Hillary shoots her mouth off again, and Dems cringe again

The Democrats' long knives are going to be unsheathed on Hillary Clinton's back even sooner than I anticipated.  Driven mad by the crash and burn of her "inevitable" presidency dream, she continues to come up with excuses that avoid the real reason: her personal repulsiveness.

Yesterday, in the latest installment of her "it's not my fault I lost" speaking tour, she revealed an embarrassing truth about her party.

David Rutz of the Free Beacon has the story:

Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that being a capitalist probably hurt her cause in 2016 because so many Democrats in the party today are socialists.

Normally, I do not suggest subjecting readers to a video of Hillary, but this one is only 33 seconds long, and it is well worth your time and aesthetic discomfort:

Her claim to be a capitalist is specious, of course, unless one counts her miraculous success trading cattle futures in Arkansas to the point of making $100,000 in profits, and then abandoning such trading forever, after the bribe was received.  Only if one inserts the word "crony" before the word "capitalist" does the assertion contain any truth.

But her ability to recite polling data about Iowa Democrats, that 41% identify themselves as socialists, does suggest that she understands how her party has been radicalized during the Obama years.  And her remarkable change in body language suggests that she realizes that this transformation of her own party is a real electoral problem, one that can provide exoneration for her own failure.  Check out her initial posture and facial expression at the beginning of the segment, demonstrating tension:

And contrast it with the body language as she expresses her excuse:

By the way, what's the story on the scarf covering her neck?  Did she have plastic surgery to cut away wattles?

Whatever the story behind the scarf, it is increasingly clear to the powers in the party that Mrs. Clinton has become a liability to the party.  The mainstream of America has not embraced socialism – only the hard left and the propagandized products of the education system.  But Americans and the world are witnessing where socialism leads in Venezuela.  It is time for Republicans, especially President Trump, to drive home the point that socialism destroys wealth in the name of equality and ultimately enriches only the corrupt political elites.

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