American Thinker Blog
December 31, 2017
So now it was the Australians who triggered the Russia, Russia, Russia investigation?December 31, 2017
The one potential Census question that terrifies liberalsDecember 31, 2017
Would you take investment advice from Paul Krugman?December 31, 2017
Bill Nye wants 'economic sanctions' against states that deny climate changeDecember 31, 2017
DoJ wants to include citizenship question on census formDecember 31, 2017
Arrest made in 'Swatting' incident that led to fatal police shootingDecember 31, 2017
Checkmating the Saudis on women's rightsDecember 31, 2017
Trump agrees to recruit the mentally ill for military service and pay for 'sex change operations'December 31, 2017
Bureaucrats scream as Trump eliminates govt. jobsDecember 31, 2017
US longevity and illegal immigrationDecember 31, 2017
More videos from Iran: 'Death to Khamenei' chanted in Isfahan, Shiraz, Qom, RashtDecember 31, 2017
Fire in the LouvreDecember 31, 2017
Donald Trump and the white supremacy hand jiveDecember 31, 2017
Remember the Ice Bowl? Nobody mentioned climate change then!December 31, 2017
When basketball coaches become politics expertsDecember 30, 2017
State Department releases Huma Abedin emails found on Weiner laptopDecember 30, 2017
New videos show Iran's angry people protesting dictatorship well beyond TehranDecember 30, 2017
Russia also selling oil to North Korea on the slyDecember 30, 2017
Trump draws line in the sand: No DACA without funding for the wallDecember 30, 2017
Trump to repeal Obama fracking ruleDecember 30, 2017
Did the FBI really fall for the Steele dossier's 'dezinformatsiya'?December 30, 2017
Western media are ignoring a revolution in IranDecember 30, 2017
Ukraine needs to be more like PolandDecember 30, 2017
The problem of NancyDecember 30, 2017
Record cold weather caused guessed warming!December 30, 2017
Is amnesty for DREAMers worth it if we get a border wall?December 30, 2017
Insane New York Times now in outer orbitDecember 30, 2017
Does anyone who applies for asylum truly need it anymore?December 30, 2017
The global warming end is still nigh!December 30, 2017
Rahm and Trump Derangement SyndromeDecember 29, 2017
Exposed: Anatomy of a fake tweet aimed at Fox NewsDecember 29, 2017
Rabid leftist professor from Drexel University out on his earDecember 29, 2017
The flu shot is largely worthless and possibly dangerousDecember 29, 2017
What gives with the climate?December 29, 2017
Guess where high school dropouts can make $400 an hourDecember 29, 2017
Indiana lawmaker proposes refunds for football fans disgusted with anthem protestsDecember 29, 2017
The privilege of citizenshipDecember 29, 2017
For the umpteenth time, China will not overtake the US economicallyDecember 29, 2017
The secret for bookstore survival in the eraDecember 29, 2017
Democrats learning that 'fervor' doesn't equal donationsDecember 29, 2017
Theresa May loves Muslim migrants, paying Brexit ransoms, and transgendering James BondDecember 29, 2017
Disinformation is driving us all crazyDecember 29, 2017
The price of generosityDecember 29, 2017
A wave of what color?December 28, 2017
Stage four of Trump Derangement Syndrome: Identifying the progress of a diseaseDecember 28, 2017
A seedy, groping, pervy atmosphere at Obama's DOJDecember 28, 2017
It is too bad journalists idolized Obama instead of being embarrassed by what he didDecember 28, 2017
How the homeless in Los Angeles spent ChristmasDecember 28, 2017
The left in extremis?December 28, 2017
Economists now say Brexit doom-and-gloom forecasts were wrongDecember 28, 2017
How does marriage turn women into Republicans?December 28, 2017
ISIS has lost 98% of its territory, mostly since Trump took officeDecember 28, 2017
Turning the 'Russia collusion' narrative on its headDecember 28, 2017
The transgender agenda against our children: Time to push backDecember 28, 2017
The left and the politics of hateDecember 28, 2017
Operation Linebacker had the communists running for their livesDecember 27, 2017
China has halted the sales of oil products to North Korea, but...December 27, 2017
One third of US homicide spike last year came from 5 Chicago neighborhoodsDecember 27, 2017
