From Colombia, a huge middle finger to FARC Marxist terrorists

Here's something we learn from Colombia: no one, and I mean no one, likes left-wing thugs, the creeps who prance around in Che t-shirts, get government bennies, and literally get away with murder.

That's the result of an election held there over the weekend, where FARC Marxist narco-terrorists got next to nothing in the vaunted "peace process" elections, in the culmination of the oh, so globally vaunted peace process that brought Colombia's appeasionist president, Juan Manuel Santos, the Nobel Peace Prize.  Seeing FARC's Marxist narco-terrorists on the ballot with ten free seats in Congress, voters just wouldn't vote for them. 

That was the verdict from Sunday's election in Colombia, with FARC taking home a grand total of...0.21% of the vote in the Colombian House and 0.34% of the vote in the Colombian Senate, rendering them a rounding error.

It was lower than even so-called Colombia experts had predicted (neighborhood of 5%) to the press, and far lower than what Northern Ireland's detested Irish Republican Army terrorists took home from their own peace-with-impunity deal, brokered by Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

So for all the left's romance about guerrillas out there, all the Che t-shirts, and all the left's love for "peace processes" that reward terrorists, Colombians had other ideas.

Seriously, they really rejected these left-wing thugs.  And it's not as if these voters hadn't tried to tell their government this earlier.

The voters tried to tell Colombia's government they weren't on with the government's deal to fork over ten free congressional seats to the brutal leftist terrorists who terrorized the country in the name of communism for half a century, killing 221,000 people, but no dice.  Colombia's government, along with Juan Manuel Santos, blithely ignored the surprise results of the referendum on the FARC "peace deal," which was soundly rejected by the voters and went ahead and shoved it in the voters' faces anyway, expecting some of them to go vote for FARC and pretend the war and terror FARC caused never happened.

Since I spent some time in Colombia, I can tell you a few things about what it was like.  Colombia, until President Alvaro Uribe was elected in 2001, taking office the next year, was a hellhole.  I remember my first glimpse of the country when I landed there on a stopover in 2000, looking at how sad and morose the capital city looked from the plane – and because of security concerns, not even being allowed off that plane for the duration of the stopover.  When I got to my destination in Ecuador, all I heard about Colombia was that it was a constant source of problems to its smaller neighbor, which wanted nothing to do with it and considered it a plague.  In 1998, it really was such a hellhole; its capital was surrounded by FARC terrorists who were openly (and not sneaking around in the jungle) poised to seize the city from its surrounding hillsides with advanced weapons of war.  A Colombian friend took me up to those hillsides in 2007, when I visited again, to show me how on the ropes the country was by these communist narco-terrorists, bred from Colombia's left-wing universities.  It was so sad that such a beautiful country could be laid so low by such human garbage inspired by Fidel Castro.

Worse still, every Colombian family would have "the conversation," some friends explained to me.  They would make a pact to never bankrupt the family with ransom if one of them were kidnapped, it was all pre-agreed.  And around the windows of townhouses and apartments in northern Bogotá, around the beautiful Spanish-style plazas, I would see paper signs in windows from people pleading for prayers and help to rescue their kidnapped relatives.  This was as late as 2007.  Meanwhile, the newspapers were roaring with praise for the military in the letters to the editor section, one after another praising the troops.  And high up on the hills, in an area known as Monserrate, overlooking the capital, at a beautiful church there, the interior had a sign asking parishioners not to write their petitions on the church walls.  The walls were absolutely covered with penciled in pleas for prayers for relatives murdered by the FARC terrorists and relatives kidnapped.  Nobody obeyed the sign.

That should give a whiff of how intense this ordeal has been.  And if you don't get to Colombia, be sure to read the memoirs of three American hostages of FARC, Out of Captivity, which were memorably brilliant in describing just how depraved these Marxist narco-terrorists really were.

What we have here is the hard, hard reality.  Left-wing terrorists are criminals, not misunderstood political actors.  They belong in jail.  Peace processes for these people are baloney.  It's no coincidence that hard-core right-wing parties were the winners in this election.  Voters just don't like communism.  Let's hope FARC eventually get what's coming to them.

