices who will interpret the Constitution according to the intent of our Founding Fathers.  Kavanaugh's confirmation will dramatically impact America for decades, getting us back on track.  Praise God!

My fellow patriots, given Republicans' fear of what fake news media will say about them, I understand your concern about Kavanaugh not being confirmed.  However, there's a new sheriff in town, and his name is Donald John "Wayne" Trump.  Trump remains firmly behind Kavanaugh.  Judge Kavanaugh released a powerful letter saying he will not back down.

I believe that God did not bring us this far to leave us, and Kavanaugh will be confirmed.  However, I do believe we must pressure the GOP to move forward with the vote to confirm Kavanaugh ASAP.  The midterm elections are at stake.  It is extremely unwise for the GOP to anger, dispirit, and frustrate conservative and Republican voters.

As I stated, my wife Mary and I are in Texas with the Conservative Campaign Committee, campaigning for Ted Cruz.  Please go to Cruz's website and send him money.  Democrat outsiders are beating the crap out of him in fundraising.

It dawned on us that we have not seen one smart car here in Texas.  People here like their big vehicles.  I like that.

GOP, let's get this Kavanaugh show on the road.  Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court will be awesome for America.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the truth

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