Venezuela: Out of gas, using dollars – and taking its first step to recoverDecember 27, 2017
Savor the irony: 3 sanctuary cities sue feds for lapses in adding names to gun background check databaseDecember 27, 2017
No-brainer: Trump's tax cuts will help, help, help the economyDecember 27, 2017
Wisconsin middle school caught brainwashing young adolescents into guilt with 'privilege test'December 27, 2017
Bestselling YA novel features superpowered girls, sex slave boys, and a girl-GodDecember 27, 2017
Libs blame Russia, not themselves, for racial, gender, class warfare propagandaDecember 27, 2017
Record sales for retailers over the holidaysDecember 27, 2017
Beloved sci-fi character Doctor Who gets sex reassignment surgery, rolls with black lesbianDecember 27, 2017
Lib experts: Execution of terrorists will only make Islamists angrier and angrierDecember 27, 2017
Democrats 'roiled' by 2018 impeachment talkDecember 27, 2017
The left should study what Nazism really wasDecember 27, 2017
Irving Berlin, white supremacistDecember 27, 2017
Alberto Fujimori back in the newsDecember 26, 2017
How not to save a dying shopping mallDecember 26, 2017
An avalanche of embassy moves to Jerusalem beginsDecember 26, 2017
Rat-hunting at NBCDecember 26, 2017
New Austrian government teaching the EU how to handle 'refugee' migrantsDecember 26, 2017
What's the one thing missing from San Diego's border fence?December 26, 2017
United Nations in a conniption fit over another Trump promise keptDecember 26, 2017
Salt Lake Tribune slams Senator HatchDecember 26, 2017
NEH funds study on how liberals can be 'brainwashed' by Fox NewsDecember 26, 2017
Are all DREAMers students and soldiers?December 26, 2017
New study finds that cosmic rays, solar activity have much greater impact on Earth's climate than models suggestDecember 26, 2017
Winning againDecember 26, 2017
Why is the US government funding UFO research?December 26, 2017
Raul hanging around, and he blames the hurricaneDecember 26, 2017
Iraq: Time to let goDecember 25, 2017
California Dem pols scrambling in wake of cuts to deductibility of state and local taxesDecember 25, 2017
Batbrained psychologist dips into the horse poop to 'gift' Trump officialDecember 25, 2017
Guatemala follows U.S. to JerusalemDecember 25, 2017
The grinch of socialism pays Venezuela a Christmas visitDecember 25, 2017
Bringing Santa into the polar bear canardsDecember 25, 2017
So what kind of toys are the little girls and boys asking for this year?December 25, 2017
Democrats -- the Al Franken partyDecember 25, 2017
Rohingya Muslims need protection… from Rohingya MuslimsDecember 25, 2017
Christmas, 1776December 25, 2017
NoelDecember 25, 2017
1975: A big Christmas for major league baseball playersDecember 25, 2017
NYT: If Jesus were here, he'd spend Christmas with LesbiansDecember 25, 2017
Lloyd's Christmas Gift to his American Tea Party FamilyDecember 24, 2017
A closer look at the searing evil of Ted KennedyDecember 24, 2017
Do taxpayers need a subsidy to be charitable?December 24, 2017
Comey gets all sanctimonious about 'partisan gain'December 24, 2017
Venezuela's Maduro looking for a way out?December 24, 2017
One single pro-US, pro-Israel Pakistani stands up against his countrymenDecember 24, 2017
If liberals created Santa Claus today, what would she be like?December 24, 2017
Remembering our old school-style parents at ChristmasDecember 24, 2017
The politics of ChristmasDecember 24, 2017
A hot movie that is not, and one that is child-worthyDecember 24, 2017
Dear Santa: Bring me more conservative Trump in 2018!December 24, 2017
Democrats in denial as Trump triumphsDecember 24, 2017
Reality check: Turkey is not a US allyDecember 24, 2017
Thankful for bileDecember 24, 2017
The never-ending battles of the Coral SeaDecember 23, 2017
A funny pattern emerging from RussiaDecember 23, 2017
The US and the UN #1: Blowback for the General Assembly vote condemning the Jerusalem embassy moveDecember 23, 2017
The US and the UN #2: The 'strong horse' wins big at the Security CouncilDecember 23, 2017
Nikki Haley for presidentDecember 23, 2017
Kasich's bill to protect the unborn with Down syndrome raises some questionsDecember 23, 2017
Chief DC correspondent James Rosen is suddenly out at Fox NewsDecember 23, 2017
