So should all laws be optional?

Chicago's Mayor Rahm Emanuel and others like him have decided they don't have to obey immigration laws or cooperate with immigration authorities.  Some are suing the federal government for threatening to cut off federal funding.

By this logic, politicians from throughout the country obviously should also be allowed to ignore tax laws, environmental laws and regulations, OSHA regulations, labor laws, education rules and regulations, banking laws, etc.  Basically, anything politicians deem unacceptable, they should just ignore.  If the federal government threatens to cut off any funds from the taxpayers, the politicians can sue, saying the government has no right to tell them how to run their city or state.

It would be great if Mayor Emanuel, California's Governor Jerry Brown, New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo, Illinois's House speaker Michael Madigan, and all the other brilliant politicians were to decide which part of their oath of office they want to abide by.

After all, we had a president and a secretary of state who could pick and choose whatever laws they would follow and enforce.  We had a Justice Department that had some real investigations and other "pretend" investigations called "matters," depending on whether it liked your political positions.

Individuals and businesses should also be able to pick and choose, or are politicians special?

When I was a senior in high school, I had the privilege to be a page in the Illinois House of Representatives.  I obviously had the mistaken belief that when legislative bodies passed laws, the laws were for all people, including politicians.  I actually believed that when politicians took an oath to follow the laws, they meant it.  I was so naïve.

It is hard to picture what might go wrong if everyone could have a choice of what laws to obey.  We are a nation of men, not laws – or is it laws, not men?  It is so hard to tell after the last eight years.

In the Democrats' world, politicians throughout the country should have the freedom of choice to follow immigration laws without threat of loss of our money, but individuals and businesses can't be allowed the freedom of choice of what kind of health insurance to buy without not only paying massively higher premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, but also paying additional taxes to the master if they don't follow the letter of the law.  The politicians who actually passed the law and said they were subject to it had an authoritarian president who assumed that all government money was his, and he gave them a special tax benefit that the law didn't allow.  Politicians are so special.

It is great to have a president who wants to give the power and purse back to the people where it belongs instead of an authoritarian president who believed that the purse and power needed to reside at the hands of the powerful government.  It is a shame that almost all the media support the lawless mayors and governors and the actual authoritarian president, no matter how he abused his constitutional authority.

It is also great to have a president who decides how the military should run based on what the military leaders say and recommend instead of Valerie Jarrett.  It is also much better and safer for the men and women who so generously volunteered to protect our freedom to have military leaders decide on the rules of engagement instead of political advisers.

Matt Lauer was interviewing Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday and complained that Trump didn't detail the actual number of troops and a timeline.  That strategy worked so well in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It is a good thing Lauer and Obama never advised Washington, Lincoln, or Roosevelt how to run a war.  People who learn so little from history, especially recent history, aren't very bright.

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