Dems looking for fresh faces in 2020

Democrats are desperately searching for an infusion of new blood in their 2020 presidential election contest.

But dream as they might, they are still stuck with a bunch of aging radical left liberals whose policies were rejected when voters made it clear they preferred a flawed Donald Trump to anything the Democrats were offering.

The top five candidates Democratic insiders think have the best shot are mostly familiar faces.

The Hill:

1. Bernie Sanders

Advisers to the senator are telegraphing that Sanders is eying a 2020 run – and his network is already ready to go, with supporters convinced that he was the candidate who would have beaten President Trump in 2016. 

"His people have never gone away," said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon. "And he has a loyal core following out there that will be with him come hell or high water."

"His people" may not have gone away.  As for the rest of us...

2. Joe Biden

While playing it coy about his 2020 plans, Biden has consistently been talking about Democratic values and how the party can win back frustrated blue-collar workers who voted for Trump.

"He's the perfect antidote to Trump," said former Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.). "And he has broad appeal in areas of the country we have to win." 

Added Singer: "He probably has the best voice at this stage of the game."

Biden will be pushing 80 in 2020.  And this is the Dems "best voice"?

3. Elizabeth Warren:

Many Democrats say women are having a moment – so why not nominate a woman who is wildly popular with the Democratic base?

Every strategist and political observer interviewed by The Hill mentioned Warren consistently as a top contender for 2020. Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons was one of them; he said the recent wave of sexual harassment allegations makes it more likely that a woman wins the 2020 nomination. 

That may be true.  But Warren is perhaps the most dangerous politician to individual liberty of any major party ever.  It will be easy to make that clear to the voters, so only if the Dems have a death wish will they nominate her.

4. Kamala Harris

When Democrats talk about "fresh blood" in the party, many point to Harris, the freshman senator who has proven time and again since arriving in the upper chamber that she's not afraid to speak her mind.

Harris gained national attention when she was twice shushed by Republican senators during Senate Intelligence Committee hearings.

And that's her claim to fame?  Being rude and annoying?  Yeah, that'll work.

5. Sherrod Brown

When Hillary Clinton was looking for a running mate, there was a growing consensus in the party that she should pick the Ohio senator.

Besides the fact that he represents a key swing state, political observers think Brown is a Democrat's Democrat who would appeal to both centrists and progressives. 

"He knows how to go into tough districts in a tough state and win," Israel said. "I think he blends populism with pragmatism. He's viewed as someone who has a pragmatic approach and populist values."

Brown has a lot going for him as a Democrat, but he's suspect with the Warren-Sanders wing of the party.  But if either of those two falters, he may be a second choice for the far left.

What's lacking here is any Democrats with any major accomplishments save their longevity in office.  You can also expect some governors to take the plunge, although in this day and age, state chief executives have made too many compromises to satisfy the radicals who run the party.

If anything, Democrats are in worse shape today than they were before the 2016 nominating contest.

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