NeverTrumps: The good (who have re-evaluated), the bad (who can't get over themselves) and the ugly (who have thrown in with the left)December 23, 2017
Coming attractions: New movie Chappaquiddick may threaten Kennedy mythologyDecember 23, 2017
Biting the dust in Norkland?December 23, 2017
Liberals triggered by famous Santa's helper named 'Black Pete'December 23, 2017
New tax on 'the rich' pleases conservatives, infuriates liberalsDecember 23, 2017
No 'Feliz Navidad' for Jorge Ramos, or so we hearDecember 23, 2017
Morell didn't really regretDecember 22, 2017
Taking names: Guess which countries support the US in the UN?December 22, 2017
Suddenly, tax reform bill critics change their tuneDecember 22, 2017
Taxpayer rebellion in the blue states?December 22, 2017
Guess which country recently built a 1,700-mile wall to keep illegals outDecember 22, 2017
Black, female ex-Charlie Rose staffer suggests racism because he didn't harass herDecember 22, 2017
United Nations preparing to jump into oblivionDecember 22, 2017
Trump-haters rebuked by federal judge's dismissal of lawsuit intended to remove him from officeDecember 22, 2017
Appeals court orders military to recruit from the mentally illDecember 22, 2017
Papa John's CEO booted from his own company after panning NFL protestsDecember 22, 2017
Dems: Don't accept the Trump tax cuts? Pay the Obama tax!December 22, 2017
Israel and the scarcity of ordinary decencyDecember 22, 2017
Questions for Mr. StrzokDecember 22, 2017
Robert Mueller and lost illusionsDecember 22, 2017
Rebuking the UNDecember 22, 2017
WaPo displays blatant anti-Israel bias (again)December 21, 2017
Congress to investigate Obama officials who thwarted investigation into Hezb'allahDecember 21, 2017
Chelsea Clinton, bird-dogging for Momma ClintonDecember 21, 2017
Lethal aid to Ukraine blows up liberal narrative of Trump-Putin bromanceDecember 21, 2017
Some comeuppance for Big Labor on the minimum wageDecember 21, 2017
What Trump plans to do with Robert Mueller's corpse of a careerDecember 21, 2017
Why can't Hollywood make female action films without bastardizing male characters?December 21, 2017
Democrats confounded: Immediate benefits flow from tax reformDecember 21, 2017
NYT, down on Trump's 'sexual harassment,' reinstates sexually harassing reporterDecember 21, 2017
It must have been time for a front-page white nationalists articleDecember 21, 2017
NY Times eating GDP crow for Christmas dinnerDecember 21, 2017
The latest date for the end of the world, according to DemocratsDecember 21, 2017
Should conservatives emigrate from Virginia?December 21, 2017
Racism carte blancheDecember 21, 2017
The Democrats' DACA dilemmaDecember 21, 2017
How the government may kill your TV and radio signalDecember 20, 2017
Hilarious: Watch Chuck Schumer complain nobody paying attention to his anti-tax reform rant on Senate floorDecember 20, 2017
The nightmare of Obamacare, about to be finished offDecember 20, 2017
The importance of no leaks after McCabe testified for 8 hours before House Intelligence CommitteeDecember 20, 2017
Obama officials push back against Politico story about giving Hezb'allah a pass on criminal activitiesDecember 20, 2017
Foolish Dems have set themselves up for tax cut blowbackDecember 20, 2017
#MeToo hysteria may have met its matchDecember 20, 2017
When trees are considered 'racist'December 20, 2017
Office of Compliance releases secret data on payouts to congressional staffers for sexual harassmentDecember 20, 2017
So why's China setting up shop in the Caribbean?December 20, 2017
White House looking for a deal with Senate on DREAMersDecember 20, 2017
Dem senators repudiate demand that Franken resignDecember 20, 2017
Adam Schiff now goofing around in the Wall Street JournalDecember 20, 2017
The 'blue wave theory of 2018' doesn't hold much waterDecember 20, 2017
Politics on a Grecian urnDecember 20, 2017
The Democrats have changed a lot since 1986December 19, 2017
Tax cuts for the rich? Who exactly pays the most taxes?December 19, 2017
North Korea identified as perpetrator of 'wannacry' ransomware attackDecember 19, 2017
Former DNI Clapper says Putin handling Trump 'as an asset'December 19, 2017
