American Thinker Blog
November 30, 2017
Hillary's cross to bearNovember 30, 2017
Linda Sarsour says she's not anti-Semitic, blames Jews for spreading the idea aroundNovember 30, 2017
Thanks to Conyers, Identity politics finally is splitting the DemocratsNovember 30, 2017
Elizabeth Warren is a pathetic totem for the DemocratsNovember 30, 2017
Study: No speed-up in global warming, Earth less sensitive to CO2November 30, 2017
Sometimes the pope seems to have his priorities screwed upNovember 30, 2017
How the Rahm Gang mocks democracy (and wins in Chicago)November 30, 2017
White House decorations are beautiful...and the media howlNovember 30, 2017
Democrat has the perfect solution to all the sexual harassment in CongressNovember 30, 2017
The attempted CFPB coupNovember 30, 2017
For the UN's cancer research agency, a chance to redeem itself?November 30, 2017
Trump: The art of the insultNovember 30, 2017
The White House Christmas party will have one fewer GrinchNovember 30, 2017
The war on Melania over ChristmasNovember 29, 2017
Trump's Pocahontas trapNovember 29, 2017
CFPB smackdownNovember 29, 2017
The media are playing checkers while Trump plays 3-D chessNovember 29, 2017
Shocking news: Hollywood celebrity shows courageNovember 29, 2017
Tired of all the winning? 3Q GDP revised upward to higher than expected 3.3%November 29, 2017
FCC chairman accuses Twitter of bias against conservativesNovember 29, 2017
Archdiocese of Washington files suit against DC Metro for banning religious adsNovember 29, 2017
Nightmare of Obamacare, part XXVII: Hospitals implodingNovember 29, 2017
North Korea tests longest-range missile yetNovember 29, 2017
Benghazi 'on scene commander' found guilty on terrorism chargesNovember 29, 2017
GOP tax cut clears another hurdle, but potential defectors remainNovember 29, 2017
Is there a conflict between science and human rights?November 29, 2017
A bad day for Cokie and NancyNovember 29, 2017
CFPB: The left's latest battlefieldNovember 29, 2017
Why are there triggers for tax cuts but never for spending increases?November 28, 2017
Supreme Court refuses to label Confederate flag emblem unconstitutionalNovember 28, 2017
Stuck in a hole, Sen. Al Franken keeps diggingNovember 28, 2017
Alec Baldwin is running for somethingNovember 28, 2017
One of the most vicious Trump-haters gives up on political commentaryNovember 28, 2017
Pelosi does a 180 following her spectacular flame-out on ConyersNovember 28, 2017
Why is Trump the bad guy in the case of Elizabeth Warren's affirmative action fraud?November 28, 2017
Illegal alien advocate Rep. Gutierrez announces retirement from CongressNovember 28, 2017
The CFPB is an unaccountable dictatorship, and that is what Democrats likeNovember 28, 2017
Understanding the Trump presidencyNovember 28, 2017
New York Times: Men are brutes!November 28, 2017
President Hillary WeinsteinNovember 28, 2017
Let's go to war with the Sisters againNovember 28, 2017
French president Macron to criminalize gender 'insults'November 28, 2017
Will Alabama write in candidate hurt Moore?November 27, 2017
We've finally found something politicians and reporters have considered important enough to keep secret for decadesNovember 27, 2017
James Comey's pedestal is crumblingNovember 27, 2017
Trump Derangement Syndrome's little brother is on its wayNovember 27, 2017
Moses vindicatedNovember 27, 2017
Do or die for Senate tax reform bill this weekNovember 27, 2017
Swamp fight: The entrenched left defends its turf at CFPBNovember 27, 2017
Ultimate DC insider: They all knew about ConyersNovember 27, 2017
Pentagon wants to destroy Gitmo inmates' art on display at collegeNovember 27, 2017
Finding redemption after a sex scandalNovember 27, 2017
NBC joins the archbishop of Canterbury for a 'hate Trump' diatribeNovember 27, 2017