Here's something we learn from Colombia: no one, and I mean no one, likes left-wing thugs, the creeps who prance around in Che t-shirts, get government bennies, and literally get away with murder.

That's the result of an election held there over the weekend, where FARC Marxist narco-terrorists got next to nothing in the vaunted "peace process" elections, in the culmination of the oh, so globally vaunted peace process that brought Colombia's appeasionist president, Juan Manuel Santos, the Nobel Peace Prize.  Seeing FARC's Marxist narco-terrorists on the ballot with ten free seats in Congress, voters just wouldn't vote for them. 

That was the verdict from Sunday's election in Colombia, with FARC taking home a grand total of...0.21% of the vote in the Colombian House and 0.34% of the vote in the Colombian Senate, rendering them a rounding error.

It was lower than even so-called Colombia experts had predicted (neighborhood of 5%) to the press, and far lower than what Northern Ireland's detested Irish Republican Army terrorists took home from their own peace-with-impunity deal, brokered by Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

So for all the left's romance about guerrillas out there, all the Che t-shirts, and all the left's love for "peace processes" that reward terrorists, Colombians had other ideas.

Seriously, they really rejected these left-wing thugs.  And it's not as if these voters hadn't tried to tell their government this earlier.

The voters tried to tell Colombia's government they weren't on with the government's deal to fork over ten free congressional seats to the brutal leftist terrorists who terrorized the country in the name of communism for half a century, killing 221,000 people, but no dice.  Colombia's government, along with Juan Manuel Santos, blithely ignored the surprise results of the referendum on the FARC "peace deal," which was soundly rejected by the voters and went ahead and shoved it in the voters' faces anyway, expecting some of them to go vote for FARC and pretend the war and terror FARC caused never happened.

Since I spent some time in Colombia, I can tell you a few things about what it was like.  Colombia, until President Alvaro Uribe was elected in 2001, taking office the next year, was a hellhole.  I remember my first glimpse of the country when I landed there on a stopover in 2000, looking at how sad and morose the capital city looked from the plane – and because of security concerns, not even being allowed off that plane for the duration of the stopover.  When I got to my destination in Ecuador, all I heard about Colombia was that it was a constant source of problems to its smaller neighbor, which wanted nothing to do with it and considered it a plague.  In 1998, it really was such a hellhole; its capital was surrounded by FARC terrorists who were openly (and not sneaking around in the jungle) poised to seize the city from its surrounding hillsides with advanced weapons of war.  A Colombian friend took me up to those hillsides in 2007, when I visited again, to show me how on the ropes the country was by these communist narco-terrorists, bred from Colombia's left-wing universities.  It was so sad that such a beautiful country could be laid so low by such human garbage inspired by Fidel Castro.

Worse still, every Colombian family would have "the conversation," some friends explained to me.  They would make a pact to never bankrupt the family with ransom if one of them were kidnapped, it was all pre-agreed.  And around the windows of townhouses and apartments in northern Bogotá, around the beautiful Spanish-style plazas, I would see paper signs in windows from people pleading for prayers and help to rescue their kidnapped relatives.  This was as late as 2007.  Meanwhile, the newspapers were roaring with praise for the military in the letters to the editor section, one after another praising the troops.  And high up on the hills, in an area known as Monserrate, overlooking the capital, at a beautiful church there, the interior had a sign asking parishioners not to write their petitions on the church walls.  The walls were absolutely covered with penciled in pleas for prayers for relatives murdered by the FARC terrorists and relatives kidnapped.  Nobody obeyed the sign.

That should give a whiff of how intense this ordeal has been.  And if you don't get to Colombia, be sure to read the memoirs of three American hostages of FARC, Out of Captivity, which were memorably brilliant in describing just how depraved these Marxist narco-terrorists really were.

What we have here is the hard, hard reality.  Left-wing terrorists are criminals, not misunderstood political actors.  They belong in jail.  Peace processes for these people are baloney.  It's no coincidence that hard-core right-wing parties were the winners in this election.  Voters just don't like communism.  Let's hope FARC eventually get what's coming to them.