Democrat media sycophants try to make tax reform look hard and harmfulDecember 19, 2017
Vicious anti-Trump, anti-conservative Pulitzer-winning columnist and editor firedDecember 19, 2017
Packaging, marketing, and selling sex harassment as a 'product'December 19, 2017
What if they planned a protest against the tax bill and no one came?December 19, 2017
Judicial Watch seeks to uncover secret Lois Lerner testimonyDecember 19, 2017
Communism-loving journalists shaping our news accidentally outed themselvesDecember 19, 2017
The 2017 Acronym of the Year: COVFEFEDecember 19, 2017
No, tax reform will not devastate charitable givingDecember 19, 2017
Could the Seattle train wreck be terrorism?December 19, 2017
Twisting in the windDecember 18, 2017
Socialism is crushing and killing Venezuela's poorDecember 18, 2017
New Twitter policy to target 'Alt-Right' and other 'hate groups'December 18, 2017
Branded 'hate chicken' by the left, Chick-fil-A feeds Atlanta's stranded travelersDecember 18, 2017
The racist subtext of Philly's ban on convenience store protective glass barriersDecember 18, 2017
Mueller goes over the cliffDecember 18, 2017
Universities are morphing into Clown College before our eyes (content warning)December 18, 2017
Powerful leftist DC swamp-dweller forced into humiliating apology for baseless charge of bigotryDecember 18, 2017
Obama shut down criminal investigations into Hezb'allah to get Iran nuke dealDecember 18, 2017
Benghazi trial generates more questions than answersDecember 18, 2017
Eminem, the male Rachel Dolezal, raps he's embarassed to be white and wants to kill himselfDecember 18, 2017
Linda Sarsour accused of enabling sexual assaultDecember 18, 2017
Another Rahm Emanuel boondoggle proves to be useless (and expensive)December 18, 2017
Dianne Feinstein didn't get the messageDecember 18, 2017
Who runs Cuba after Raul?December 18, 2017
How liberal is your federal circuit court?December 17, 2017
Omarosa's splattery exitDecember 17, 2017
Political correctness run amok as rape charges against suspect dismissed after two yearsDecember 17, 2017
Trump lawyers say Mueller illegally obtained transition team emailsDecember 17, 2017
NBC-Universal confirms payoff to another famous on-air host over sexual harassment complaintDecember 17, 2017
Australian Federal Police arrest man accused of brokering N. Korean missile tech overseasDecember 17, 2017
Chinese security experts warn Beijing to prepare for war with North KoreaDecember 17, 2017
Harry Reid, hunting for space aliensDecember 17, 2017
Tax Reform Passage: The Fail-Safe OptionDecember 17, 2017
The Last Jedi micturates on Han, Luke, Leia, classic Star WarsDecember 17, 2017
How an abusive government turns the Constitution against youDecember 17, 2017
A modern Shakespearean tragedyDecember 17, 2017
Introducing 'translesbians': Heterosexual couples disguised as lesbiansDecember 17, 2017
Why is it bad if large corporations get tax cuts?December 17, 2017
'Jingle all the way' and making racism totally meaninglessDecember 16, 2017
Marco Rubio, unclear on the conceptDecember 16, 2017
Trump bans CDC from using words like 'transgender,' 'diversity,' and 'entitlement'December 16, 2017
Five ways the media tries to convince us tax cuts are badDecember 16, 2017
Another Trump victory?December 16, 2017
Diversity bureaucrats go full Grinch at the University of MinnesotaDecember 16, 2017
Illegal immigration levels soaringDecember 16, 2017
Airbus and Boeing eager to accept promises from Iran to behave itselfDecember 16, 2017
Embarrassing testimony by judicial nominee proves not everyone can be a judgeDecember 16, 2017
On restoring public confidence in the FBIDecember 16, 2017
How many of Robert Mueller's lawyers gave money to Democrats?December 16, 2017
How husbands and wives figure in the latest government scandal revelationsDecember 16, 2017
Where's the common ground between right and left?December 16, 2017
Net neutrality dies, and the second great equalizer returns to its former gloryDecember 16, 2017
People in the Washington glass houseDecember 16, 2017
Down in HondurasDecember 15, 2017
Dems rail against release of Strzok-Page text messagesDecember 15, 2017
Was Paul Ryan the target of a Politico hit job?December 15, 2017
