Former president Barack Hussein Obama (D) endorses

Help has arrived for those of you longing for the Obama years of high taxes, low growth, government interference in your private life such as forced purchase of health insurance, international contempt for America as those spewing contempt demand – and receive – more American dollars, high unemployment, and wide open borders.  Utilizing his successor's tweeting technique, former president Barack Hussein Obama (D) politically reappeared, graciously offering a four-page Twitter imprimatur to over 80 candidates for various elective offices around the country.

Interestingly, as many commenters have noted, the Bronx Democratic Party slayer, Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who advocates free stuff for everyone while willingly purchasing expensive lipstick, did not receive Obama's official blessing. 

Hmm.  Was Obama being prudent, realizing what wins an election in New York isn't appealing to...Iowa?  Or is he demonstrating residual loyalty to the man she defeated, an Obama ally?  Or...?  

Review Obama's endorsees above.  You have been warned.  If you are a U.S. citizen and otherwise eligible, vote accordingly.  And only once.

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