Chelsea Clinton praises abortion as an big economy booster

Is Chelsea Clinton crazy?

She's going around now praising abortion as a great booster to the economy, contributing $3.5 trillion in GDP growth.

CNS News reports Clinton claimed the infamous U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade was a good thing, not only because it gave women the “dignity to make our own choices,” but also because it led to a $3.5 trillion boost to America’s economy.

“It is not a disconnected fact … that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right?” Clinton said during a “Rise Up for Roe” rally protesting U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“The net, new entrance of women – that is not disconnected from the fact that Roe became the law of the land in January of 1973,” she continued.

By that logic, then maybe more abortions mean more money for the economy. If 60 million abortions raises GDP by $3.5 trillion, why not 120 million abortions to add $7 trillion? More abortions, more money. Sounds like the left is going to use it as an economic stimulus instrument.

Her logic wasn't just that abortions beef up the Planned Parenthood bottom line, what with one of the panelists at the Rise Up For Roe event she spoke at saying her abortion cost her $495.

It was that abortion makes women free, to be career women, unfettered by the burden of diapers, swing sets, formula, toys, blankets, doctor visits, and time spent playing with little ones. As if none of those costs actually contribute to the economy. As if the logic is that only cash to Planned Parenthood or the prospect of career earnings contributes. And as if there is no such thing as a working mom who has kids to support. Having a baby, see, is incompatible with a career, ladies. Just like the sexists say.

What's more, as LifeNews notes, it's actually wrong. The sixty million missing babies now in the landfills of abortion are the main reason why the Social Security system and public pensions are going bust. Abortions have created a population problem worldwide, with China the extreme example. China's abortion-fueled one-child policy is precisely why China is facing the prospect of growing old before it grows rich.

It goes to show how in-a-bubble Chelsea Clinton really lives.

Does someone out there really think this? That abortions bring economic booms? It's the creepiest retro-utilitarian argument out there, and Chelsea brought it back, straight from the lunacy of Margaret Sanger and other early feminist abortion proponents. Abortion as liberator. You've Come A Lonnng Way, Babeeee.

The hour-and-a-half YouTube video of the event she spoke at, called Rise Up For Roe, has all kind of choice quotes from the leftist logic of Chelsea, and lots of whoppers. It's delivered in her sanctimonious, hectoring, godawful superior-to-you style of delivery that has only gotten worse as she ages, with lots of icky nobelesse oblige asides, so be ready for that.

The panel is led by a Teen Vogue columnist and includes CNN columnist Simone Sanders, another woman who calls herself a 'professional feminist' and a very strange woman with a black tshirt reading Planned Parenthood paired with a diaphonous metallic gold fortuny-pleated skirt, who says she's all against family separations of illegals based on her family values but all for abortion at the same time, a juxtaposition that suggests something screwed up. If you have the time, listen to how bad it is. If not, know that crazy thinking is coming from the Democrats’ cossetted political princess and the left is lapping it up.

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