What if Jeff Sessions is not asleep, but instead playing possum?December 15, 2017
Good riddance to net neutralityDecember 15, 2017
The man who investigates sexual harassers in Congress accused of sexual harassmentDecember 15, 2017
Poll reveals public distrust of Mueller probe and FBIDecember 15, 2017
Obama-era labor relations board decision that threatened franchises like McDonald's overruledDecember 15, 2017
How to brainwash a so-called 'science-denier'December 15, 2017
A comparison of the North Korean and New York Times dynastiesDecember 15, 2017
Many American Jewish 'leaders' deaf, blind, dumb to Islamic KristallnachtDecember 15, 2017
A week's worth of progressives accused of sexual harassmentDecember 15, 2017
Why Al Franken should not resignDecember 15, 2017
Questions every member of Congress should be asked before investigating TrumpDecember 15, 2017
A leftist president in Mexico?December 14, 2017
Coming attractions: How the biggest political scandal in history will play out in 2018December 14, 2017
Do the DACA kids realize they've been used?December 14, 2017
Things fall apart: The decline of 'Dumbledore's Army'December 14, 2017
About that Page/Strzok 'insurance policy'December 14, 2017
Preposterous 'Breakfast Date Rape' case shows the extremes of liberal hysteriaDecember 14, 2017
Investigation finds 'scientific misconduct' in study claiming microplastic pollution harms fishDecember 14, 2017
Native advocates stage clever Redskins name change hoaxDecember 14, 2017
Democrat Marcy Kaptur opens That Door on women who dress like trampsDecember 14, 2017
Trump’s best counter-strategy against alleged sexual misconduct: Scorched-earth political warDecember 14, 2017
State Dept. builds billion-dollar dystopic, Orwellian fortress in LondonDecember 14, 2017
Who is Richard Fowler, and why did he lie about Roy Moore on Fox News Channel?December 14, 2017
KY state representative accused of sexual assault commits suicideDecember 14, 2017
Why I fired My Hollywood managerDecember 14, 2017
Terrorism shows its ugly face againDecember 14, 2017
Social Security and the 2% jokeDecember 14, 2017
The problem with Roy MooreDecember 13, 2017
Illinois residents still fleeing state in record numbersDecember 13, 2017
Season 7 of Showtime's Homeland: The president must be stoppedDecember 13, 2017
The very best stories of how Rex Tillerson is destroying the State DepartmentDecember 13, 2017
Another reason to shut the CFPB downDecember 13, 2017
Al Franken lost big in the Alabama Senate raceDecember 13, 2017
Tillerson says US open to talks with North Korea 'without preconditions'December 13, 2017
Strzok-Page texts reveal deep bias: Clinton 'just has to win'December 13, 2017
What the defeat of Roy Moore does not proveDecember 13, 2017
Alabama's new Democrat senator: An avoidable disasterDecember 13, 2017
Why Moore's loss is a bad sign for Trump in 2020December 13, 2017
Fox News tops the ratings for the year – in both news and basic cableDecember 13, 2017
Bullets rather than samba in Rio!December 13, 2017
Quinton Jefferson: Another nail in the NFL coffinDecember 13, 2017
December silver screen harvestDecember 12, 2017
The genius of Trump, still shiningDecember 12, 2017
Fusion GPS dossier cabal was using spy tradecraft to evade leaving electronic footprints for NSA surveillanceDecember 12, 2017
CNN goes full snowflakeDecember 12, 2017
The mysterious resignation of a senior globalist at the NSCDecember 12, 2017
The sexual harassment ax falls on top political reporter Ryan LizzaDecember 12, 2017
Debate intensifies over chain immigration after NY City terror attackDecember 12, 2017
The real problem with judging Judge Roy MooreDecember 12, 2017
Beware the gift of fake news and fake resignationsDecember 12, 2017
A bad day for Representative John LewisDecember 12, 2017
Let Alabama voters judge Roy MooreDecember 12, 2017
Why can't the GOP win the tax bill messaging game?December 12, 2017
Dear Democrats: Does Trump do anything that's not racist?December 12, 2017
Forget the rest: Here's the best candidate for 'Word of the Year'December 12, 2017
#MeToo really means #GetTrumpDecember 12, 2017
WaPo attempts to use context in covering Jerusalem, failsDecember 11, 2017