The myth of white privilegeNovember 27, 2017
Why I'm voting for Roy MooreNovember 27, 2017
Liberals: Lemmings of the leftNovember 27, 2017
The long arm of Robert MuellerNovember 27, 2017
Who exactly is signing up for Obamacare?November 26, 2017
Should the GOP be worried about big lead for Dems in generic congressional poll?November 26, 2017
Everything you never knew you didn't know about sandwichesNovember 26, 2017
CFPB: Trump targets a monsterNovember 26, 2017
Did Lebanon's PM Saad Hariri just sign his own death warrant?November 26, 2017
Media anti-Trump hysteria is hurting the press and helping the presidentNovember 26, 2017
The Egypt mosque attack was not terrorism; it was a military assaultNovember 26, 2017
Trump was right about tariffsNovember 26, 2017
Applying progressive logic to ObamaCareNovember 26, 2017
Trump, Dems in row over who is running the CFPBNovember 26, 2017
Sorry, Lefties, but Pinochet looks better every dayNovember 26, 2017
Safe-space school cults and the rise of the crybabiesNovember 26, 2017
Let's stop pretending leftists care about abused womenNovember 25, 2017
Your up-to-date list of accused leftist sexual harassersNovember 25, 2017
It's time to take a second look at JFKNovember 25, 2017
The Tea Party settlementNovember 25, 2017
How not to get shot by the policeNovember 25, 2017
Trump tweet trolls Time's 'Person of the Year'November 25, 2017
At last! Major California newspaper calls for crooked Janet Napolitano to be firedNovember 25, 2017
Trump tells Erdogan US will stop arming Kurdish rebelsNovember 25, 2017
The Washington Post's pretentions just died in the darknessNovember 25, 2017
'Hijab Barbie' targets culturally sensitive moms and dadsNovember 25, 2017
A rat flees Venezuela's sinking shipNovember 25, 2017
The problem with liberalism: It has no limiting principles.November 25, 2017
Twitter allowing BuzzFeed to dictate which accounts are 'propaganda' accountsNovember 25, 2017
Can we get rid of Al Gore as a spokesman for global warming now?November 24, 2017
Progressives have a new nightmareNovember 24, 2017
Dems looking for fresh faces in 2020November 24, 2017
AP plays radical chic with the Colombian guerrillasNovember 24, 2017
Merkel to meet with socialist party to possibly form a 'grand coalition'November 24, 2017
Rep. Conyers lawyer hints he will take down many other congressional harassers if pushed too hardNovember 24, 2017
Two polls show Roy Moore leading Jones in Alabama Senate raceNovember 24, 2017
NFL anthem protests continue, as does the drop in TV ratingsNovember 24, 2017
Colin Kaepernik celebrates ingratitude on ThanksgivingNovember 24, 2017
Al Franken wants you to know he's very sorry and wants to regain your trustNovember 24, 2017
On foreign policy, the plaintive whine of the swampNovember 24, 2017
Beverly Hills police say they are investigating 12 sexual assault claims in the entertainment industryNovember 24, 2017
Unions have given up on Black Friday protestsNovember 24, 2017
Quantum politics: A possible explanation for liberals?November 24, 2017
I echo BellocNovember 24, 2017
What Clinton winning strategy is Tobin talking about?November 23, 2017
Eminem whines about Trump not paying any attention to himNovember 23, 2017
Are paid off reporters protecting Fusion GPS?November 23, 2017
Three little Fausts went to marketNovember 23, 2017
How to talk to liberal relatives at the Thanksgiving gathering (yes, you must)November 23, 2017
New York AG investigating 'massive scheme' to influence FCC with fake commentsNovember 23, 2017
Study: Trump ruined ThanksgivingNovember 23, 2017
Domestic unrest: Iran's worst nightmareNovember 23, 2017
Trump and congressional leaders will meet to resolve funding impasseNovember 23, 2017
Horror! ICE to track visa-holders' social media postsNovember 23, 2017
