Dem rep threatens immigration agents: 'You will not be safe'

Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona tweeted out a threat to immigration agents, warning them that if Democrats take over the House, "you will not be safe because you were just following orders." 



Charming fellow.

Fox News:

Gallego's comments go beyond those of other Democrats, even those who've called for confronting Trump administration officials in public over immigration policies. 

Chris Crane, the president of the National ICE Council, which represents thousands of ICE employees, accused Gallego of inciting violence against them as they "enforce the nation's laws and keep our communities safe."

"It should be frightening to every American that a sitting member of Congress would threaten the safety of any person and their family, and incite the public to take acts of violence against them, let alone the lives of those whose job it is to protect us and keep us safe," Crane said in a statement.

Gallego, in a statement to Fox News, attempted to clarify his remarks.

"Government officials who violate the law or the constitution will not be immune to legal consequences," Gallego said Thursday.  "They will eventually be held accountable for their actions, even if the Trump administration is refusing to do so."

A spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement did not return a request for comment.  There have been growing calls from Democrats in recent months to abolish the agency.

The first thing Gallego has to do is find "illegal acts" committed by the Trump administration.  He will be looking for a long time.  The Supreme Court upheld Trump's "travel ban," and while other executive orders have been overturned by judicial fiat at the expense of the executive, that doesn't make them "illegal."

In fact, ICE agents are simply enforcing the laws already on the books – laws that other presidents have refused to enforce or enforced in a different manner.  Suffice it to say that Gallego has no clue what he's talking about except to parrot incoherent talking points that have nothing to do with reality.

Gallego didn't quite go full Nazi on ICE agents, but he came close.



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