Obama tries to claim credit for Trump economic boom, finally gets smacked downDecember 11, 2017
The downside of the #MeToo movement starting to dawn on womenDecember 11, 2017
The Washington Post is looking for suggestions to end sexual abuse, so here is an easy oneDecember 11, 2017
AL congresswoman: Electing Roy Moore means the return of segregationDecember 11, 2017
Bizarre criticism of Nikki Haley for wishing Jewish Jake Tapper a 'merry Christmas'December 11, 2017
Remember when Democrats re-elected and celebrated a member of Congress who sexually preyed on teens?December 11, 2017
How to shove 'woke' down the throats of obnoxious progsDecember 11, 2017
EPA pushing back against NY Times hit pieceDecember 11, 2017
NFL anthem protests: The market speaksDecember 11, 2017
Megyn Kelly, at it againDecember 11, 2017
Roy Moore lying low the last weekend of campaignDecember 11, 2017
Chelsea Handler and the politics of angerDecember 11, 2017
Will Alabama voters believe accusations against Roy Moore when they go to the polls tomorrow?December 11, 2017
Where in the world is the 'Big He'?December 11, 2017
Where is the Mexican Uribe?December 10, 2017
Is Jeff Sessions being blackmailed?December 10, 2017
Wow! Trump fights back, forces public apology from Washington Post writer for fake newsDecember 10, 2017
Jerry Brown blames everyone but himself for California wildfiresDecember 10, 2017
Pro-Trump students booted from 'safe space' coffee shopDecember 10, 2017
Trump's quietly courageous visit to MississippiDecember 10, 2017
Young conservatives club banned after posting video of classmates protesting the anthemDecember 10, 2017
Will the Texas A&M Aggies save the bacon of the University of California?December 10, 2017
Two in a row! Chicago Public Schools chief fired for corruptionDecember 10, 2017
Navy insults 'communist cadet' at Army-Navy gameDecember 10, 2017
Iran draws intensified attention on International Human Rights DayDecember 10, 2017
Iraq declares victory over ISISDecember 10, 2017
Memo to John Lewis: Democrats are the party of white racismDecember 10, 2017
Franken’s LamentDecember 10, 2017
Mueller, Deep State ignore lessons from 17th century EnglandDecember 10, 2017
So, Dems: Remind us when you'll be invincible again!December 10, 2017
Ted Belman explains the 'Jordan Option'December 9, 2017
Amnesty International caught taking Soros cash to push abortion in IrelandDecember 9, 2017
Palestinian agitators embarrass selves with puny turnout for 'day of rage' over Jerusalem embassy moveDecember 9, 2017
Fake news on steroids: CNN forced to correct its latest big anti-Trump storyDecember 9, 2017
LA Times writer disparages 'Trumpian fantasy' of moving bureaucrats out of DCDecember 9, 2017
Top Dem Senate candidate in TN covered up harassment allegations against top officialsDecember 9, 2017
NCIS finds sailor staged racist vandalism of own bunkDecember 9, 2017
So which party has no limiting principles?December 9, 2017
Closing the barn door on the politicization of intelligenceDecember 9, 2017
Sarah Silverman 'scared' at sight of American flagDecember 9, 2017
A bad week for the mediaDecember 9, 2017
Al Franken is a short, squat idiotDecember 9, 2017
'Jerusalem, Israel' has a nice embassy-sounding ring to itDecember 9, 2017
The gospel according to the swampDecember 9, 2017
On John Milton's birthday, let's talk about the devilDecember 9, 2017
Watch AT co-founder debate the co-founder of the 'Electronic Intifada'December 8, 2017
Devin Nunes vindicatedDecember 8, 2017
A curious recusal in the sentencing of Michael Flynn could be an indicator of something very big happeningDecember 8, 2017
Gee, more 'unexpected' growth from President Trump's economyDecember 8, 2017
Britain, EU strike Brexit deal; trade arrangements up nextDecember 8, 2017
Obama hints Trump is HitlerDecember 8, 2017
Planned Parenthood under investigation by Justice DepartmentDecember 8, 2017
Conyers and Franken resignations: A Democrat bait-and-switch cover-up strategyDecember 8, 2017
Accused leftist abusers of women: the list grows (again)December 8, 2017
So why did Democrats have to create a false document to destroy Trump?December 8, 2017
Point taken: Enough is enough!December 8, 2017
Did the US follow Russia's lead on Jerusalem?December 8, 2017
