What is the Democratic platform?
Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post has an opinion piece titled "The Problem with the Republican Platform is that there is no Republican Platform." I wonder why she didn't ask what the Democrat platform is today. There doesn't seem to be one other than blocking Trump.
We just went through eight years of Obama, and my guess is that Rampell and most reporters would have trouble coming up with an actual platform, but I don't recall her ever complaining about it. Yet less than five months into Trump's term, she is complaining.
Obamacare has been failing, and its costs have been skyrocketing, ever since it was passed over seven years ago. During Obama's presidency, Democrats generally didn't even pass a budget as required by law. Government spending skyrocketed under Obama and the Democrats, debt went up around $10 trillion, and what we got was the slowest economic recovery in seventy years. Obama promised that he would address immigration reform in his first year, but despite the fact that Democrats had complete control in 2009 and 2010, he did nothing.
Rampell says Trump has yet to have a policy to defeat ISIS. Does she want Trump to publish the plan in the Washington Post? Trump is actually letting the military be in charge of the military in contrast to Obama and Jarrett micromanaging it. We are currently trying to finish off ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Trump has enlisted Muslim countries to help and the Muslim countries are going after Qatar and Iran, who are big supporters of terrorism.
Iran's economy was collapsing, and the sanctions were working. Instead of holding them down, Obama lifted them up, making the world a more dangerous place. During Obama's eight years, terrorism deaths did go up substantially.
Trump's policies and platform are to move the power and money back to the people from the government. That is extremely progressive. It is a shame that almost all Democrats, most of the media, many career Republicans, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are trying to stop Trump every step of the way because they like the power they have amassed for themselves.
Around 240 years ago, George Washington wanted to take the power away from the king. Today, Trump wants to take the power away from Washington, D.C. It is a shame that Catherine Rampell and almost all reporters are loyalists to the king instead of to the public.