Trump and the Canadian canards about trade

This morning on the Today Show, the press minions said Trump lied when he said that the U.S. had a trade deficit with Canada. The story can be found at the Washington Post and at The Hill and I am sure it will be repeated far and wide.

Here is the story at the Washington Post, headlined:

In fundraising speech, Trump says he made up trade claim in meeting with Justin Trudeau

Here is what the story claims:

“Trudeau came to see me. He’s a good guy, Justin. He said, ‘No, no, we have no trade deficit with you, we have none. Donald, please,’ ” Trump said, mimicking Trudeau, according to audio of the private event in Missouri obtained by The Washington Post. “Nice guy, good-looking guy, comes in — ‘Donald, we have no trade deficit.’ He’s very proud because everybody else, you know, we’re getting killed.

“ ... So, he’s proud. I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. … And I thought they were smart. I said, ‘You’re wrong, Justin.’ He said, ‘Nope, we have no trade deficit.’

Maybe the headline should be:

“Trudeau lied when he said that Canada had a trade deficit with the U.S.”

That's because per the following story in Bloomberg News, Canada’s government shows they have almost a $15 billion surplus with the U.S.  So why did Trudeau lie and why has the American media chosen to attack Trump? Isn’t it good to have a president who actually knows the trade figures and who strives to create jobs and job opportunities for the American people every day of the week?  Shouldn't the American media and Democrats be more interested in protecting American jobs instead of Canadian jobs? Here's what Bloomberg wrote:

Trump May Actually Be Right About the Trade Deficit With Canada

Canadian officials tend to use U.S. data to make their case and the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated the U.S. had a $7.7 billion surplus in 2016. But Statistics Canada data show it’s Canada with the surplus in goods and services, totaling C$18.8 billion ($14.6 billion) last year. That’s a $22.3 billion difference between the two measures.

Maybe the pretend journalists could do a smidgen of research before they just repeat a story that Trump lied but with an agenda of destroying Trump every day the research is not done.

I would think that supposed journalists would be embarrassed that they have peddled a fake story of Russian collusion with Trump for around 18 months now with actual no evidence. The journalists also know that it was a fake Russian dossier paid for by Hillary and the DNC that started the investigation and illegal spying but facts haven’t mattered for a long time.

The agenda is to destroy Trump and the garbage stories are never ending.

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