Another one bites the dust

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigns after former girlfriends accuse him of rotten behavior. This same story has come out concerning so many Democrats that you wonder how such people ever got elected. You wonder how such a jerk ever got a girlfriend. And you wonder at such extreme hypocrisy. Schneiderman is yet another elected Dem who said one thing while doing the opposite -- parading around in favor of women’s this and women’s that while treating the women in his own life literally like slaves.

Ultimately you wonder why a woman in America, especially a professional woman, would put up with such behavior for even a second. The social scene in New York must teem with couples where he treats her awfully and she just sucks it up. Hollywooders in the same boat have explained that they go along with it because they want to work in that industry and there’s no choice. One begins to suspect that at least some women secretly like being treated this way; you know, the dominate-me, humiliate-me type. Now they’re taking advantage of a passing phase to cash in on their own strangeness.

The Northeast public square has always been something of a gathering place for strange agents but it’s beginning to look like that may be all there is. People with more normal egos don’t get it. Weiner, Spitzer, Schneiderman… How many others? Rush Limbaugh says it’s more than hypocrisy, that Lefty culture produces this type of man as a matter of course. Once again Rush nails it. You’ll find a few Pubs among the nasty rotten set; overwhelmingly, that place is dominated by the scuzzy Left.

Somewhere in New York City, an as-yet-unexposed public official assures himself his girl won’t rat him out for treating her badly. When she finally does come forward the rest of the world will yawn: this again? In one of his flicks Samuel Jackson says something to the effect of, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll always be what you’ve always been.” As long as Noo Yockers keep voting for liberals, this is exactly what they’re gonna get.

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