Democrats' delusions of normalcy

According to the unhinged left-wing media and their sycophants from the left, if American Citizens voted for or support President Trump, they are white supremacists by default.  This is nothing more than a Saul Alinsky-inspired tactic to smear ideological opponents. And the constant yakking about pulling down statues that reflect our history both good and bad, is another attempt to divide and try to conquer this great nation.

While these tactics might infect the psyche of the left’s sophomoric acolytes and a few Trump haters from the Republican establishment, most Americans realize that the Trump haters are acting mentally ill. The sane amongst us know that these Progressive (sic) demagogues are trying to tear down America with an eye on ushering in the ubiquitously failed ideology of Socialism. One would have to ignore the hard-won experience of Eastern Europe and the suffering of Venezuelans today to want Socialism for our country.

The loudest and most toxic voices that scream racism and operate under the delusion of normalcy are coming from the party of plantations, Jim Crow, and the Ku Klux Klan. 

Poster by by A. B. Frost, 1876

The present day plantation owners, the Democrat leadership and the left-wing media, continue to use, abuse and manipulate minorities for their own benefit. Their aim is to keep minorities enslaved with the cynical bigotry of control, fear and low expectations.

It is the Republican Party that was at the forefront in ending slavery and promoting civil rights. Today, it is the Republican Party that advocates genuine educational reform that includes vouchers so all kids can get the same basic skills. President Trump’s call to “Buy American and Hire American” that is echoed by those on the right is a clarion call to help all Americans.

While Republicans believe in the basic human quality of becoming the very best you can be, the vein-popping, self-serving fanatics from the left foster the belief that minorities cannot be successful on their own. They continue to profess that minorities must vote for their foe benefactors from the left in order to succeed.  How has that been working out? It is plantation mentality; give us your vote and we will care for you so that you will never be free to be all that you can be.

If minorities abandon the victimology gestalt fostered by Progressives, they will be more than capable of creating their own destiny. Minorities are not the mindless automatons that the railing demagogues from the left believe and foster.

I have no problem admitting that our president can be, at times, undignified, rude and crass, but thank God he is a fighter who will lambaste the Progressives’ socialist cabal at every opportunity. It is pure joy to watch our president co-opt the book of Saul Alinsky (the bible of progressives) to combat the enemies of capitalism. Tweets and all, this is delicious to watch.

In a capsule, what is happening here is that the thersitical speech coming from the Democrat leadership and the media arm of the Democratic Party, is fertilizing division and hate in order to push ideological anarchy. There is a revolution in this country, all right; it has been perking along for a long time. It is not about racism, sexism or any other smoke screen manufactured by Progressives. It is a revolution against a free economy by the  Socialists’ Cabal.

Under which ideology will minorities prosper? More and more minorities, despite being spoon-fed liberalism, are realizing that they will succeed under the ideology of the right. Many minorities who have already turned their backs to the slave masters are finding themselves free to chart their own success.

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