The left's sexual McCarthyism

After decades of paying it no heed, the left has suddenly erupted in spasms of righteous anger over predatory progressive male sexual behavior, aka sexual harassment.  Leftists let it go on for half of forever and now inexplicably turn on a dime and start demanding explanations, resignations, and apologies from harassers on their side of the political divide.

This new interest in accountability contrasts starkly with those decades of silence while Saint Hillary made ready to grasp the presidential scepter.  All those years Hillary spoke ill of conservatives for bringing up Bill's dalliances have now given way to "you guys call it fake news when it's one of your own."

Well, it's true that we didn't cry "fake news" when B.J. was getting eponymous services in the Oval Office, or when Cosby was raping the unconscious, or when Weinstein was raping the conscious, or when Epstein was flying his Lolita Express where little girls got raped, or when Weiner was sexting teenagers, or when Spitzer was playing with a call girl, or when Ted 'n' Chris made a sandwich outta the waitress, or when JFK played with Jackie's sister in the White House, or when Gary Hart got caught with Donna Rice, or when John Edwards knocked up his girlfriend, or when Al Gore showed a sex-crazed poodle side, or when Barney Frank's boyfriend ran a male prostitution ring out of their home.  Nothing fake about any of that news and much more besides.

Now bantam rooster Charlie Rose is gone from CBS.  Oliver Stone stands accused.  Reporter Glenn Thrush stands accused.  John Conyers stands accused.  Al Franken.  Richard Dreyfus.  Kevin Spacey.  Mark Halperin.  No fake news there about all these liberal Democrats.  One does sort of wonder: Are there any decent Democrats in Washington?  Hollywood?  Anywhere?

To be sure, there are and were accused sex predators on the right, or at least what was once called "the right."  Bob Packwood.  Dennis Hastert.  Newt Gingrich's life is unsavory, but nothing about sexual harassment.  Bill O'Reilly is often thought (by the left) to be On the Right.  A lefty would leap to throw Trump's name into the hat as a serial sexual harasser, but nothing credible has come out on Trump – just accusations that only lefties believe.  I'm sure there are a few more Republicans, but in any event, their number pales next to that of liberal Democrats.

So what's this all about, this sexual harassment bloodletting on the left?  Not hard to guess.  They want to establish a record of taking down sexual harassers regardless of political affiliation so they can impeach Donald Trump for it.  But it's hard to imagine sustaining impeachment on such thin gruel.  Not that long ago, liberal Democrats intoned that much more serious charges against Mr. Clinton "did not rise to the level of" impeachment because, after all, it was "just sex."  And the left is still on record supporting Roman Polanski, another lefty who raped a thirteen-year-old.

We can already see that we're in for a lefty version of McCarthyism.  Only McCarthy had a legitimate point.  The ones he took down were communist lefties whose intent was to take down the U.S. government.

Come to think of it, that may be just what the left has in mind today.

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