Hey PBS, The Predators' Club, with Charlie Rose would make a great holiday season special programNovember 23, 2017
President Bush and Thanksgiving in IraqNovember 23, 2017
Remember when Hollywood celebrities celebrated America's history?November 22, 2017
SJW to get some justice (and she's not going to like it)November 22, 2017
Hilarious: Watch Charlie Rose interview Kevin Spacey on Bill Clinton's sex accusationsNovember 22, 2017
NFL mulls changing anthem policy for next yearNovember 22, 2017
The left ties Manson to TrumpNovember 22, 2017
5th SEIU official fired after previous sexual harassment charges exposedNovember 22, 2017
Michigan's biggest newspaper calls on Conyers to resignNovember 22, 2017
Yes, Fusion GPS paid off journalistsNovember 22, 2017
Lebanon's Prime Minister Hariri puts resignation 'on hold'November 22, 2017
The left's sexual McCarthyismNovember 22, 2017
Mark Levin to host a new Fox News Channel showNovember 22, 2017
A year later, and the Jeep is probably still in the shopNovember 22, 2017
On the five-year anniversary of Colorado pot legalizationNovember 22, 2017
Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas: Not such a great ideaNovember 22, 2017
Op-ed: 'Stupidity of capitalism' causes global warmingNovember 21, 2017
Study: Women are attracted to white males with muscles and moneyNovember 21, 2017
Get a load of these pictures of Al Franken in actionNovember 21, 2017
Uranium One noose is tighteningNovember 21, 2017
'Mystery booms' leave many frightened and unnervedNovember 21, 2017
First leak from that $15-million harassment-silencing slush fund in Congress hits iconic DemNovember 21, 2017
Democrats outflank Charles Manson in deathbed conversionNovember 21, 2017
Another Obama-era regulatory regime bites the dustNovember 21, 2017
Sex harassment: More shoes to dropNovember 21, 2017
Obama vs. Nixon: Proof of our declineNovember 21, 2017
Judge permanently blocks sanctuary city funding banNovember 21, 2017
Travel alert for Eurabia (but otherwise, enjoy your trip)November 21, 2017
Public-sector fat cats celebrate ThanksgivingNovember 21, 2017
The NFL Players Union needs some leadership, tooNovember 21, 2017
The Trump economy gains steamNovember 21, 2017
The income tax system cannot be fixed. It must be destroyed.November 20, 2017
CNN and Media Matters trying tag-team takedown on Sean HannityNovember 20, 2017
Billions of dollars at stake in epic battle shaping up between University of California and two Texas UniversitiesNovember 20, 2017
Chris Matthews rips DemsNovember 20, 2017
Germany in crisis as pro-business FDP party pulls out of Merkel's coalition talksNovember 20, 2017
Trump's popularity tops that of leaders of every major Western powerNovember 20, 2017
Border agent killed, another wounded at Texas borderNovember 20, 2017
Change the name of the Affordable Care Act to Democrats' Disposable Income Reduction ActNovember 20, 2017
Charles Manson dead: Represented the dark side of the '60s cultural revolutionNovember 20, 2017
Hispanic Caucus hypocrisyNovember 20, 2017
What General Hyten really saidNovember 20, 2017
Trump Towers over da Bears' empty seatsNovember 20, 2017
That darn strong economyNovember 20, 2017
Chicago? Baltimore? How about Rio?November 20, 2017
'Bill’s guilty' is really a Democrat Hillary ployNovember 19, 2017
Stunning evidence of the power of the MSM to kill news favorable to TrumpNovember 19, 2017
Sunday Schadenfreude: Another socialist monster thrown outNovember 19, 2017
Obama's 'unaccompanied children' turn up big in latest MS13 gang sweepNovember 19, 2017
Oh, no not again! US warship collides with Japanese tug boatNovember 19, 2017
Leeann Tweeden was hardly Franken’s first groping victimNovember 19, 2017
Jeff Flake, at it againNovember 19, 2017
Long time Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams will step downNovember 19, 2017
