Threats of violence against conservatives, from President Trump to me

On Sunday morning, June 10, 2018, I discovered a bloody severed skunk head on my back deck.  It was not there at 11:00 P.M. the night before when watering the flowers, so it was likely placed there by someone under cover of darkness during the night.

Several years ago, four small cherry trees were cut down near the ground line with a sharp instrument, killing them.  Last year, our old and venerated tree house was cut down, saw marks evident in the timbers, half now lying in ruins in the dry streambed behind our house.

I am a traditional patriotic conservative American, and I write essays for conservative websites such as American Thinker, Family Security Matters, and RenewAmerica, and I have just published a book entitled Restoring the American Mind, which expresses modern American conservative – i.e., classic American liberal – analysis and opinion.  Some Americans have disgustingly descended into a Mafia-like fascist suppression of conservative thought and opinion that, as I grew up in a sane environment of common sense, was endemic, respected, and encouraged, and never publicly opposed or met with bigoted intolerance, coercion, threats of violence, or actual violence.

Things have now changed for the worse.  Consider these cases of coercion and threats of violence and murder against Patriotic American Conservatives: here, here, here, here, and here.

One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see an accelerating pattern of property invasion, property damage, and a not so subtle threat of murder, so I have reported this to the sheriff of Knox County, Tenn.  Hopefully a police investigation, and a higher level of police protection for my family, will soon follow.  Since I have had no personal conflicts socially or at work, I am asking all of my friends and neighbors to help me protect my family against what may be a threat of politically motivated coercion and violence.  If you have any information about this fascist coward, or cowards, operating by night, please call the Knox County Sherriff's Office at 865-215-2243 or 865-245-2444.

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