Trump-haters dragging out the Nazi canard again

President Donald Trump is celebrating 500 days in office with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.  If there was any doubt, watch his recent impromptu drop-in interview on the White House lawn with Steve Doocy from Fox and Friends last week.

The Mueller investigation is coming up empty.  Stormy Daniels has turned out to be more of a drizzle than a storm.  Trump is checking off accomplishments, from the economy to North Korea, both areas where we were told Trump had no expertise or experience, that if the smart set in the Obama administration couldn't solve these problems, no one could.

Trump's continued successes and victories are paving the way for a second term.  And if the Republicans in Congress can get out of their own way, they should be on track to maintaining their House and Senate majorities.

So what are NeverTrumps and the rest of the leftist coalition to do in the face of the Trump storm?  When attempting to label Trump as a pig or a rube doesn't work, they can always call him Hitler.

General Michael Hayden did just that.  As a reminder, the good general served as NSA director under Clinton and Bush 43, then as CIA director under Bush.  He presided over the American intelligence community, which did not foresee 9-11 and which was quite certain that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.  He also was one of many signatories on a famous open letter proclaiming that "Donald Trump is not qualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief."

Firmly in the NeverTrump camp, the general, likely frustrated that his former agencies could not prevent Trump's election or prematurely end his presidency, pulled out the Nazi card with a recent tweet.

Weighing in not on intelligence or foreign policy matters, he is instead calling Trump a Nazi for enforcing existing immigration law, much of it enacted while the good general served in in the federal government – and without remorse for the "mothers and children" separated due to 9-11 and the Iraq War, both occurring on his watch.

It's also interesting that in 2005, the Bush administration ended the "catch and release" program and began "building up detention bed space to house immigrants [sic] until their deportation hearing."  Was the Bush administration one of those "other governments" separating women and children?

Another once-upon-a-time Republican, like the general, is Morning Joe Scarborough.  He too pulled the Nazi card on his show, "[c]omparing the processes in place to enforce US immigration laws to the methods used against Jews in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust."

A bit of irony lost on Joe and Mika was Joe's invocation of the Bible: "[i]t's ... not biblically based that you rip children from their parents."  I wonder if he ever made such a statement to Planned Parenthood or any of the frequent pro-abortion guests on his show.

I also don't hear any complaints from any of the Trump-is-Hitler crowd over women in prison.  As of 2014, over 222,000 women were incarcerated within U.S. prisons.  How many of them were separated from their children?  How many give birth in prison, perhaps never seeing their children again?  It seems that breaking the law has consequences, some unpleasant – not just for the lawbreaker, but for his family as well.

It's not only Trump who's a Nazi, but also his supporters.  Howard Dean, tweeting about a recent white supremacist rally in Georgia, described the  attendees as the "Trump base."  I personally have been called a white supremacist due to my support of the president.

This is not a new phenomenon, calling Republicans Nazis.  President George W. Bush was the recipient of such comparisons.  Remember "Bushitler"?  The difference was that such name-calling was delegated to far-left loons, not former CIA directors.

This type of name-calling is standard operating procedure for leftists, but it's silly and undignified for former senior Republican officials, like General Hayden, who don't like President Trump.  The general would have likely preferred a President Jeb!, but as the Rolling Stones sang, you can't always get what you want.

Trump is a Nazi, at least when he isn't a Russian agent, Putin's puppet.  I guess being a Russian and a Nazi are the same thing, notwithstanding World War Two.  The reality is that no American president is Hitler or represents the Nazi Party, no matter how much we may disagree with his politics or personality.

When everyone is a Nazi, no one is a Nazi.  Those who engage in histrionic name-calling are loudly proclaiming their irrelevance and their idiocy – and demeaning half the country that supports President Trump.

Brian C Joondeph, M.D., MPS, a Denver-based physician and writer. Follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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