Dems issue delusional demands on North Korea

Despite some posturing by both sides, President Trump and Kim Jong-un are currently scheduled to meet on June 12, 2018.  Rather than expressing optimism relative to this historic meeting, some Democrats have threatened congressional interference or action unless several demands are met.

Top Senate Democrats said Monday they will push for mandatory sanctions on North Korea if President Trump fails to win major concessions from Kim Jong-un, including complete denuclearization, as the two leaders prepare to meet for a high-stakes summit on June 12.

In a letter to Trump, Schumer, Menendez, and other top Democrats laid out five provisions they said would be critical to any agreement.  The letter says North Korea should dismantle and remove all of its nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons; suspend its ballistic missile tests and disable that program; and agree to "anytime, anywhere" inspections to ensure compliance, among other items.

These five provisions are grossly unrealistic and utopian in nature.  Moreover, the motivation of those demanding them should be viewed with skepticism.  For example, Mr. Schumer has been very critical of President Trump. On the Senate floor, Mr. Schumer said:

Despite what the president and his allies may feel about his authority or his absolution from legal repercussions, the Constitution and the founding principles of our country tell us he's dead wrong[.] ... Mr. President, President Trump – we are not a monarchy.  You are not a king.  We are a constitutional democracy, so act like it.

Mr. Schumer was also critical of President Trump's comments about Kim Jung-un after he released three American detainees.

"We want to thank Kim Jong-un, who really was excellent to these three incredible people," Trump said. 

Schumer slammed Trump's comments in a speech on the Senate floor Thursday morning.

"We can't be fooled into giving the North Korean regime credit for turning [over] Americans that never should have been detained in the first place," Schumer said.  "It is so troubling to hear President Trump say that Kim Jong-Un treated the Americans excellently."

Is it possible that those who insisted on such immediate, tough, and virtually impossible provisions want to see the president fail?  Does their apparent disdain and dislike of President Trump take precedence over more important matters, including the possibility of improving relations with North Korea (and possible denuclearization in the future)?

While it would be easy to label this conclusion as simple partisan banter or finger-pointing, other "experts," including a New York Times columnist, have also labeled this "hardline" approach as delusional and off-base.

"It's delusional.  There is no other way to put it," Vipin Narang, a North Korea expert at MIT tweeted.  "Unrealistic expectations are unhelpful," director for nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association Kelsey Davenport tweeted.

Essentially, experts agree that North Korea is unwilling to give up all of its nuclear weapons before the U.S. gives the North Koreans any sanctions relief or help.  The New York Times went as far as calling them childish.

"Democrats Childishly Resist Trump's North Korea Efforts," New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote of their letter.

Previously, some Democrats opposed direct or unilateral military action against North Korea before President Trump was able to broker or negotiate the upcoming meeting with Kim Jong-un.  On the other hand, this list of unrealistic demands virtually nullifies any potential negotiated deal with the North Korean leader.  Democrats can't have their cake and eat it, too.  At least not in one sitting!

If some Democrats are resisting President Trump's North Korea efforts in order to see him fail, we should view this with extreme trepidation.  Can their personal dislike of the president lead them to put partisanship and personal feelings above what is best for the country and the American people?  For the sake of our country, let's hope not!

Mr. Hakim is a writer and a practicing attorney in Florida.  His articles have been published in the Palm Beach Post, Sun-Sentinel, Florida Jewish Journal, American Thinker, and other online publications.
Twitter: @Elad3599

Image: Lori Shaull via Flickr.

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