The lawless, porn-respecting , MS-13-loving, humorless American left

How does one explain how the party of FDR and JFK now supports all manner of law-breaking by illegal immigrants?  These people defend aliens' illegal entry into the United States and give them sanctuary even after they have committed violent crimes that have taken the lives of innocent American citizens.

They also love Stormy Daniels and celebrate her ridiculous, attention-seeking, money-grubbing stalking of President Trump.  After Rudy Giuliani dared to say he did not have the same level of respect for her as he would a "woman of substance," the denizens of CNN, NBC, and MSNBC went ballistic.  Apparently she is very much a woman of substance.  The women of The View, including Meghan McCain, defended her "work" (performing a variety of sex acts on film for money with numerous partners).  To hear them sing Stormy's praises, one would think each of them would be proud if her own daughter chose such a profession.  But, as Mark Steyn observed, at the same time, the Miss America Pageant will no longer have a swimsuit or evening gown segment because these are demeaning to women.  Stormy is a woman to be admired for her work ethic, but the bathing suit portion of the Miss America contest is degrading.  The Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner so fraught with hypocrisy that it is stupefying.

As for Nancy Pelosi's defense of the "spark of divinity" within the members of MS-13, those drug-dealing, sex-trafficking, machete-wielding murderers, she was not alone among her tribe of Democrats.  There is no miscreant, no matter how vile and murderous, whom they will decline to vindicate, to endorse.  They encourage them to come here and welcome them when they get here.  They are much more protective of them than they are the native-born and legal immigrants on whom they prey.  They plan to see to it that they all vote – for Democrats, of course.  For their votes, they will be provided health care, food stamps, welfare...full subsidization on the American taxpayer's dime in sanctuary cities, where they are free to deal their drugs and terrorize their fellow immigrants who are scared to death of them.  That pretty much sums up the Democratic Party today.

The Democrats' latest campaign is the allegedly cruel separation of parents from their children when they enter the country illegally.  As Rich Lowry wrote, "their outrage obscures more than it illuminates."  Donald Trump has changed nothing regarding this policy.  It is implemented when the border agents do not believe that the child belongs to the adults claiming him or that said adults are a threat to the child.  According to Lowry, the Flores Consent Decree of 1997 says that "unaccompanied children can be held only 20 days."  A ruling by the Ninth Circuit extended this 20-day limit to children who come as part of family units.  So even if we want to hold a family unit together, we are forbidden from doing so.  This is yet another phony scandal with no basis in truth.  But facts, and laws made long before Trump became president, matter not to the desperate left, whose members are still convinced they can bring Trump down and then take him out by deluding a stupid and deplorable voting public.

No one can be surprised that most members of the Democratic Party and its media farceurs have lost any semblance of a sense of humor.  Eric Swalwell, a Calif. congressman, actually said Trump's obvious joke at a campaign rally that perhaps Russia could find Hillary's missing emails was "code" to Putin!  Trump and Putin were colluding to steal the presidency from Hillary!  They all thought Sean Hannity's evident sarcasm regarding the double standards with which the DOJ and FBI have addressed Ms. Clinton's missing emails and private, unprotected server, along with her destruction of so many government documents and devices, was actually advice to those called before Mueller to do the same.  The left-media went wild with calls for Hannity to be charged with obstructing justice.

The late-night comics are no longer funny.  They are just mean and profane.  Comics can no longer entertain at college campuses because university students have been so coddled that they cannot hear a dissenting word without melting.

As the brilliant Salena Zito wrote during the campaign, the left takes Trump literally but not seriously.  His supporters take him seriously but not literally.  Guess who is the smarter group!

This observation was the most astute of the entire campaign and election.  But the lefties never learn.  They still believe in their coming blue wave.  Pelosi says the low unemployment is meaningless, the tax cuts are "crumbs," and that consumer confidence is low despite it being at an 18-year high.  They see, hear, think, and propagate what they want to be true, not what is true.

Even California voters made a tiny dent in the left's socialist grasp on the state.  No one expected Republican John Cox to come in second.  All Californians should be horrified by what has become of their once golden state.  Thanks to the polices of Gov. Brown, ex-senator Boxer, Feinstein, Kamala Harris, A.G. Becerra, etc. (it is a one-party Marxist state), California is a disaster of incalculable proportions, drowning in the homeless, the illegal migrants, traffic, and the highest gas prices in the country.  It is so bad that a Republican may just have a chance. 

One thing is certain. The American left has moved so far to the deranged radical left that even former liberals, like Alan Dershowitz, Mark Penn, and Doug Schoen, are frightened.  So irrationally revolted by Trump's election win, the Democrats have lost all sense of reason and reality.  They are now motivated only by pure hate.  They relentlessly accuse Trump of what they do as a rule: lie, cheat, and propagandize.

Throughout all his years in the public eye, no one had ever accused Donald Trump of being a racist – until he ran for president.  Fifty years in business, and not once was he so accused.  Not once was he ever charged with being homophobic.  Does he love beautiful women?  Yes, like most men who have escaped the trope of "toxic masculinity."  Did he ever treat any woman as Harvey Weinstein, Eric Schneiderman, Bill Clinton, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, and the host of other leftist men did who have for decades claimed to be champions of women's rights while serially abusing the women in their lives?  No, he did not.

Our left cannot abide the fact that the character traits they have assigned to Trump are false.  They are in fact the left's own habits of mind – projection and dissemblance, day in and day out.

Let us all pray that enough voters wake up to the fact of what the left has become by the 2018 midterm election.  These crazy, humorless, gang-loving, porn star-adoring people must not be in charge of anything or anyone, least of all the greatest country on the planet.

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