Key figure in the DC Swamp scandals half a century ago passes onNovember 19, 2017
Can a general refuse to obey an order from Trump to launch nuclear weapons?November 19, 2017
Flake caught on hot mic saying GOP is 'toast' if it becomes party of Moore, TrumpNovember 19, 2017
AP goes fact-free to deride tax reformNovember 19, 2017
It’s official: US to dominate oil and gas marketsNovember 19, 2017
Guess what party Roy Moore and Donald Trump belonged to during their indiscretionsNovember 19, 2017
Does the WaPo even know about Resolution 1701?November 19, 2017
Sonic attack in Cuba's political prisons?November 18, 2017
Moore yearbook signature fraudNovember 18, 2017
Trump steps into a lion's den by ending ban on elephant trophy-hunting importsNovember 18, 2017
Will groveling save Al Franken?November 18, 2017
Democrat steals from charity, then pleads for mercyNovember 18, 2017
Judge Moore: Was that the sound of Pandora's box being opened?November 18, 2017
ESPN anchor accuses internet critics of being 'chickens---s'November 18, 2017
The 'party of science' becomes the 'party of fantasy'November 18, 2017
Democrats' 'big tent' has a narrow doorNovember 18, 2017
The Clinton era is overNovember 18, 2017
What (almost) nobody wants to know about sexNovember 18, 2017
Thanks, Bill O'NeillNovember 18, 2017
Dance of the sexesNovember 18, 2017
The left's guilt tripNovember 18, 2017
Deplorables all: The Clintons, Donna, and KirstenNovember 18, 2017
Moore hypocrisyNovember 17, 2017
Al Franken's career is collateral damage for the Dems on the way to getting TrumpNovember 17, 2017
Al Franken was the Air America talk show host who was going to dethrone Rush Limbaugh when he sexually assaulted Leann TweedenNovember 17, 2017
Hope Newt is right!November 17, 2017
Saudi public being prepared for alliance with Israel?November 17, 2017
Menendez trial: An Obama failure to punish an enemyNovember 17, 2017
House passes tax reform. Now comes the hard part.November 17, 2017
The aftermath of the '70s and '80s coming home to roostNovember 17, 2017
The Democrats' dilemmaNovember 17, 2017
If Roy Moore is guiltyNovember 17, 2017
You decide the penaltyNovember 17, 2017
How much more misleading can you get?November 17, 2017
Human rights sanctions: The next step against IranNovember 17, 2017
Back to bolted down industriesNovember 17, 2017
Most of Moore's accusers well above the age of consentNovember 16, 2017
How Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch handed Jeff Sessions a huge presentNovember 16, 2017
The detested Obamacare mandate deserves to goNovember 16, 2017
Twenty countries plus two US states will phase out coal use by 2030November 16, 2017
Hillary Clinton calls holding miscreants accountable banana-republic stuffNovember 16, 2017
Senator Johnson says he'll vote against tax billNovember 16, 2017
Is the U. S. Congress a 'safe space' for sexual predators?November 16, 2017
Sixty nails in climate alarmism's coffinNovember 16, 2017
What makes someone a qualified and respected politician and what doesn't?November 16, 2017
MSM ignoring Dem candidate for Congress arrested for stalking a womanNovember 16, 2017
Student sues UC San Diego for injuries in anti-Trump election night protest shutting down freeway, claiming university ‘organized’ itNovember 16, 2017
Hannity Goes on Offense as Attempts to Purge Him ContinueNovember 16, 2017
Serial accuser Gloria Allred strikes againNovember 16, 2017
Trump is getting results on CubaNovember 16, 2017
Trumpian leadership and the awe of foreign heads of stateNovember 15, 2017
The Democrats' gerontocratsNovember 15, 2017
Hypocritical progressives: If Colin Kaepernick and 'partner' Nessa really cared about slavery...November 15, 2017
Was that the same Congress that vowed to expel Moore the one that paid $15M in sex harassment claims?November 15, 2017
