Media-dubbed Weather God Emperor Donald Trump controls hurricanes

According to the editorial board of the Washington Post, President Trump is responsible for inflicting catastrophic weather events, having just unleashed Hurricane Florence upon the mid-Atlantic seaboard, specifically the states of North and South Carolina.  No other U.S. president in the history of the country has garnered such a unique distinction.  Having been anointed Weather God Emperor by the editorial board, President Trump is able to conjure cataclysmic weather at will.  It would appear he's also able to control the ferocity of epic storms, in addition to meting out a path of destruction, while disputing the number of weather-related fatalities.      

The Washington Post editors came to their conclusion, quoting an unnamed climate researcher who believes that hurricanes produce a lot of wind and rain, because Donald Trump doesn't believe in "human-induced climate change."  Utterly disregarding scientific fact, the editors conveniently chose to ignore the history of hurricanes making landfall – the first recorded ferocious weather events, which occurred in the early 1300s.  Never mind that sediment samples from the United States Gulf Coast region, as well as the Atlantic coast, also indicate that hurricanes most likely also occurred during the Medieval Warming Period, circa 800-1400 B.C.  Sticking to the politically correct script is all that matters in 2018.  Weather God Emperor Trump can't be credited for the booming American economy, but he is, without a doubt, complicit when it comes to spinning up hurricanes.

Coupled with his penchant for storm complicity, apparently, Weather God Emperor Trump is also personally responsible for the lack of building code enforcement and the outdated electrical grid in Puerto Rico.  Recall the ferocity of Hurricane Maria in September of 2017, a monstrous Category 5 storm that wreaked havoc and destruction all over the Caribbean.  Unfortunately, Hurricane Irma proceeded Hurricane Maria's onslaught, just two weeks prior.  Still reeling from Irma, an estimated 80,000 people in Puerto Rico were without electrical power.  What's absent from the discussion is the island's overwhelming utility debt, resulting in a 30% reduction of employed utility workers (at the time both storms arrived) and an aging electrical grid infrastructure.  Local media repeatedly warned of poor utility maintenance and failing control systems.

If the outdated electrical grid wasn't enough, Puerto Rico's water system was deemed substandard and didn't meet the strictures of the 1974 Safe Water Drinking Act.  Finally, structures on Puerto Rico are not built for substantial or sustained hurricane-force winds.  Most buildings simply crumpled during the storm or were ripped apart altogether.

Initially, 64 people in Puerto Rico died as a direct result of the hurricane.  Local authorities admitted that counting dead people due to the hurricane was difficult because they lacked communication.  By October 2017, the number was adjusted upward to 1,052 deaths.  That number just changed – again.  In a study, conducted by the Milken Institute of Public Health at George Washington University, using computer math models, researchers concluded that as many as 3,300 people died (give or take several hundred)  in a six-month period during and after the storm.  Hoovered up in the total count were deaths attributed to sepsis, pneumonia, emphysema, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.  In other words, everyone who died between the arrival of Hurricane Maria on September 16, 2017 and March of 2018 is considered a hurricane death.

According to the CDC, approximately 7,450 people die every day in the U.S.  Hurricane Florence has already claimed four lives.  Using the same computer math models, between today and six months from now, it's estimated that the deaths from Hurricane Florence will be well over 1 million.  Weather God Emperor Trump will have some explaining to do. 

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