A good slogan for the wrong party
House Democrats recently disclosed their slogan as the country nears the midterm elections. Ready for it?
For the People
The slogan was unveiled by Illinois's Rep. Cheri Bustos, co-chair of House Democrats' messaging arm, and her colleagues after a private meeting with members.
It is impossible to comprehend how or why Democrats chose this slogan when their divisive policies and rhetoric have torn the country apart (since President Trump took office). Moreover, there are many who will rightfully question the sincerity of this message and whom it speaks to. Specifically, when Democrats claim that they are "for the people," what people are they referring to?
- Are they "for the people" who are looking to ban our Second Amendment rights?
- Are they "for the people" who are looking to allow illegal aliens to enter and to stay in the country illegally?
- Are they "for the people" who are looking to permit illegal aliens to vote?
- Are they "for the people" who are looking to promote a socialist way of life?
- Are they "for the people" who support Obamacare's individual mandate?
- Are they "for the people" who use positions of power within the government to try to influence a presidential election in favor of a Democratic candidate?
- Are they "for the people" who "automatically" threaten to vote against a Supreme Court nomination strictly on partisan grounds?
- Are they "for the people" who pray for our president to fail when negotiating with a rogue regime in the hopes of making the country (and the world) safer?
- Are they "for the people" who criticized Israel's right to self-defense and the decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem?
- Are they "for the people" who promote and support activist judges in our courts?
- Are they "for the people" who promote Maxine Waters and her style of "resistance" or "engagement"?
- Are they "for the people" who expected President Trump to publicly insult Vladimir Putin during a press conference even though doing so could have had dangerous consequences due to Russia's large arsenal of nuclear weapons?
It is easy to come up with catchy words and slogans! We saw it during the 2016 election, when Hillary Clinton utilized the "Stronger Together" mantra. We all remember how that turned out for her and the Democrats, as the American public saw through the puffery and looked at her and their actions, which were abysmal.
There is an old saying: if your actions do not prove the truth of your words, then your words are nothing more than lies.
The American public is smart. People are tired of empty words, lies, and foolish rhetoric. They want sincerity, transparency, action, and results. They want available jobs, a strong economy, affordable health care (Republicans need to work on this specific issue because of high premiums), security at home, and an "America-first" approach and attitude.
While it is commendable for government to work "for the people," the Democratic Party is not the party that will do so. The policies promoted by the Democrats are not "for the people." Rather, they are for only a limited set of people "who agree with their philosophy and principles." Thankfully, these far-left Democrat "principles" do not appear to appeal to the masses.
Come November, the American public should reject this slogan as an insincere ruse by Democrats looking to garner votes!

Mr. Hakim is a writer and a practicing attorney. His articles have been published in World Net Daily, American Thinker, the Sun-Sentinel, and other online publications.
Blog: https://thoughtfullyconservative.wordpress.com
Twitter: @Elad3599
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