Venezuela defaults on its debt, blames TrumpNovember 15, 2017
Zimbabwe's racist, socialist dictator Robert Mugabe under house arrestNovember 15, 2017
Another French defeat, another Muslim victoryNovember 15, 2017
Yes, Virginia, there is vote fraudNovember 15, 2017
Hypocritical progressives: If Peter Beinart really cared about his privilege...November 15, 2017
Why Alabama voters must spite the experts againNovember 15, 2017
Countdown to carnageNovember 15, 2017
Do Republicans want to lose in the 2018 midterms?November 15, 2017
'Mooring' Bill ClintonNovember 15, 2017
Diversity is a weaknessNovember 15, 2017
A political reality moment at the NYTNovember 14, 2017
Who planted the Roy Moore story on Washington Post reporters?November 14, 2017
Drip, drip: Bill Clinton's reckoning nearsNovember 14, 2017
Karl Lagerfeld wrecks Angela Merkel's virtue-signaling narrative on migrantsNovember 14, 2017
In your face: US talks up coal at Bonn climate conferenceNovember 14, 2017
Hundreds of fighters in ISIS convoy allowed to escape Raqqa with weaponsNovember 14, 2017
Why don't the pervy pasts of Joe Biden and Bob Menendez get the same scrutiny as Roy Moore's?November 14, 2017
White American male wants to 'identify' as FilipinoNovember 14, 2017
Historic visit by Lebanese patriarch to visit Hariri in Saudi ArabiaNovember 14, 2017
How to tell if the Washington Post has it right on Roy MooreNovember 14, 2017
Latest hate crime stats show African-Americans more likely than whites to commit hate crimesNovember 14, 2017
America's warrior-monk: Right man at the right place at the right timeNovember 14, 2017
Is the left still winning the long game?November 14, 2017
Maybe he'll do the wave with Raúl and Joanne, tooNovember 14, 2017
Better soldiers are ready to sign upNovember 14, 2017
Commissioner Bush's plan restores dignity to the AlamoNovember 13, 2017
Moonbeam Jerry Brown calls for brainwashing, getting ever cultierNovember 13, 2017
Sean Hannity is fighting for his survivalNovember 13, 2017
Shadow Brokers: A super-Snowden on the loose at NSANovember 13, 2017
NFL Players Association wants you to know they adore the militaryNovember 13, 2017
Sean Hannity unplugged: Embattled Fox News host opens upNovember 13, 2017
Judicial Watch sues DOJ to reveal budget of Mueller investigationNovember 13, 2017
Anwar al-Awlaki videos finally blocked by YouTubeNovember 13, 2017
Confused lefty pundit blames Trump for Harvey Weinstein (or something)November 13, 2017
Trump was played by Putin? Not compared to ObamaNovember 13, 2017
Is The Star-Spangled Banner racist?November 13, 2017
Addiction: Brain disease or bad habit?November 13, 2017
Stuff and nonsense: Clarity on Judge Roy MooreNovember 13, 2017
Tax-exempt foundations funding Black Lives Matter with $100 millionNovember 13, 2017
Now it's Biden's turnNovember 13, 2017
The Democrats' sudden concern for government debtNovember 12, 2017
UCLA basketball team leaves China, minus 3 players held for alleged shopliftingNovember 12, 2017
Oberlin College may face a very costly reckoning for its cries of ‘racism’November 12, 2017
Why does it take DACA to draw any attention to post office incompetence?November 12, 2017
NFL: No change in anthem policy despite Veterans Day boycottNovember 12, 2017
Saudis tighten security around oil facilities after terrorist attack on Bahrain pipelineNovember 12, 2017
Prince Charles blamed Israeli ‘foreign Jews’ for Middle East problemsNovember 12, 2017
The triumph of Bill AyersNovember 12, 2017
California Senate candidate caught up in sexual harassment scandal in SacramentoNovember 12, 2017
Roy Moore's wild oatsNovember 12, 2017
Republican tax bill to be voted on this weekNovember 12, 2017
War between intelligence agencies’ deep state and Trump surfaces over DNC serverNovember 12, 2017
