Comey adapts the Harvey Weinstein defense

At present, James Comey is under DOJ investigation for obstruction of justice, theft of records, and revealing classified information, at the very least.

Against this backdrop, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is insisting that Comey knew of his leaks and that there are email and phone records that prove it.

Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein is saying history will prove he did the right thing by firing Comey and that the American people do not have all the facts.

Former attorney general Loretta Lynch is asserting that Comey never raised objections regarding the handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe, likely in response to Comey, who referred to "a development still unknown to the American public" regarding Lynch and the probe.

Indeed, Comey's legal woes are dire and likely to get far worse.

So what does Comey do?  He decides to channel his inner Weinstein.

When Harvey Weinstein was accused of raping a multitude of women last year, he responded by saying he was going to do three things: 1) give the NRA his full attention, 2) organize a foundation to give scholarships to female directors, and 3) make a movie about Trump.

By responding in this way, Weinstein was signaling to the left, "I am 100% on your side.  I will do anything to make up for my past transgressions.  Please don't abandon me."

Just like Weinstein last year, Comey is doing the same thing, only with a book instead of a movie.

In his book, Comey likens Trump to a mob boss and says he is morally unfit for office.  Comey writes that Trump is shorter than he expected, has smaller hands than him, is orange from tanning beds, and wears ties that are too big.  He may even have pee parties with prostitutes, Comey writes.

Then, in an ABC interview posted last Wednesday, Comey announced that he is no longer a Republican.  The party's values, you see, aren't in line with his.  Comey also disclosed that his wife and four daughters all supported Clinton and then participated in the Women's March after Trump's inauguration.

In effect, Comey is motioning to the left, "I am 100% on your side.  I too will happily cover my beautiful brown hair with a vagina hat at any pro-Clinton march.  Whatever you want, I will do; just don't abandon me."

Sadly, Comey destroyed himself the second he adopted his Harvey Weinstein Defense.

Comey had one job, just one: to be the "objective" Republican who always saw things the Democrats' way.  He was supposed to be the David Brooks of law enforcement, and now he has ruined it all with his pettiness and partisanship.

The left is now mad at Comey because his actions destroyed the credibility of the Mueller investigation, and all because he wanted to get rich.  The Clintonites in particular are furious because they still blame him for Hillary's loss.

Finally, the left's social justice warriors are especially indignant that Comey would even consider criticizing an African-American woman.

It's too late.  Not even a vagina hat can save Comey now.

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