Identity politics vs. ChristianityDecember 8, 2017
Casino moguls and congressional allies seek to overturn state lawsDecember 8, 2017
Episcopal cleric prays for Queen Elizabeth's heir to be gayDecember 8, 2017
Cuban crickets gone wild...or somethingDecember 7, 2017
Polar bears all over the place now, Native Alaskans sayDecember 7, 2017
Wisconsin AG recommends contempt charges against 'John Doe' prosecutor and his henchmenDecember 7, 2017
What's next for tax reform? A congressional conundrum...December 7, 2017
Why Trump's Jerusalem move is triggering a chain reactionDecember 7, 2017
Who should really be on the Time magazine 'Silence Breakers' cover?December 7, 2017
What Democrats' full-court Franken press really meansDecember 7, 2017
Yesterday's Nazis and today's national socialist leftDecember 7, 2017
Trump to Abbas: NegotiateDecember 7, 2017
Schooling liberals on America's 'separation of church and state'December 7, 2017
Media double standards: Jerusalem embassy editionDecember 7, 2017
A woman's memo to menDecember 7, 2017
Remainers: Their 'Brexit lies' and 'fake news'December 7, 2017
Are they anti-Trump or anti-America?December 7, 2017
Turning Virginia blueDecember 7, 2017
A partial win for President Trump's travel ban?December 6, 2017
President Trump's Jerusalem embassy move is part of a much bigger planDecember 6, 2017
Yes, Hillary knew all about Harvey WeinsteinDecember 6, 2017
Is there anyone in Mueller's office who isn't an anti-Trump fanatic?December 6, 2017
Fake news – and now fake ratings – from MSNBCDecember 6, 2017
Clarence Thomas facepalm: Oral arguments for Masterpiece CakeshopDecember 6, 2017
How dumb are these people?December 6, 2017
Snowflakes resent being referred to as 'snowflakes'December 6, 2017
The WSJ has double standards of its own on Roy MooreDecember 6, 2017
Bakery vs. bakeshopDecember 6, 2017
Rep. Conyers resigns, designates rapper son as successorDecember 6, 2017
Congressional hush fund gives IRS a new card to playDecember 6, 2017
Some easy questions to determine if people are hypocritesDecember 6, 2017
Sorry, Dems: Trump economic train is leaving the stationDecember 6, 2017
Lots of killing going on in MexicoDecember 5, 2017
Comey’s weird tweet and indefensible claimDecember 5, 2017
Mastermind of largest Social Security fraud in history caught in HondurasDecember 5, 2017
WaPo: America shaken by bad verdict on Steinle killing, Nazis and white nationalists hardest hitDecember 5, 2017
Garrison Keillor and the runaway sex harassment trainDecember 5, 2017
Nancy Pelosi goes Hugo Chavez on usDecember 5, 2017
Peter Strzok's role in Clinton email investigation takes a sinister turnDecember 5, 2017
Mueller and his cabal of villainous knavesDecember 5, 2017
Pandora's box revisitedDecember 5, 2017
AG Sessions must prosecute the leakers of Flynn conversationsDecember 5, 2017
On Flynn, the Logan Act dog won't huntDecember 5, 2017
Donald John Trump as Marcus Licinius CrassusDecember 5, 2017
After defeating a woman, Obama calls for more women in officeDecember 5, 2017
Love at first sight!December 5, 2017
Monuments to ingratitudeDecember 5, 2017
An epidemic of misunderstanding NazisDecember 4, 2017
Bill Ayers and gang rapeDecember 4, 2017
NFL owners' 'social justice' bribe spectacularly failsDecember 4, 2017
Puerto Rico's governor hands out almost $100 million in bonuses while asking American taxpayers for $94 billionDecember 4, 2017
FBI pushes back against Trump criticismDecember 4, 2017
So why did Flynn lie?December 4, 2017
Politico touts Chelsea Clinton as possible Senate candidate in ArkansasDecember 4, 2017
Conservative editor banned from Twitter for no reason and with no explanationDecember 4, 2017
Homophobic blog posts by MSNBC's Joy Reid surfaceDecember 4, 2017
Nikki Haley stands as voice for common sense at UN on migrationDecember 4, 2017
Six million 'refugees' reported waiting to enter Europe from Mediterranean countriesDecember 4, 2017
The Zarate verdict is an indictment of a failed leftist cultureDecember 4, 2017
Journalists are patting themselves on the back a lot these daysDecember 4, 2017
WaPo dismisses Jew-hatredDecember 4, 2017
Abolishing primate behaviorDecember 4, 2017
We've seen this movie before in MexicoDecember 3, 2017