The other DiMaggio got lots of hits...also served in World War IINovember 11, 2017
Bill Clinton's looming reckoning as a sexual predatorNovember 11, 2017
Tesla's rich and subsidized buyers about to get smacked by Trump tax reformNovember 11, 2017
Asian countries sign TPP without USNovember 11, 2017
Two gushy press profiles try to rehabilitate the scandal-plagued Podesta brothersNovember 11, 2017
Border patrol losing agents faster than it can replace themNovember 11, 2017
A Venezuelan drug dealer secures another bailout from RussiaNovember 11, 2017
Lebanese sources now say former PM Hariri being 'forcibly detained' in Saudi ArabiaNovember 11, 2017
Deficit worries complicate Senate tax planNovember 11, 2017
Roy Moore: Voters' and conservatives' rock-and-a-hard place moral dilemmaNovember 11, 2017
Rep. Charlie Dent: Taking the 'fun' out of 'dysfunction'November 11, 2017
One hundred years of failure, but many keep buying itNovember 11, 2017
Insult to injury: Bowe Bergdahl's $300,000November 10, 2017
Washington Post finds a way to pee on the Beijing triumph of Trump's six-year-old granddaughterNovember 10, 2017
Mueller's Russia probe becomes a Turkey trotNovember 10, 2017
Will GOP House retirements threaten their majority?November 10, 2017
Tucker Carlson: The Democrats have debased American politicsNovember 10, 2017
The lawn clippings claim in the attack on Rand Paul falls apartNovember 10, 2017
Big new problems ahead for CNNNovember 10, 2017
Progressives are normalizing violence against conservatives – and it is workingNovember 10, 2017
Radioactive cloud that moved across Europe likely came from Russia or KazakhstanNovember 10, 2017
Monumental McCain hypocrisy on Roy MooreNovember 10, 2017
Saudi Arabia becomes third Gulf state to urge citizens to leave LebanonNovember 10, 2017
Is the GOP establishment behind the Roy Moore hit?November 10, 2017
Two fall guys lose their jobs for Janet Napolitano's rigging of a state auditNovember 10, 2017
Neil 'The Squeal' YoungNovember 10, 2017
Trump hits the brakes on CubaNovember 10, 2017
Do pundits and 'experts' really know what they are talking about?November 9, 2017
With reports of journalists taking cash from Fusion GPS, is it any wonder the media isn't trusted?November 9, 2017
Did Marine drill instructor 'torment' Muslim recruits?November 9, 2017
It's come to this at HarvardNovember 9, 2017
Senator Paul's neighbors contradict media narrative about 'landscaping dispute'November 9, 2017
Gorka's back on Fox – and Ben Rhodes will be kicking the wallNovember 9, 2017
Is this really the key law enforcement innovation needed in Bloody Chicago, the murder capital?November 9, 2017
The Saudi purges hit the DC lobbyistsNovember 9, 2017
Despite wins, Democrats still have a narrow path to winning the HouseNovember 9, 2017
California NAACP wants to remove 'Star-Spangled Banner' as national anthemNovember 9, 2017
'Tax reform' is useless to Americans abroadNovember 9, 2017
The DC blue bubble has consumed VirginiaNovember 9, 2017
Dems fooling themselves over Virginia election resultsNovember 9, 2017
And now the overreaction!November 9, 2017
Winning big requires bold actionNovember 9, 2017
UNESCO has a new communist head, same as the old communist headNovember 8, 2017
Russia wants US to extradite doping whistleblowerNovember 8, 2017
Trump delivers scathing rebuke to North Korea regimeNovember 8, 2017
The Reverend Jesse Jackson accused of gropingNovember 8, 2017
Arrest of 3 UCLA basketball players in China could complicate Trump's deal-makingNovember 8, 2017
FBI raids headquarters of major 'body broker'November 8, 2017
Inside Katha Pollitt's boiling Trump meltdownNovember 8, 2017
Dems buoyed by sweeping major races across the countryNovember 8, 2017
Where are the FBI documents?November 8, 2017
Melania is one amazing first ladyNovember 8, 2017
