That's one for The Hill

It seems that The Hill, one of the country's leading political reportage sites, has notified the White House Correspondents' Association that it will no longer take part in the association's annual dinner.

The Hill, which has participated in the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) dinner for many years, does not plan at this time to participate in the event moving forward[.] ... In short, there's simply no reason for us to participate in something that casts our profession in a poor light.  Major changes are needed to the annual event.

The Hill's chairman, James Finkelstein, was responding to the disastrous monologue by "comic" Michelle Wolf, who is shaping up to be this year's Kathy Griffin.  Like most viewers, Finkelstein was taken aback by the vicious personal attacks Wolf directed at Sarah Huckabee Sanders and, to a lesser extent, at Kellyanne Conway during Wolf's spiel (which clearly bombed even before this media audience – laughter was sporadic and subdued, and marked by groans and long nervous silences).

Finkelstein took pains to make it clear that he is not otherwise opposed to the organization's mission and that The Hill will continue to support its other projects, such as its scholarship program.  He strongly suggested serious changes in the annual dinner.

A hand of applause for James Finkelstein and The Hill, class acts, whatever else they may be.  As for the rest of the national media...


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