'Unhinged' Omarosa says Trump will start a race war

Is former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman just trying to sell books, or has Trump-hate sent her off the deep end?

Omarosa said on MSNBC that Trump's efforts to help the black community are "disingenuous" and actually accused Trump of wanting to start a race war.


The Hill:

"We have a lot to lose right now," Manigault Newman said on MSNBC's "Politics Nation," referencing Trump's appeal to African-American voters during the 2016 campaign.

"I believe he wants to start a race war in this country," she added.

Manigault Newman has made a flurry of media appearances over the last week to promote her new book, "Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House."  In the book, she recounts her time in the White House and on the Trump campaign, and accuses the president of being a racist.

Manigault Newman, who rose to fame on "The Apprentice" and was fired from the administration in December, argued she was as an advocate for the black community during her time in the White House.

"Every single time he had some type of issue with the community, I was there," she said.  "The one thing I realized once I was there was he was disingenuous to his commitment to diversity."

Manigault Newman said Trump is a "performer," and that he's more interested in using minority leaders as props than for in-depth conversations. 

I hate to point this out, but I thought only Kluxers and skinheads believed that a race war is coming.  Is Omarosa living a secret life as a Klansman that we know nothing about?

Probably not.  So she's either a paranoid loon or hustling her book.  Or maybe both.  Her shameless self-promotion since her book came out has no doubt helped propel the tome to #1 on Amazon.  But at what cost to her dignity and reputation?

Maybe she needed the money.

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