Does millennials' incomplete brain development explain their fondness for communism?November 8, 2017
Trump's tax plan benefits 'the lazy rich'?November 8, 2017
Trump and the 'war for the soul of America'November 8, 2017
David Brooks and the new BolsheviksNovember 7, 2017
Donna Brazile pulls the pin on the Seth Rich grenadeNovember 7, 2017
The dog that didn't bark: 100th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution gets no celebration in RussiaNovember 7, 2017
Donna Brazile: An honorably corrupt political hack?November 7, 2017
Early draft of Comey doc accused Clinton of 'gross negligence' in handling classified infoNovember 7, 2017
Fox cancels Steyer 'Impeach Trump' adNovember 7, 2017
At communist centenary, many Americans still believe in collectivismNovember 7, 2017
The left's vaunted trial lawyer, David Boies, helped intimidate Weinstein's victimsNovember 7, 2017
Navy corruption investigation expands to 60 admiralsNovember 7, 2017
Trump cites 'progress' in resolving North Korea crisisNovember 7, 2017
Corn husks, failed fodder for a power plantNovember 7, 2017
The Russians want their Cuba backNovember 7, 2017
Jewish humor and the HolocaustNovember 7, 2017
A liberal gun paradoxNovember 7, 2017
Liberals' reaction to the Texas church shooting is not about gun controlNovember 6, 2017
How to get labeled a Putin stoogeNovember 6, 2017
Trump commerce secretary mentioned in 'Paradise Papers': Media go nutsNovember 6, 2017
GOP is in serious danger of losing the title 'Stupid Party'November 6, 2017
The left's failed civil warNovember 6, 2017
Races to watch in tomorrow's electionsNovember 6, 2017
Is this the conflict-of-interest tripwire requiring a special counsel for Uranium One?November 6, 2017
Party time for UN climateersNovember 6, 2017
Trump to Kim: Releasing Japanese hostages 'would be something special'November 6, 2017
Intrigue in the House of SaudNovember 6, 2017
From my cold dead hands: Gun control calls in the wake of the Texas church massacreNovember 6, 2017
Dems and media rush to politicize Sutherland massacreNovember 6, 2017
The Democrats' sudden concern for the middle classNovember 6, 2017
Reform of the Renewable Fuels StandardNovember 5, 2017
Modernizers launch a coup within the House of SaudNovember 5, 2017
Did Fusion GPS pay journalists to publish fake news?November 5, 2017
Your schadenfreude Sunday treatNovember 5, 2017
FBI hands over Clinton email investigation docs to CongressNovember 5, 2017
Did Russian money make Hillary's takeover of the DNC possible?November 5, 2017
GOP tax bill may meet the same fate as Obamacare repeal in the SenateNovember 5, 2017
Conspiracy theory? Brazile seriously considered replacing Clinton as nominee due to her healthNovember 5, 2017
Rand Paul assaulted by Trump hater, Bernie Sanders supporterNovember 5, 2017
Lebanese Prime Minister resigns amid death threatsNovember 5, 2017
The end of identity politics: Liberals eating their ownNovember 5, 2017
A quick and brief tour of leftist crazy-landNovember 5, 2017
It's the asymmetry, stupid!November 5, 2017
Liberals suddenly feeling sorry for the rich?November 5, 2017
What a weekend to remember Reagan!November 5, 2017
Why does academia fear competition?November 4, 2017
Iran celebrates anniversary of US embassy takeover by showing off ICBMNovember 4, 2017
No, it wasn't Facebook's lack of diversity that allowed Russia's troll farm to exploit racial grievancesNovember 4, 2017
The Democrats' brand is implodingNovember 4, 2017
Olbermann says he probably owes George Bush an apologyNovember 4, 2017
The left fat-shames and Southern-shames Sarah Huckabee SandersNovember 4, 2017
All the news that's fit to overthrow the RepublicNovember 4, 2017
Who's chanting 'lock her up' now?November 4, 2017
Former Obama climate official slams new government report on climate changeNovember 4, 2017