The lionization of Kamala HarrisDecember 3, 2017
ABC may discover the price of fake newsDecember 3, 2017
Pompeo sends letter to Iran warning against attacking US and allied forcesDecember 3, 2017
Charlottesville antifa Whitewash continuesDecember 3, 2017
Pentagon looking at West Coast sites for missile defenseDecember 3, 2017
Bloviating abroad, Obama reminds us why we elected TrumpDecember 3, 2017
Anti-Trump bias at FBI a fatal flaw of Mueller investigationDecember 3, 2017
High culture superstar sexual harassment claimDecember 3, 2017
Ideology more important than integrity to Los Angeles Times editorial board in Janet Napolitano scandalDecember 3, 2017
Justice? Flynn pleads guilty while Zarate walksDecember 3, 2017
Matthew Dowd’s Empty Virtue Signaling on TaxesDecember 3, 2017
UK critics of Trump’s Islam video re-tweet would have a point if…December 3, 2017
Who exactly is pro-'the Russians' again?December 3, 2017
Can we finally stop calling them moderate Democrats?December 2, 2017
ABC News issues embarrassing correction on Ross Trump-Flynn reportDecember 2, 2017
Did the prosecutors make a fatal mistake in the trial for the Kate Steinle killer?December 2, 2017
Mueller's new restaurant chain: NothingburgersDecember 2, 2017
Evergreen State newspaper section: 'For people of color by people of color'December 2, 2017
Venezuela's big oil purge: Auto-extinction of a socialist enterpriseDecember 2, 2017
We can thank a flawed jury system for the Steinle verdictDecember 2, 2017
The befuddlement of Fareed ZakariaDecember 2, 2017
Senate passes tax reform, but the hard part remainsDecember 2, 2017
Janet Napolitano's henchman gets a new university gig after being fired for corruptionDecember 2, 2017
How did unsubstantiated rumors make it to the front pages of newspapers?December 2, 2017
Congressional Hispanic Caucus confesses to being partisan hacksDecember 2, 2017
The NFL will hear 'Can't Buy Me Love' from fans like meDecember 2, 2017
The sanctuary state of Oregon finally convicts an illegal for horrific sex crimes, released after ignoring fed detainer requestDecember 2, 2017
Elizabeth Warren sowing panic to 'regulate' the credit industryDecember 2, 2017
The New York Times: Voice of the swampDecember 1, 2017
Popcorn: Harvey Weinstein and Michael Moore go at it over a hate-Trump movieDecember 1, 2017
Flynn pleads guilty in plea deal with MuellerDecember 1, 2017
The clock is ticking for Jerry RiversDecember 1, 2017
Kate Steinle and the globalistsDecember 1, 2017
Secret $100,000 congressional fund paid off males who accused staffers of harassmentDecember 1, 2017
Matt Lauer and the credibility crisis at NBC NewsDecember 1, 2017
Leftists ensnared in scandals over sexual behaviorDecember 1, 2017
McCain a 'yes' on tax reform, but obstacles remainDecember 1, 2017
Outrage: Hero military dogs scheduled to be put downDecember 1, 2017
Matt Lauer: How cheap is contrition?December 1, 2017
Outrage over Trump's video-sharing, silence on the contentDecember 1, 2017
How about Matt Lauer rape-button helmets for the next Women's March?December 1, 2017
Is the Constitution a religious document?December 1, 2017
Steve Bannon, friend of IsraelDecember 1, 2017
Democracy is hard! Ask Honduras.
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- The Imperial Judiciary Of The United States
- Sanders and AOC: 100 Years of Socialism
Blog Posts
- A Tale of Two Families
- ‘Gruesome’ trans-ing of animals is the key to fine-tuning trans ‘care’
- New report: NYPD officer accused of spying for the Chinese…from the same building as the FBI field office
- Quebec to ban religious symbols in schools?
- Joe Biden can help Republicans
- Low-hanging fruit is not enough
- Trump Makes Coal Great Again
- Israel’s appearance in the JFK files does not connect it to JFK’s death
- Waiting for an investigation of COVID-19 crimes
- Has Women’s History Month served its purpose?
- Democrats and their digging
- Obesity epidemic: Sometimes, the most obvious answer is on the table
- Trump officials ‘inadvertently’ include a reporter in their Yemen chat
- America’s new generation of young women who don’t want marriage or babies
- Black terrorists talk ‘seizing the means of production’ in South Africa