Trump should demand an expedited judgment from Bob Mueller

Following James Comey's revelation that he "leaked information about President Trump in hopes that it would lead to a special prosecutor," many have called for the president (or Jeff Sessions) to fire Bob Mueller.

Newt Gingrich has been the most outspoken, saying, "Republicans are delusional if they think Mueller will be fair."  At issue for Newt is the review of donor records of those being hired to assist Bob Mueller in his, ahem, investigation.  Bob Mueller's top three recent hires were all heavy donors to Hillary Clinton and other liberal candidates.

Tactically, this is a mistake.  One only needs to watch and hear the drumbeat on lamestream media regarding Comey's firing (in spite of obvious evidence exposed in his testimony).

What I would recommend (as I play constitutional lawyer on the pages of American Thinker) is for Donald Trump to demand an expedited judgment.  Several real lawyers (Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz) have argued that for special counsel to be assigned, a specific crime has to be defined.  Collusion is a specific crime.  Obstruction of justice is a specific crime.  It is not enough to launch an investigation to find out if Donald Trump committed one of these crimes.  The special counsel must justify his existence.  He must make the case that Trump committed a crime the special counsel has been assigned to investigate and prosecute.  To date, no evidence has been presented to justify this "witch hunt."

Donald Trump and his (real) lawyers should demand an expedited judgment.  Mr. Mueller, this "Russia nonsense" has gone on long enough.  You have three months to complete your work.  Put up, or shut up!

This travesty of justice, and not a nefarious investigation into President Trump and Russia, is harming America.  We have an economy to turn around; a health care system on life support; and real threats, both domestic and abroad, that this president, his appointed Cabinet members, and our Congress need to get to work on.  The American people, those who elected Donald Trump and those who didn't, deserve the opportunity to have our government representatives function without an anchor tied around their waists.

If you have a case – make it!  If not, move on!


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