Donna Brazile is a coward for not resigning from the Democratic partyNovember 4, 2017
International Criminal Court to investigate war crimes in AfghanistanNovember 4, 2017
Catalan leader to defy court summonsNovember 4, 2017
A rare treat from Hollywood's brief anticommunist periodNovember 4, 2017
Bowe Bergdahl's chutzpahNovember 4, 2017
After 55 years, the Houston Astros are world champs!November 4, 2017
November 4: Two scenariosNovember 3, 2017
Brazile discredits the 'democratic' pretensions of her partyNovember 3, 2017
Publisher shutters websites after journalists unionizeNovember 3, 2017
Donna Brazile steps up to solve the Democrats' 'Clinton problem'November 3, 2017
Departing Twitter employee 'inadvertently' deactivates Trump accountNovember 3, 2017
Venezuela's dictator Maduro chomps down an empanada during a long, windy TV speechNovember 3, 2017
Do GOP retirements threaten the Republican majority in the House?November 3, 2017
Making sense of the MSM business strategy, Daniel Greenfield explains much moreNovember 3, 2017
Michelle Obama claims men are 'entitled' and 'self-righteous'November 3, 2017
Swamp operative Brazile jumps the crooked Hillary shipNovember 3, 2017
Democrat panic in Virginia?November 3, 2017
The Democrats and taxesNovember 3, 2017
Britain's Brexit: Try seeing the wood, not the trees!November 3, 2017
Celebrating the eighth of NovemberNovember 3, 2017
Why do terrorists yell 'Allahu akbar' when they attack?November 3, 2017
GQ throws a fit about Trump not wanting the death penalty for a dead manNovember 2, 2017
So the Steele dossier was bought cheap. What did the other $12 million pay for?November 2, 2017
The rise of overt, unapologetic anti-white racismNovember 2, 2017
Lost in news on Russia, the full blown Democratic civil warNovember 2, 2017
The coming civil war: We loseNovember 2, 2017
Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the swampNovember 2, 2017
CIA releases tens of thousands of docs captured in bin Laden raidNovember 2, 2017
Major sponsor of NFL broadcasts blames sales decline on kneeling controversyNovember 2, 2017
MSNBC and CNN guests look to blame Manhattan truck terror on anything but jihadNovember 2, 2017
Can Khalifa Haftar defeat terrorism in Libya?November 2, 2017
Egyptian lawyer: It's a man's 'national duty' to rape women who wear ripped jeansNovember 2, 2017
Pay-to-play immigration policy must endNovember 2, 2017
'Zero emissions' will test the convictions of CanberransNovember 2, 2017
Violence: Mexico's curseNovember 2, 2017
Time (yet again) for a realistic look at IslamNovember 1, 2017
Were the Podesta brothers tipped off?November 1, 2017
Chris Matthews is baffled why an Uzbeki would want to attack usNovember 1, 2017
For Once, Playing the Gay Card Proves to Be A House of Cards: Spacey vs. The SpacemanNovember 1, 2017
Boomerang season: Donations to Gillespie triple after truck videoNovember 1, 2017
North Korean defector recommends US engage with PyongyangNovember 1, 2017
GOP postpones tax bill rollout; future uncertainNovember 1, 2017
Poll: 58% say they have political views they are afraid to shareNovember 1, 2017
Keeping our eyes on the main culprits: the anti-Trump crowdNovember 1, 2017
I’m not celebrating diversity visasNovember 1, 2017
The JFK files and Evo MoralesNovember 1, 2017
Is there any key demographic Northam for governor is not bungling?November 1, 2017
The swamp floats a plea bargainNovember 1, 2017
Save the swamp?
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- Has Women’s History Month served its purpose?
- Democrats and their digging
- Obesity epidemic: Sometimes, the most obvious answer is on the table
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- America’s new generation of young women who don’t want marriage or babies
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