James Comey was behind the Scooter Libby frame-up, too

President Trump recently tweeted that firing former FBI director James Comey was something he was glad he did.

April 13, 2018


April 13, 2018

There's some merit to that thought, because it turns out Comey wasn't just the one at the heart of appointing his buddy, Robert Mueller to his current 'get-Trump' role as special counsel for the very-bogus Russia collusion investigation. He as also the guy who appointed Scooter Libby's dishonest prosecutor, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, to a similar post.

Here's what the Wall Street Journal editorial page (subscription) noted in its editorial titled 'Justice for Scooter Libby:'

As it happens, Mr. Fitzgerald was appointed by his good friend, James Comey, who was then Deputy Attorney General. This is the Jim Comey who told Congress last year that his goal in leaking information to the press about his conversations with Donald Trump after he was fired was to trigger a special counsel investigation that is now led by Mr. Mueller. This special counsel’s work isn’t done, but the Fitzgerald episode is worth keeping in mind as it unfolds.

Which makes one wonder if the reason President Trump pardoned Libby, who committed no crime and who got the book thrown at him, was to root out all markers of Comey's destructive presence, which included his history of appointing dishonest prosecutors, first Fitzgerald, and now Mueller, who has a history of problematic prosecutions-at-any-cost of his own. Everyone knew Libby was innocent, but President Bush put pleasing the left first in his failing to pardon him. Trump killed two birds with one stone by pardoning Libby, a guy he said he doesn't even know, rebuking the pious, pompous Comey, as well as the status-seeking Bush.

What a swirling legacy of awfulness Comey has left in the wake of his public life. First Fitzgerald and now Mueller. Both of these men found no merit to any of the original things they were sent to investigate, but they kept at it, busting people just to be busting them.

Yes indeed, firing Comey was one of Trump's best moves. Keeping him on would have been like keepng a viper.



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