The known knowns and gun control

John Kasich once again comes out full bore for gun control, as predictably as a werewolf on full-moon night or a liberal on dope (same same). John Boy keeps going public with these positions that identify him as a moonbat liberal but for some reason he continues to self-identify as Republican. He’s giving the GOP a bad name and the neighbors are beginning to talk.

I’ve never really understood the animus specifically against guns, but while we’re at it let’s, go ahead and take hoses out of homes, too, so if a fire breaks out the residents can’t do anything but call the fire department and wait and watch while their lives go up in smoke. Let’s take needles and pills away from physicians so they can’t fight infections and diseases with meds and vaccinations.

Let’s make it impossible to defend ourselves in any way from anything -- especially Rumsfeldian known knowns that we can reasonably expect to encounter sometime -- rabid animals, disease, accidents, crazy people, acts of God or what-have-you. Just make ourselves vulnerable to everything, helpless in the face of all danger, and let luck decide who lives to adulthood.

That’s what we do when we disarm the population and leave people vulnerable to the predations of criminals, lunatics, and tyrannical government. But I repeat myself.

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